Source code for

import six
import tensorflow as tf
from import read_original_data
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BioGenerator(object): """A generator class which wraps databases so that they can be used with Attributes ---------- biofile_to_label : :obj:`object`, optional A callable with the signature of ``label = biofile_to_label(biofile)``. By default -1 is returned as label. biofiles : [:any:``] The list of the bio files . database : :any:`` The database that you want to use. epoch : int The number of epochs that have been passed so far. keys : [str] The keys of samples obtained by calling ``biofile.make_path("", "")`` labels : [int] The labels obtained by calling ``label = biofile_to_label(biofile)`` load_data : :obj:`object`, optional A callable with the signature of ``data = load_data(database, biofile)``. :any:`` is wrapped to be used by default. multiple_samples : :obj:`bool`, optional If true, it assumes that the bio database's samples actually contain multiple samples. This is useful for when you want to for example treat video databases as image databases. output_types : (object, object, object) The types of the returned samples. output_shapes : ``(tf.TensorShape, tf.TensorShape, tf.TensorShape)`` The shapes of the returned samples. """ def __init__(self, database, biofiles, load_data=None, biofile_to_label=None, multiple_samples=False, **kwargs): super(BioGenerator, self).__init__(**kwargs) if load_data is None: def load_data(database, biofile): data = read_original_data(biofile, database.original_directory, database.original_extension) return data if biofile_to_label is None: def biofile_to_label(biofile): return -1 self.database = database self.biofiles = list(biofiles) self.load_data = load_data self.biofile_to_label = biofile_to_label self.multiple_samples = multiple_samples self.epoch = 0 # load one data to get its type and shape data = load_data(database, biofiles[0]) if multiple_samples: try: data = data[0] except TypeError: # if the data is a generator data = data = tf.convert_to_tensor(data) self._output_types = (data.dtype, tf.int64, tf.string) self._output_shapes = (data.shape, tf.TensorShape([]), tf.TensorShape([])) "Initializing a dataset with %d files and %s types " "and %s shapes", len(self.biofiles), self.output_types, self.output_shapes) @property def labels(self): for f in self.biofiles: yield int(self.biofile_to_label(f)) @property def keys(self): for f in self.biofiles: yield str(f.make_path("", "")).encode('utf-8') @property def output_types(self): return self._output_types @property def output_shapes(self): return self._output_shapes def __len__(self): return len(self.biofiles) def __call__(self): """A generator function that when called will return the samples. Yields ------ (data, label, key) : tuple A tuple containing the data, label, and the key. """ for f, label, key in, self.labels, self.keys): data = self.load_data(self.database, f) if self.multiple_samples: for d in data: yield (d, label, key) else: yield (data, label, key) self.epoch += 1"Elapsed %d epoch(s)", self.epoch)