User guide

This package builds on top of tensorflow. You are expected to have some familiarity with it before continuing. We recommend reading at least the following pages:

The best way to use tensorflow is to use its tf.estimator and API. The estimators are an abstraction API for machine learning models and the data API is here to help you build complex and efficient input pipelines to your model. Using the estimators and dataset API of tensorflow will make your code more complex but instead you will enjoy more efficiency and avoid code redundancy.

Face recognition example using bob.db databases

Let’s take a look at a complete example of using a convolutional neural network (CNN) for recognizing faces from the ATNT database. At the end, we will explain the data pipeline in more detail.

1. Let’s do some imports:

>>> from import BioGenerator
>>> from bob.learn.tensorflow.utils import to_channels_last
>>> from bob.learn.tensorflow.estimators import Logits
>>> import bob.db.atnt
>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> import tensorflow.contrib.slim as slim

2. Define the inputs:

>>> def input_fn(mode):
...     db = bob.db.atnt.Database()
...     if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
...         groups = 'world'
...     elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL:
...         groups = 'dev'
...     files = db.objects(groups=groups)
...     # construct integer labels for each identity in the database
...     CLIENT_IDS = (str(f.client_id) for f in files)
...     CLIENT_IDS = list(set(CLIENT_IDS))
...     CLIENT_IDS = dict(zip(CLIENT_IDS, range(len(CLIENT_IDS))))
...     def biofile_to_label(f):
...         return CLIENT_IDS[str(f.client_id)]
...     def load_data(database, f):
...         img = f.load(database.original_directory, database.original_extension)
...         # make a channels_first image (bob format) with 1 channel
...         img = img.reshape(1, 112, 92)
...         return img
...     generator = BioGenerator(db, files, load_data, biofile_to_label)
...     dataset =
...         generator, generator.output_types, generator.output_shapes)
...     def transform(image, label, key):
...         # convert to channels last
...         image = to_channels_last(image)
...         # per_image_standardization
...         image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)
...         return (image, label, key)
...     dataset =
...     dataset = dataset.cache(temp_dir)
...     if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
...         dataset = dataset.repeat(1)
...     dataset = dataset.batch(8)
...     data, label, key = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
...     return {'data': data, 'key': key}, label
>>> def train_input_fn():
...     return input_fn(tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN)
>>> def eval_input_fn():
...     return input_fn(tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL)
>>> # supply this hook for debugging
>>> # from tensorflow.python import debug as tf_debug
>>> # hooks = [tf_debug.LocalCLIDebugHook()]
>>> hooks = None
>>> train_spec = tf.estimator.TrainSpec(
...     input_fn=train_input_fn, max_steps=50, hooks=hooks)
>>> eval_spec = tf.estimator.EvalSpec(input_fn=eval_input_fn)

3. Define the architecture:

>>> def architecture(data, mode, **kwargs):
...     endpoints = {}
...     training = mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN
...     with tf.variable_scope('CNN'):
...         name = 'conv'
...         net = slim.conv2d(data, 32, kernel_size=(
...             5, 5), stride=2, padding='SAME', activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, scope=name)
...         endpoints[name] = net
...         name = 'pool'
...         net = slim.max_pool2d(net, (2, 2),
...             stride=1, padding='SAME', scope=name)
...         endpoints[name] = net
...         name = 'pool-flat'
...         net = slim.flatten(net, scope=name)
...         endpoints[name] = net
...         name = 'dense'
...         net = slim.fully_connected(net, 128, scope=name)
...         endpoints[name] = net
...         name = 'dropout'
...         net = slim.dropout(
...             inputs=net, keep_prob=0.4, is_training=training)
...         endpoints[name] = net
...     return net, endpoints


Practical advice: use tf.contrib.slim to craft your CNNs. Although Tensorflow’s documentation recommend the usage of tf.layers and tf.keras, in our experience slim has better defaults and is more integrated with tensorflow’s framework (compared to tf.keras), probably because it is used more often internally at Google.

4. Estimator:

Explicitly triggering the estimator

>>> estimator = Logits(
...     architecture,
...     optimizer=tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(1e-4),
...     loss_op=tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy,
...     n_classes=20,  # the number of identities in the world set of ATNT database
...     embedding_validation=True,
...     validation_batch_size=8,
...     model_dir=model_dir,
... )
>>> tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate(estimator, train_spec, eval_spec)

Triggering the estimator via command line

In the example above we explicitly triggered the training and validation via tf.estimator.train. We provide command line scripts that does that for you.

Check the command bellow fro training:

$ bob tf train --help

and to evaluate:

$ bob tf eval --help

Data pipeline

There are several ways to provide data to Tensorflow graphs. In this section we provide some examples on how to make the bridge between bob.db databases and tensorflow input_fn.

The BioGenerator input pipeline

The class can be used to convert any database of bob (not just’s databases) to a instance.

While building the input pipeline, you can manipulate your data in two sections:

  • In the load_data function where everything is a numpy array.
  • In the transform function where the data are tensorflow tensors.

For example, you can annotate, crop to bounding box, and scale your images in the load_data function and apply transformations on images (e.g. random crop, mean normalization, random flip, …) in the transform function.

Once these transformations are applied on your data, you can easily cache them to disk (using for faster reading of data in your training.

Input pipeline with TFRecords

An optimized way to provide data to Tensorflow graphs is using tfrecords. In this link you have a very nice guide on how TFRecord works.

In bob.learn.tensorflow we provide a command line interface bob tf db_to_tfrecords that converts bob.db databases to TFRecords. Type the snippet bellow for help:

$ bob tf db_to_tfrecords --help

To generate a tfrecord for our Face recognition example using bob.db databases example use the following snippet.

>>> from import read_original_data
>>> from import database # this is based on bob.db.atnt

>>> groups = 'dev'

>>> samples = database.all_files(groups=groups)

>>> CLIENT_IDS = (str(f.client_id) for f in database.objects(groups=groups))
>>> CLIENT_IDS = dict(zip(CLIENT_IDS, range(len(CLIENT_IDS))))

>>> def file_to_label(f):
...     return CLIENT_IDS[str(f.client_id)]

>>> def reader(biofile):
...     data = read_original_data(biofile, database.original_directory, database.original_extension)
...     label = file_to_label(biofile)
...     key = biofile.path
...     return (data, label, key)

After saving this snippet in a python file (let’s say run the following command

$ bob tf db_to_tfrecords -o atnt.tfrecord

Once this is done you can replace the input_fn defined above by the snippet bellow.

>>> from bob.learn.tensorflow.dataset.tfrecords import shuffle_data_and_labels_image_augmentation
>>> tfrecords_filename = ['/path/to/atnt.tfrecord']
>>> data_shape = (112, 92 , 3)
>>> data_type = tf.uint8
>>> batch_size = 16
>>> epochs = 1
>>> def train_input_fn():
...     return shuffle_data_and_labels_image_augmentation(
...                tfrecords_filename,
...                data_shape,
...                data_type,
...                batch_size,
...                epochs=epochs)

The Estimator

In this package we have crafted 4 types of estimators.