Source code for bob.learn.tensorflow.utils.util

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Tiago de Freitas Pereira <>
# @date: Wed 11 May 2016 09:39:36 CEST

import numpy
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

[docs]def compute_euclidean_distance(x, y): """ Computes the euclidean distance between two tensorflow variables """ with tf.name_scope('euclidean_distance'): d = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.subtract(x, y)), 1)) return d
[docs]def load_mnist(perc_train=0.9): numpy.random.seed(0) import bob.db.mnist db = bob.db.mnist.Database() raw_data = # data = raw_data[0].astype(numpy.float64) data = raw_data[0] labels = raw_data[1] # Shuffling total_samples = data.shape[0] indexes = numpy.array(range(total_samples)) numpy.random.shuffle(indexes) # Spliting train and validation n_train = int(perc_train * indexes.shape[0]) n_validation = total_samples - n_train train_data = data[0:n_train, :].astype("float32") * 0.00390625 train_labels = labels[0:n_train] validation_data = data[n_train:n_train + n_validation, :].astype("float32") * 0.00390625 validation_labels = labels[n_train:n_train + n_validation] return train_data, train_labels, validation_data, validation_labels
[docs]def create_mnist_tfrecord(tfrecords_filename, data, labels, n_samples=6000): def _bytes_feature(value): return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=[value])) def _int64_feature(value): return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=[value])) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tfrecords_filename) for i in range(n_samples): img = data[i] img_raw = img.tostring() feature = { 'data': _bytes_feature(img_raw), 'label': _int64_feature(labels[i]), 'key': _bytes_feature(b'-') } example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature)) writer.write(example.SerializeToString()) writer.close()
[docs]def compute_eer(data_train, labels_train, data_validation, labels_validation, n_classes): import bob.measure from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine # Creating client models models = [] for i in range(n_classes): indexes = labels_train == i models.append(numpy.mean(data_train[indexes, :], axis=0)) # Probing positive_scores = numpy.zeros(shape=0) negative_scores = numpy.zeros(shape=0) for i in range(n_classes): # Positive scoring indexes = labels_validation == i positive_data = data_validation[indexes, :] p = [ cosine(models[i], positive_data[j]) for j in range(positive_data.shape[0]) ] positive_scores = numpy.hstack((positive_scores, p)) # negative scoring indexes = labels_validation != i negative_data = data_validation[indexes, :] n = [ cosine(models[i], negative_data[j]) for j in range(negative_data.shape[0]) ] negative_scores = numpy.hstack((negative_scores, n)) # Computing performance based on EER negative_scores = (-1) * negative_scores positive_scores = (-1) * positive_scores threshold = bob.measure.eer_threshold(negative_scores, positive_scores) far, frr = bob.measure.farfrr(negative_scores, positive_scores, threshold) eer = (far + frr) / 2. return eer
[docs]def compute_accuracy(data_train, labels_train, data_validation, labels_validation, n_classes): from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine # Creating client models models = [] for i in range(n_classes): indexes = labels_train == i models.append(numpy.mean(data_train[indexes, :], axis=0)) # Probing tp = 0 for i in range(data_validation.shape[0]): d = data_validation[i, :] l = labels_validation[i] scores = [cosine(m, d) for m in models] predict = numpy.argmax(scores) if predict == l: tp += 1 return (float(tp) / data_validation.shape[0]) * 100
[docs]def debug_embbeding(image, architecture, embbeding_dim=2, feature_layer="fc3"): """ """ import tensorflow as tf from bob.learn.tensorflow.utils.session import Session session = Session.instance(new=False).session inference_graph = architecture.compute_graph( architecture.inference_placeholder, feature_layer=feature_layer, training=False) embeddings = numpy.zeros(shape=(image.shape[0], embbeding_dim)) for i in range(image.shape[0]): feed_dict = { architecture.inference_placeholder: image[i:i + 1, :, :, :] } embedding = [tf.nn.l2_normalize(inference_graph, 1, 1e-10)], feed_dict=feed_dict)[0] embedding = numpy.reshape(embedding,[1:])) embeddings[i] = embedding return embeddings
[docs]def cdist(A): """ Compute a pairwise euclidean distance in the same fashion as in scipy.spation.distance.cdist """ with tf.variable_scope('Pairwisedistance'): ones_1 = tf.reshape( tf.cast(tf.ones_like(A), tf.float32)[:, 0], [1, -1]) p1 = tf.matmul( tf.expand_dims(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(A), 1), 1), ones_1) ones_2 = tf.reshape( tf.cast(tf.ones_like(A), tf.float32)[:, 0], [-1, 1]) p2 = tf.transpose( tf.matmul( tf.reshape(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(A), 1), shape=[-1, 1]), ones_2, transpose_b=True)) return tf.sqrt(tf.add(p1, p2) - 2 * tf.matmul(A, A, transpose_b=True))
[docs]def predict_using_tensors(embedding, labels, num=None): """ Compute the predictions through exhaustive comparisons between embeddings using tensors """ # Fitting the main diagonal with infs (removing comparisons with the same # sample) inf = tf.cast(tf.ones_like(labels), tf.float32) * numpy.inf distances = cdist(embedding) distances = tf.matrix_set_diag(distances, inf) indexes = tf.argmin(distances, axis=1) return [labels[i] for i in tf.unstack(indexes, num=num)]
[docs]def compute_embedding_accuracy_tensors(embedding, labels, num=None): """ Compute the accuracy in a closed-set **Parameters** embeddings: `tf.Tensor` Set of embeddings labels: `tf.Tensor` Correspondent labels """ # Fitting the main diagonal with infs (removing comparisons with the same # sample) predictions = predict_using_tensors(embedding, labels, num=num) matching = [ tf.equal(p, l) for p, l in zip( tf.unstack(predictions, num=num), tf.unstack(labels, num=num)) ] return tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(matching, tf.uint8)) / len(predictions)
[docs]def compute_embedding_accuracy(embedding, labels): """ Compute the accuracy in a closed-set **Parameters** embeddings: :any:`numpy.array` Set of embeddings labels: :any:`numpy.array` Correspondent labels """ from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist distances = cdist(embedding, embedding) n_samples = embedding.shape[0] # Fitting the main diagonal with infs (removing comparisons with the same # sample) numpy.fill_diagonal(distances, numpy.inf) indexes = distances.argmin(axis=1) # Computing the argmin excluding comparisons with the same samples # Basically, we are excluding the main diagonal #valid_indexes = distances[distances>0].reshape(n_samples, n_samples-1).argmin(axis=1) # Getting the original positions of the indexes in the 1-axis #corrected_indexes = [ i if i<j else i+1 for i, j in zip(valid_indexes, range(n_samples))] matching = [ labels[i] == labels[j] for i, j in zip(range(n_samples), indexes) ] accuracy = sum(matching) / float(n_samples) return accuracy
[docs]def get_available_gpus(): """Returns the number of GPU devices that are available. Returns ------- [str] The names of available GPU devices. """ local_device_protos = device_lib.list_local_devices() return [ for x in local_device_protos if x.device_type == 'GPU']
[docs]def to_channels_last(image): """Converts the image to channel_last format. This is the same format as in matplotlib, skimage, and etc. Parameters ---------- image : `tf.Tensor` At least a 3 dimensional image. If the dimension is more than 3, the last 3 dimensions are assumed to be [C, H, W]. Returns ------- image : `tf.Tensor` The image in [..., H, W, C] format. Raises ------ ValueError If dim of image is less than 3. """ ndim = len(image.shape) if ndim < 3: raise ValueError("The image needs to be at least 3 dimensional but it " "was {}".format(ndim)) axis_order = [1, 2, 0] shift = ndim - 3 axis_order = list(range(ndim - 3)) + [n + shift for n in axis_order] return tf.transpose(image, axis_order)
[docs]def to_channels_first(image): """Converts the image to channel_first format. This is the same format as in and Parameters ---------- image : `tf.Tensor` At least a 3 dimensional image. If the dimension is more than 3, the last 3 dimensions are assumed to be [H, W, C]. Returns ------- image : `tf.Tensor` The image in [..., C, H, W] format. Raises ------ ValueError If dim of image is less than 3. """ ndim = len(image.shape) if ndim < 3: raise ValueError("The image needs to be at least 3 dimensional but it " "was {}".format(ndim)) axis_order = [2, 0, 1] shift = ndim - 3 axis_order = list(range(ndim - 3)) + [n + shift for n in axis_order] return tf.transpose(image, axis_order)
to_skimage = to_matplotlib = to_channels_last to_bob = to_channels_first