Source code for bob.learn.tensorflow.dataset

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy
import os

    'data': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string),
    'label': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.int64),
    'key': tf.FixedLenFeature([], tf.string)

[docs]def from_hdf5file_to_tensor(filename): import data = #reshaping to ndim == 3 if data.ndim == 2: data = numpy.reshape(data, (data.shape[0], data.shape[1], 1)) data = data.astype("float32") return data
[docs]def from_filename_to_tensor(filename, extension=None): """ Read a file and it convert it to tensor. If the file extension is something that tensorflow understands (.jpg, .bmp, .tif,...), it uses the `tf.image.decode_image` otherwise it uses `` """ if extension == "hdf5": return tf.py_func(from_hdf5file_to_tensor, [filename], [tf.float32]) else: return tf.cast( tf.image.decode_image(tf.read_file(filename)), tf.float32)
[docs]def append_image_augmentation(image, gray_scale=False, output_shape=None, random_flip=False, random_brightness=False, random_contrast=False, random_saturation=False, random_rotate=False, per_image_normalization=True): """ Append to the current tensor some random image augmentation operation **Parameters** gray_scale: Convert to gray scale? output_shape: If set, will randomly crop the image given the output shape random_flip: Randomly flip an image horizontally ( random_brightness: Adjust the brightness of an RGB image by a random factor ( random_contrast: Adjust the contrast of an RGB image by a random factor ( random_saturation: Adjust the saturation of an RGB image by a random factor ( random_rotate: Randomly rotate face images between -5 and 5 degrees per_image_normalization: Linearly scales image to have zero mean and unit norm. """ # Casting to float32 image = tf.cast(image, tf.float32) # FORCING A SEED FOR THE RANDOM OPERATIONS tf.set_random_seed(0) if output_shape is not None: assert len(output_shape) == 2 image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, output_shape[0], output_shape[1]) if random_flip: image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image) if random_brightness: image = tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta=0.5) if random_contrast: image = tf.image.random_contrast(image, lower=0, upper=0.5) if random_saturation: image = tf.image.random_saturation(image, lower=0, upper=0.5) if random_rotate: image = tf.contrib.image.rotate( image, angles=numpy.random.randint(-5, 5), interpolation="BILINEAR") if gray_scale: image = tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale(image, name="rgb_to_gray") #self.output_shape[3] = 1 # normalizing data if per_image_normalization: image = tf.image.per_image_standardization(image) return image
[docs]def arrange_indexes_by_label(input_labels, possible_labels): # Shuffling all the indexes indexes_per_labels = dict() for l in possible_labels: indexes_per_labels[l] = numpy.where(input_labels == l)[0] numpy.random.shuffle(indexes_per_labels[l]) return indexes_per_labels
[docs]def triplets_random_generator(input_data, input_labels): """ Giving a list of samples and a list of labels, it dumps a series of triplets for triple nets. **Parameters** input_data: List of whatever representing the data samples input_labels: List of the labels (needs to be in EXACT same order as input_data) """ anchor = [] positive = [] negative = [] def append(anchor_sample, positive_sample, negative_sample): """ Just appending one element in each list """ anchor.append(anchor_sample) positive.append(positive_sample) negative.append(negative_sample) possible_labels = list(set(input_labels)) input_data = numpy.array(input_data) input_labels = numpy.array(input_labels) total_samples = input_data.shape[0] indexes_per_labels = arrange_indexes_by_label(input_labels, possible_labels) # searching for random triplets offset_class = 0 for i in range(total_samples): anchor_sample = input_data[indexes_per_labels[possible_labels[ offset_class]][numpy.random.randint( len(indexes_per_labels[possible_labels[offset_class]]))], ...] positive_sample = input_data[indexes_per_labels[possible_labels[ offset_class]][numpy.random.randint( len(indexes_per_labels[possible_labels[offset_class]]))], ...] # Changing the class offset_class += 1 if offset_class == len(possible_labels): offset_class = 0 negative_sample = input_data[indexes_per_labels[possible_labels[ offset_class]][numpy.random.randint( len(indexes_per_labels[possible_labels[offset_class]]))], ...] append(str(anchor_sample), str(positive_sample), str(negative_sample)) # yield anchor, positive, negative return anchor, positive, negative
[docs]def siamease_pairs_generator(input_data, input_labels): """ Giving a list of samples and a list of labels, it dumps a series of pairs for siamese nets. **Parameters** input_data: List of whatever representing the data samples input_labels: List of the labels (needs to be in EXACT same order as input_data) """ # Lists that will be returned left_data = [] right_data = [] labels = [] def append(left, right, label): """ Just appending one element in each list """ left_data.append(left) right_data.append(right) labels.append(label) possible_labels = list(set(input_labels)) input_data = numpy.array(input_data) input_labels = numpy.array(input_labels) total_samples = input_data.shape[0] # Filtering the samples by label and shuffling all the indexes #indexes_per_labels = dict() # for l in possible_labels: # indexes_per_labels[l] = numpy.where(input_labels == l)[0] # numpy.random.shuffle(indexes_per_labels[l]) indexes_per_labels = arrange_indexes_by_label(input_labels, possible_labels) left_possible_indexes = numpy.random.choice( possible_labels, total_samples, replace=True) right_possible_indexes = numpy.random.choice( possible_labels, total_samples, replace=True) genuine = True for i in range(total_samples): if genuine: # Selecting the class class_index = left_possible_indexes[i] # Now selecting the samples for the pair left = input_data[indexes_per_labels[class_index][ numpy.random.randint(len(indexes_per_labels[class_index]))]] right = input_data[indexes_per_labels[class_index][ numpy.random.randint(len(indexes_per_labels[class_index]))]] append(left, right, 0) # yield left, right, 0 else: # Selecting the 2 classes class_index = list() class_index.append(left_possible_indexes[i]) # Finding the right pair j = i # TODO: Lame solution. Fix this while j < total_samples: # Here is an unidiretinal search for the negative pair if left_possible_indexes[i] != right_possible_indexes[j]: class_index.append(right_possible_indexes[j]) break j += 1 if j < total_samples: # Now selecting the samples for the pair left = input_data[indexes_per_labels[class_index[0]][ numpy.random.randint( len(indexes_per_labels[class_index[0]]))]] right = input_data[indexes_per_labels[class_index[1]][ numpy.random.randint( len(indexes_per_labels[class_index[1]]))]] append(left, right, 1) genuine = not genuine return left_data, right_data, labels
[docs]def blocks_tensorflow(images, block_size): """Return all non-overlapping blocks of an image using tensorflow operations. Parameters ---------- images : `tf.Tensor` The input color images. It is assumed that the image has a shape of [?, H, W, C]. block_size : (int, int) A tuple of two integers indicating the block size. Returns ------- blocks : `tf.Tensor` All the blocks in the batch dimension. The output will be of size [?, block_size[0], block_size[1], C]. n_blocks : int The number of blocks that was obtained per image. """ # normalize block_size block_size = [1] + list(block_size) + [1] output_size = list(block_size) output_size[0] = -1 # extract image patches for each color space: output = [] for i in range(3): blocks = tf.extract_image_patches(images[:, :, :, i:i + 1], block_size, block_size, [1, 1, 1, 1], "VALID") if i == 0: n_blocks = int([1:3])) blocks = tf.reshape(blocks, output_size) output.append(blocks) # concatenate the colors back output = tf.concat(output, axis=3) return output, n_blocks
[docs]def tf_repeat(tensor, repeats): """ Parameters ---------- tensor A Tensor. 1-D or higher. repeats A list. Number of repeat for each dimension, length must be the same as the number of dimensions in input Returns ------- A Tensor. Has the same type as input. Has the shape of tensor.shape * repeats """ with tf.variable_scope("repeat"): expanded_tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, -1) multiples = [1] + repeats tiled_tensor = tf.tile(expanded_tensor, multiples=multiples) repeated_tesnor = tf.reshape(tiled_tensor, tf.shape(tensor) * repeats) return repeated_tesnor
[docs]def all_patches(image, label, key, size): """Extracts all patches of an image Parameters ---------- image: The image should be channels_last format and already batched. label: The label for the image key: The key for the image size: (int, int) The height and width of the blocks. Returns ------- blocks: The non-overlapping blocks of size from image and labels and keys are repeated. label: key: """ blocks, n_blocks = blocks_tensorflow(image, size) # duplicate label and key as n_blocks label = tf_repeat(label, [n_blocks]) key = tf_repeat(key, [n_blocks]) return blocks, label, key