Source code for bob.learn.tensorflow.utils.image

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

[docs]def to_channels_last(image): """Converts the image to channel_last format. This is the same format as in matplotlib, skimage, and etc. Parameters ---------- image : `tf.Tensor` At least a 3 dimensional image. If the dimension is more than 3, the last 3 dimensions are assumed to be [C, H, W]. Returns ------- image : `tf.Tensor` The image in [..., H, W, C] format. Raises ------ ValueError If dim of image is less than 3. """ ndim = len(image.shape) if ndim < 3: raise ValueError( "The image needs to be at least 3 dimensional but it " "was {}".format(ndim) ) axis_order = [1, 2, 0] shift = ndim - 3 axis_order = list(range(ndim - 3)) + [n + shift for n in axis_order] return tf.transpose(a=image, perm=axis_order)
[docs]def to_channels_first(image): """Converts the image to channel_first format. This is the same format as in and Parameters ---------- image : `tf.Tensor` At least a 3 dimensional image. If the dimension is more than 3, the last 3 dimensions are assumed to be [H, W, C]. Returns ------- image : `tf.Tensor` The image in [..., C, H, W] format. Raises ------ ValueError If dim of image is less than 3. """ ndim = len(image.shape) if ndim < 3: raise ValueError( "The image needs to be at least 3 dimensional but it " "was {}".format(ndim) ) axis_order = [2, 0, 1] shift = ndim - 3 axis_order = list(range(ndim - 3)) + [n + shift for n in axis_order] return tf.transpose(a=image, perm=axis_order)
[docs]def blocks_tensorflow(images, block_size): """Return all non-overlapping blocks of an image using tensorflow operations. Parameters ---------- images : `tf.Tensor` The input color images. It is assumed that the image has a shape of [?, H, W, C]. block_size : (int, int) A tuple of two integers indicating the block size. Returns ------- blocks : `tf.Tensor` All the blocks in the batch dimension. The output will be of size [?, block_size[0], block_size[1], C]. n_blocks : int The number of blocks that was obtained per image. """ # normalize block_size block_size = [1] + list(block_size) + [1] output_size = list(block_size) output_size[0] = -1 output_size[-1] = images.shape[-1] blocks = tf.image.extract_patches( images, block_size, block_size, [1, 1, 1, 1], "VALID" ) n_blocks = int([1:3])) output = tf.reshape(blocks, output_size) return output, n_blocks
[docs]def tf_repeat(tensor, repeats): """ Parameters ---------- tensor A Tensor. 1-D or higher. repeats A list. Number of repeat for each dimension, length must be the same as the number of dimensions in input Returns ------- A Tensor. Has the same type as input. Has the shape of tensor.shape * repeats """ with tf.name_scope("repeat"): expanded_tensor = tf.expand_dims(tensor, -1) multiples = [1] + repeats tiled_tensor = tf.tile(expanded_tensor, multiples=multiples) repeated_tesnor = tf.reshape(tiled_tensor, tf.shape(input=tensor) * repeats) return repeated_tesnor
[docs]def all_patches(image, label, key, size): """Extracts all patches of an image Parameters ---------- image: The image should be channels_last format and already batched. label: The label for the image key: The key for the image size: (int, int) The height and width of the blocks. Returns ------- blocks: The non-overlapping blocks of size from image and labels and keys are repeated. label: key: """ blocks, n_blocks = blocks_tensorflow(image, size) # duplicate label and key as n_blocks def repeats(shape): r = list(shape) for i in range(len(r)): if i == 0: r[i] = n_blocks else: r[i] = 1 return r label = tf_repeat(label, repeats(label.shape)) key = tf_repeat(key, repeats(key.shape)) return blocks, label, key