Source code for bob.learn.pytorch.trainers.ConditionalGANTrainer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torchvision.utils as vutils

import bob.core
logger = bob.core.log.setup("bob.learn.pytorch")

import time

[docs]class ConditionalGANTrainer(object): """Class to train a Conditional GAN Attributes ---------- generator : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` The generator network discriminator : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` The discriminator network image_size: list of :obj:`int` The size of the images in this format: [channels,height, width] batch_size: int The size of your minibatch noise_dim: int The dimension of the noise (input to the generator) conditional_dim: int The dimension of the conditioning variable use_gpu: bool If you would like to use the gpu fixed_noise : :py:class:`torch.Tensor` The fixed input noise to the generator. fixed_one_hot : :py:class:`torch.Tensor` The set of fixed one-hot encoded conditioning variable criterion : :py:class:`torch.nn.BCELoss` The binary cross-entropy loss """ def __init__(self, netG, netD, image_size, batch_size=64, noise_dim=100, conditional_dim=13, use_gpu=False, verbosity_level=2): """Init function Parameters ---------- netG : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` The generator network netD : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` The discriminator network image_size: list of :obj:`int` The size of the images in this format: [channels,height, width] batch_size: int The size of your minibatch noise_dim: int The dimension of the noise (input to the generator) conditional_dim: int The dimension of the conditioning variable use_gpu: bool If you would like to use the gpu verbosity_level: int The level of verbosity output to stdout """ bob.core.log.set_verbosity_level(logger, verbosity_level) self.netG = netG self.netD = netD self.image_size = image_size self.batch_size = batch_size self.noise_dim = noise_dim self.conditional_dim = conditional_dim self.use_gpu = use_gpu # fixed conditional noise - used to generate samples (one for each value of the conditional variable) self.fixed_noise = torch.FloatTensor(self.conditional_dim, noise_dim, 1, 1).normal_(0, 1) self.fixed_one_hot = torch.FloatTensor(self.conditional_dim, self.conditional_dim, 1, 1).zero_() for k in range(self.conditional_dim): self.fixed_one_hot[k, k] = 1 # TODO: figuring out the CPU/GPU thing - Guillaume HEUSCH, 17-11-2017 self.fixed_noise = Variable(self.fixed_noise) self.fixed_one_hot = Variable(self.fixed_one_hot) # binary cross-entropy loss self.criterion = nn.BCELoss() # move stuff to GPU if needed if self.use_gpu: self.netD.cuda() self.netG.cuda() self.criterion.cuda()
[docs] def train(self, dataloader, n_epochs=10, learning_rate=0.0002, beta1=0.5, output_dir='out'): """trains the Conditional GAN. Parameters ---------- dataloader: :py:class:`` The dataloader for your data n_epochs: int The number of epochs you would like to train for learning_rate: float The learning rate for Adam optimizer beta1: float The beta1 for Adam optimizer output_dir: str The directory where you would like to output images and models """ real_label = 1 fake_label = 0 # setup optimizer optimizerD = optim.Adam(self.netD.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, betas=(beta1, 0.999)) optimizerG = optim.Adam(self.netG.parameters(), lr=learning_rate, betas=(beta1, 0.999)) for epoch in range(n_epochs): for i, data in enumerate(dataloader, 0): start = time.time() # get the data and pose labels real_images = data['image'] poses = data['pose'] # WARNING: the last batch could be smaller than the provided size batch_size = len(real_images) # create the Tensors with the right batch size noise = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, self.noise_dim, 1, 1).normal_(0, 1) label = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size) # create the one hot conditional vector (generator) and feature maps (discriminator) one_hot_feature_maps = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, self.conditional_dim, self.image_size[1], self.image_size[2]).zero_() one_hot_vector = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size, self.conditional_dim, 1, 1).zero_() for k in range(batch_size): one_hot_feature_maps[k, poses[k], :, :] = 1 one_hot_vector[k, poses[k]] = 1 # move stuff to GPU if needed if self.use_gpu: real_images = real_images.cuda() label = label.cuda() noise = noise.cuda() one_hot_feature_maps = one_hot_feature_maps.cuda() one_hot_vector = one_hot_vector.cuda() # ============= # DISCRIMINATOR # ============= self.netD.zero_grad() # === REAL DATA === label.resize_(batch_size).fill_(real_label) imagev = Variable(real_images) one_hot_fmv = Variable(one_hot_feature_maps) labelv = Variable(label) output_real = self.netD(imagev, one_hot_fmv) errD_real = self.criterion(output_real, labelv) errD_real.backward() # === FAKE DATA === noisev = Variable(noise) one_hot_vv = Variable(one_hot_vector) fake = self.netG(noisev, one_hot_vv) labelv = Variable(label.fill_(fake_label)) output_fake = self.netD(fake, one_hot_fmv) errD_fake = self.criterion(output_fake, labelv) errD_fake.backward(retain_graph=True) # perform optimization (i.e. update discriminator parameters) errD = errD_real + errD_fake optimizerD.step() # ========= # GENERATOR # ========= self.netG.zero_grad() labelv = Variable(label.fill_(real_label)) # fake labels are real for generator cost output_generated = self.netD(fake, one_hot_fmv) errG = self.criterion(output_generated, labelv) errG.backward() optimizerG.step() end = time.time()"[{}/{}][{}/{}] => Loss D = {} -- Loss G = {} (time spent: {})".format(epoch, n_epochs, i, len(dataloader), errD.item(), errG.item(), (end-start))) # save generated images at every epoch # TODO: model moved to CPU and back and I don't really know why (expected CPU tensor error) # To summarize: # tried to move tensors, variables on the GPU -> does not work # let the tensors on the CPU -> does not work # => model has to be brought back to the CPU :/ if self.use_gpu: self.netG = self.netG.cpu() fake_examples = self.netG(self.fixed_noise, self.fixed_one_hot) if self.use_gpu: self.netG = self.netG.cuda() vutils.save_image(, '%s/fake_samples_epoch_%03d.png' % (output_dir, epoch), normalize=True) # do checkpointing, '%s/netG_epoch_%d.pth' % (output_dir, epoch)), '%s/netD_epoch_%d.pth' % (output_dir, epoch))