.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. Thu 13 Oct 2016 16:01:27 CEST .. testsetup:: * import os import numpy import tempfile import bob.learn.linear import bob.io.base numpy.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True) current_directory = os.path.realpath(os.curdir) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='bob_doctest_') os.chdir(temp_dir) ============================== Linear Machines and Trainers ============================== Machines are one of the core components of |project|. They represent statistical models or other functions defined by parameters that can be learnt or manually set. The simplest of |project|'s machines is a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine`. This package contains the definition of this class as well as trainers that can learn linear machine parameters from data. Linear machines --------------- Linear machines execute the simple operation :math:`y = \mathbf{W} x`, where :math:`y` is the output vector, :math:`x` is the input vector and :math:`W` is a matrix (2D array) stored in the machine. The input vector :math:`x` should be composed of double-precision floating-point elements. The output will also be in double-precision. Here is how to use a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine`: .. doctest:: >>> W = numpy.array([[0.5, 0.5], [1.0, 1.0]], 'float64') >>> numpy.allclose(W, [[ 0.5, 0.5], [ 1. , 1. ]]) True >>> machine = bob.learn.linear.Machine(W) >>> machine.shape (2, 2) >>> x = numpy.array([0.3, 0.4], 'float64') >>> y = machine(x) >>> numpy.allclose(y, [ 0.55, 0.55]) True As was shown in the above example, the way to pass data through a machine is to call its :py:meth:`bob.learn.linear.Machine.forward` method, for which the ``__call__`` method is an alias. The first thing to notice about machines is that they can be stored and retrieved in :py:class:`bob.io.base.HDF5File`. To save the before metioned machine to a file, just use the machine's :py:meth:`bob.learn.linear.Machine.save` command. Because several machines can be stored on the same :py:class:`bob.io.base.HDF5File`, we let the user open the file and set it up before the machine can write to it: .. doctest:: >>> myh5_file = bob.io.base.HDF5File('linear.hdf5', 'w') >>> #do other operations on myh5_file to set it up, optionally >>> machine.save(myh5_file) >>> del myh5_file #close You can load the machine again in a similar way: .. doctest:: >>> myh5_file = bob.io.base.HDF5File('linear.hdf5') >>> reloaded = bob.learn.linear.Machine(myh5_file) >>> numpy.array_equal(machine.weights, reloaded.weights) True The shape of a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine` (see :py:attr:`bob.learn.linear.Machine.shape`) indicates the size of the input vector that is expected by this machine and the size of the output vector it produces, in a tuple format like ``(input_size, output_size)``: .. doctest:: >>> machine.shape (2, 2) A :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine` also supports pre-setting normalization vectors that are applied to every input :math:`x`. You can set a subtraction factor and a division factor, so that the actual input :math:`x'` that is fed to the matrix :math:`W` is :math:`x' = (x - s) ./ d`. The variables :math:`s` and :math:`d` are vectors that have to have the same size as the input vector :math:`x`. The operator :math:`./` indicates an element-wise division. By default, :math:`s := 0.0` and :math:`d := 1.0`. .. doctest:: >>> numpy.allclose(machine.input_subtract, [ 0., 0.]) True >>> numpy.allclose(machine.input_divide, [ 1., 1.]) True To set a new value for :math:`s` or :math:`d` just assign the desired machine property: .. doctest:: >>> machine.input_subtract = numpy.array([0.5, 0.8]) >>> machine.input_divide = numpy.array([2.0, 4.0]) >>> y = machine(x) >>> y array([-0.15, -0.15]) .. note:: In the event you save a machine that has the subtraction and/or a division factor set, the vectors are saved and restored automatically w/o user intervention. Linear machine trainers ----------------------- Next, we examine available ways to train a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine` so they can do something useful for you. Principal component analysis ============================ **PCA** [1]_ is one way to train a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine`. The associated |project| class is :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.PCATrainer` as the training procedure mainly relies on a singular value decomposition. **PCA** belongs to the category of `unsupervised` learning algorithms, which means that the training data is not labelled. Therefore, the training set can be represented by a set of features stored in a container. Using |project|, this container is a 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`. .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> data = numpy.array([[3,-3,100], [4,-4,50], [3.5,-3.5,-50], [3.8,-3.7,-100]], dtype='float64') >>> print(data) [[ 3. -3. 100. ] [ 4. -4. 50. ] [ 3.5 -3.5 -50. ] [ 3.8 -3.7 -100. ]] Once the training set has been defined, the overall procedure to train a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine` with a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.PCATrainer` is simple and shown below. Please note that the concepts remains very similar for most of the other `trainers` and `machines`. .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> trainer = bob.learn.linear.PCATrainer() # Creates a PCA trainer >>> [machine, eig_vals] = trainer.train(data) # Trains the machine with the given data >>> print(machine.weights) # The weights of the returned (linear) Machine after the training procedure [[ 0.002 -0.706 -0.708] [-0.002 0.708 -0.706] [-1. -0.003 -0. ]] Next, input data can be projected using this learned projection matrix :math:`W`. .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> e = numpy.array([3.2,-3.3,-10], 'float64') >>> print(machine(e)) [9.999 0.47 0.092] Linear discriminant analysis ============================ **LDA** [2]_ is another way to train a :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine`. The associated |project| class is :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.FisherLDATrainer`. In contrast to **PCA** [1]_, **LDA** [2]_ is a `supervised` technique. Furthermore, the training data should be organized differently. It is indeed required to be a list of 2D :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`\'s, one for each class. .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> data1 = numpy.array([[3,-3,100], [4,-4,50], [40,-40,150]], dtype='float64') >>> data2 = numpy.array([[3,6,-50], [4,8,-100], [40,79,-800]], dtype='float64') >>> data = [data1,data2] Once the training set has been defined, the procedure to train the :py:class:`bob.learn.linear.Machine` with **LDA** is very similar to the one for **PCA**. This is shown below. .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> trainer = bob.learn.linear.FisherLDATrainer() >>> [machine,eig_vals] = trainer.train(data) # Trains the machine with the given data >>> print(eig_vals) # doctest: +SKIP [ 13.10097786 0. ] >>> machine.resize(3,1) # Make the output space of dimension 1 >>> print(machine.weights) # The new weights after the training procedure [[0.609] [0.785] [0.111]] Whitening ========== This is generally used for i-vector preprocessing. Let's consider a 2D array of data used to train the withening, and a sample to be whitened: .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> data = numpy.array([[ 1.2622, -1.6443, 0.1889], [ 0.4286, -0.8922, 1.3020], [-0.6613, 0.0430, 0.6377], [-0.8718, -0.4788, 0.3988], [-0.0098, -0.3121,-0.1807], [ 0.4301, 0.4886, -0.1456]]) >>> sample = numpy.array([1, 2, 3.]) The initialisation of the trainer and the machine: .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> t = bob.learn.linear.WhiteningTrainer() Then, the training and projection are done as follows: .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, +ELLIPSIS >>> m = t.train(data) >>> withened_sample = m.forward(sample) Within-Class Covariance Normalisation ===================================== This can also be used for i-vector preprocessing. Let's first put the training data into list of numpy arrays. .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> data = [numpy.array([[ 1.2622, -1.6443, 0.1889], [ 0.4286, -0.8922, 1.3020]]), numpy.array([[-0.6613, 0.0430, 0.6377], [-0.8718, -0.4788, 0.3988]]), numpy.array([[-0.0098, -0.3121,-0.1807], [ 0.4301, 0.4886, -0.1456]])] The initialisation of the trainer is done as follows: .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> t = bob.learn.linear.WCCNTrainer() Then, the training and projection are done as follows: .. doctest:: :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE >>> m = t.train(data) >>> wccn_sample = m.forward(sample) .. Place here your external references .. [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principal_component_analysis .. [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_discriminant_analysis