Source code for bob.learn.em.ivector

#!/usr/bin/env python
# @author: Yannick Dayer <>
# @date: Fri 06 May 2022 14:18:25 UTC+02

import copy
import logging
import operator

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import dask
import dask.bag
import numpy as np

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from bob.learn.em import GMMMachine, GMMStats

logger = logging.getLogger("__name__")

class IVectorStats:
    """Stores I-Vector statistics. Can be used to accumulate multiple statistics.

        nij_sigma_wij2: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_gaussians,dim_t,dim_t)
        fnorm_sigma_wij: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_gaussians,n_features,dim_t)
        snormij: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_gaussians,n_features)
        nij: numpy.ndarray of shape (n_gaussians,)

    def __init__(self, dim_c, dim_d, dim_t):
        self.dim_c = dim_c
        self.dim_d = dim_d
        self.dim_t = dim_t

        # Accumulator storage variables

        # nij sigma wij2: shape = (c,t,t)
        self.nij_sigma_wij2 = np.zeros(
            shape=(self.dim_c, self.dim_t, self.dim_t), dtype=float
        # fnorm sigma wij: shape = (c,d,t)
        self.fnorm_sigma_wij = np.zeros(
            shape=(self.dim_c, self.dim_d, self.dim_t), dtype=float
        # Snormij (used only when updating sigma)
        self.snormij = np.zeros(
        # Nij (used only when updating sigma)
        self.nij = np.zeros(shape=(self.dim_c,), dtype=float)

    def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
        return (self.dim_c, self.dim_d, self.dim_t)

    def __add__(self, other):
        if self.shape != other.shape:
            raise ValueError("Cannot add stats of different shapes")
        result = IVectorStats(self.dim_c, self.dim_d, self.dim_t)
        result.nij_sigma_wij2 = self.nij_sigma_wij2 + other.nij_sigma_wij2
        result.fnorm_sigma_wij = self.fnorm_sigma_wij + other.fnorm_sigma_wij
        result.snormij = self.snormij + other.snormij
        result.nij = self.nij + other.nij
        return result

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        if self.shape != other.shape:
            raise ValueError("Cannot add stats of different shapes")
        self.nij_sigma_wij2 += other.nij_sigma_wij2
        self.fnorm_sigma_wij += other.fnorm_sigma_wij
        self.snormij += other.snormij
        self.nij += other.nij
        return self

def compute_tct_sigmac_inv(T: np.ndarray, sigma: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Computes T_{c}^{T}.sigma_{c}^{-1}"""
    # TT_sigma_inv (c,t,d) = T.T (c,t,d) / sigma (c,1,d)
    Tct_sigmacInv = T.transpose(0, 2, 1) / sigma[:, None, :]

    # Tt_sigma_inv (c,t,d)
    return Tct_sigmacInv

def compute_tct_sigmac_inv_tc(T: np.ndarray, sigma: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Computes T_{c}^{T}.sigma_{c}^{-1}.T_{c}"""
    tct_sigmac_inv = compute_tct_sigmac_inv(T, sigma)

    # (c,t,t) = (c,t,d) @ (c,d,t)
    Tct_sigmacInv_Tc = tct_sigmac_inv @ T

    # Output: shape (c,t,t)
    return Tct_sigmacInv_Tc

def compute_id_tt_sigma_inv_t(
    stats: GMMStats, T: np.ndarray, sigma: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
    dim_t = T.shape[-1]
    tct_sigmac_inv_tc = compute_tct_sigmac_inv_tc(T, sigma)

    output = np.eye(dim_t, dim_t) + np.einsum(
        "c,ctu->tu", stats.n, tct_sigmac_inv_tc

    # Output: (t,t)
    return output

def compute_tt_sigma_inv_fnorm(
    ubm_means: np.ndarray, stats: GMMStats, T: np.ndarray, sigma: np.ndarray
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Computes \f$(Id + \\sum_{c=1}^{C} N_{i,j,c} T^{T} \\Sigma_{c}^{-1} T)\f$

    Returns an array of shape (t,)

    tct_sigmac_inv = compute_tct_sigmac_inv(T, sigma)  # (c,t,d)
    fnorm = stats.sum_px - stats.n[:, None] * ubm_means  # (c,d)

    # (t,) += (t,d) @ (d) [repeated c times]
    output = np.einsum("ctd,cd->t", tct_sigmac_inv, fnorm)

    # Output: shape (t,)
    return output

def e_step(machine: "IVectorMachine", data: List[GMMStats]) -> IVectorStats:
    """Computes the expectation step of the e-m algorithm."""
    stats = IVectorStats(machine.dim_c, machine.dim_d, machine.dim_t)

    for sample in data:
        Nij = sample.n
        Fij = sample.sum_px
        Sij = sample.sum_pxx

        # Estimate latent variables
        TtSigmaInv_Fnorm = compute_tt_sigma_inv_fnorm(
            machine.ubm.means, sample, machine.T, machine.sigma
        )  # self.compute_TtSigmaInvFnorm(data[n]) # shape: (t,)
        I_TtSigmaInvNT = compute_id_tt_sigma_inv_t(
            sample, machine.T, machine.sigma
        )  # self.compute_Id_TtSigmaInvT(data[n]), # shape: (t,t)

        # Latent variables
        I_TtSigmaInvNT_inv = np.linalg.inv(I_TtSigmaInvNT)  # shape: (t,t)
        sigma_w_ij =, TtSigmaInv_Fnorm)  # shape: (t,)
        sigma_w_ij2 = I_TtSigmaInvNT_inv + np.outer(
            sigma_w_ij, sigma_w_ij
        )  # shape: (t,t)

        # Compute normalized statistics
        Fnorm = Fij - Nij[:, None] * machine.ubm.means
        Snorm = (
            - (2 * Fij * machine.ubm.means)
            + (Nij[:, None] * machine.ubm.means * machine.ubm.means)

        # Do the accumulation for each component
        stats.snormij = stats.snormij + Snorm  # shape: (c, d)

        # (c,t,t) += (c,) * (t,t)
        stats.nij_sigma_wij2 = stats.nij_sigma_wij2 + (
            Nij[:, None, None] * sigma_w_ij2[None, :, :]
        )  # (c,t,t)
        stats.nij = stats.nij + Nij
        stats.fnorm_sigma_wij = stats.fnorm_sigma_wij + np.matmul(
            Fnorm[:, :, None], sigma_w_ij[None, :]
        )  # (c,d,t)

    return stats

def m_step(machine: "IVectorMachine", stats: IVectorStats) -> "IVectorMachine":
    """Updates the Machine with the maximization step of the e-m algorithm."""
    logger.debug("Computing new machine parameters.")
    A = stats.nij_sigma_wij2.transpose((0, 2, 1))
    B = stats.fnorm_sigma_wij.transpose((0, 2, 1))

    # Default value of X if any of A[c] is 0
    X = np.zeros_like(B)
    # Solve for all A[c] != 0
    if any(mask := A.any(axis=(-2, -1))):  # Prevents solving with 0 matrices
        X[mask] = [
            np.linalg.solve(A[c], B[c]) for c in range(len(mask)) if A[c].any()

    # Update the machine
    machine.T = X.transpose((0, 2, 1))

    if machine.update_sigma:
        fnorm_sigma_wij_tt = np.diagonal(
            stats.fnorm_sigma_wij @ X, axis1=-2, axis2=-1
        machine.sigma = (stats.snormij - fnorm_sigma_wij_tt) / stats.nij[
            :, None
            machine.sigma < machine.variance_floor
        ] = machine.variance_floor

    return machine

class IVectorMachine(BaseEstimator):
    """Trains and projects data using I-Vector.

        - dim_c: number of Gaussians
        - dim_d: number of features
        - dim_t: dimension of the i-vector


    T (c,d,t):
        The total variability matrix :math:`T`
    sigma (c,d):
        The diagonal covariance matrix :math:`Sigma`


    def __init__(
        ubm: GMMMachine,
        dim_t: int = 2,
        convergence_threshold: Optional[float] = None,
        max_iterations: int = 25,
        update_sigma: bool = True,
        variance_floor: float = 1e-10,
    ) -> None:
        """Initializes the IVectorMachine object.


            The Universal Background Model.
            The dimension of the i-vector.

        self.ubm = ubm
        self.dim_t = dim_t
        self.convergence_threshold = convergence_threshold
        self.max_iterations = max_iterations
        self.update_sigma = update_sigma
        self.dim_c = None
        self.dim_d = None
        self.variance_floor = variance_floor

        self.T = None
        self.sigma = None

        if self.convergence_threshold:
                "The convergence threshold is ignored by IVectorMachine."

[docs] def fit( self, X: Union[List[np.ndarray], dask.bag.Bag], y=None ) -> "IVectorMachine": """Trains the IVectorMachine. Repeats the e-m steps until ``max_iterations`` is reached. """ chunky = False if isinstance(X, dask.bag.Bag): chunky = True X = X.to_delayed() self.dim_c = self.ubm.n_gaussians self.dim_d = self.ubm.means.shape[-1] self.T = np.random.normal( loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(self.dim_c, self.dim_d, self.dim_t), ) self.sigma = copy.deepcopy(self.ubm.variances)"Training I-Vector...") for step in range(self.max_iterations): f"IVector step {step+1:{len(str(self.max_iterations))}d}/{self.max_iterations}." ) if chunky: # Compute the IVectorStats of each chunk stats = [ dask.delayed(e_step)( machine=self, data=xx, ) for xx in X ] # Workaround to prevent memory issues at compute with too many chunks. # This adds pairs of stats together instead of sending all the stats to # one worker. while (length := len(stats)) > 1: last = stats[-1] stats = [ dask.delayed(operator.add)( stats[i], stats[length // 2 + i] ) for i in range(length // 2) ] if length % 2 != 0: stats.append(last) stats_sum = stats[0] # Update the machine parameters with the aggregated stats new_machine = dask.compute( dask.delayed(m_step)(self, stats_sum) )[0] for attr in ["T", "sigma"]: setattr(self, attr, getattr(new_machine, attr)) else: # Working directly on numpy array, not dask.Bags stats = e_step(machine=self, data=X) _ = m_step(self, stats)"Reached {step+1} steps.") return self
[docs] def project(self, stats: GMMStats) -> np.ndarray: """Projects the GMMStats on the IVectorMachine. This takes data already projected onto the UBM. **Returns:** The IVector of the input stats. """ return np.linalg.solve( compute_id_tt_sigma_inv_t(stats, self.T, self.sigma), compute_tt_sigma_inv_fnorm( self.ubm.means, stats, self.T, self.sigma ), )
[docs] def transform(self, X: List[GMMStats]) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Transforms the data using the trained IVectorMachine. This takes MFCC data, will project them onto the ubm, and compute the IVector statistics. **Parameters:** data The data (MFCC features) to transform. Arrays of shape (n_samples, n_features). **Returns:** The IVector for each sample. Arrays of shape (dim_t,) """ return [self.project(x) for x in X]
def _more_tags(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "requires_fit": True, "bob_fit_supports_dask_bag": True, }