Source code for bob.kaldi.dnn

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Milos Cernak <>
# August 31, 2017

import logging
import os
import tempfile
from subprocess import PIPE
from subprocess import Popen

import numpy as np
import pkg_resources

import bob.kaldi

from . import io

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def nnet_forward( feats, nnet, feats_transform="", apply_log=False, no_softmax=False, prior_floor=1e-10, prior_scale=1, use_gpu=False, ): """Computes the forward pass for given features. Parameters ---------- feats: numpy.ndarray The input cepstral features (2D array of 32-bit floats). nnet: str The neural network feats_transform : :obj:`str`, optional The input feature transform for ``feats``. apply_log : :obj:`bool`, optional Transform NN output by log(). no_softmax : :obj:`bool`, optional Removes the last component with Softmax. prior_floor : :obj:`float`, optional Flooring constant for prior probability. prior_scale : :obj:`float`, optional Scaling factor to be applied on pdf-log-priors. use_gpu : :obj:`bool`, optional Compute forward pass on GPU. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The posterior features. """ binary1 = "nnet-forward" cmd1 = [binary1] cmd1 += [ "--apply-log=" + str(apply_log).lower(), "--no-softmax=" + str(no_softmax).lower(), "--prior-floor=" + str(prior_floor), "--prior-scale=" + str(prior_scale), "--use-gpu=" + str(use_gpu).lower(), ] # save nnet model to a file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".nnet") as dnn: with open(, "wt") as fp: fp.write(nnet) if feats_transform != "": # save nnet transform model to a file with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".nnet") as transf: with open(, "wt") as fp: fp.write(feats_transform) cmd1 += [ "--feature-transform=" +, ] cmd1 += [, "ark:-", "ark:-", ] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".log") as logfile: pipe1 = Popen(cmd1, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=logfile) io.write_mat(pipe1.stdin, feats, key=b"abc") pipe1.stdin.close() # pipe1.communicate() posts = [mat for name, mat in io.read_mat_ark(pipe1.stdout)][0] with open( as fp: logtxt = logger.debug("%s", logtxt) os.unlink( if feats_transform != "": os.unlink( return posts
[docs]def compute_dnn_vad(samples, rate, silence_threshold=0.9, posterior=0): """Performs Voice Activity Detection on a Kaldi feature matrix Parameters ---------- feats : numpy.ndarray A 2-D numpy array, with log-energy being in the first component of each feature vector rate : float The sampling rate of the input signal in ``samples``. silence_threshold: :obj:`float`, optional Silence threshold to be used for silence posterior evaluation. posterior: :obj:`int`, optional Index of posterior feature to be used for detection. Useful ones are 0, 1 and 2, for silence, laughter and noise,respectively. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The labels [1/0] of voiced features (1D array of floats). """ nnetfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "test/dnn/ami.nnet.txt") transfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "test/dnn/ami.feature_transform.txt" ) feats = bob.kaldi.cepstral(samples, "mfcc", rate, normalization=False) with open(nnetfile) as nnetf, open(transfile) as trnf: dnn = trn = post = bob.kaldi.nnet_forward(feats, dnn, trn) vad = [] for row in post: if row[posterior] > silence_threshold: vad.append(0.0) else: vad.append(1.0) return vad
[docs]def compute_dnn_phone(samples, rate): """Computes phone posteriors on a Kaldi feature matrix Parameters ---------- feats : numpy.ndarray A 2-D numpy array, with log-energy being in the first component of each feature vector rate : float The sampling rate of the input signal in ``samples``. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The phone posteriors and labels. """ nnetfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "test/dnn/ami.nnet.txt") transfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename( __name__, "test/dnn/ami.feature_transform.txt" ) labfile = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "test/dnn/ami.phones.txt") feats = bob.kaldi.cepstral(samples, "mfcc", rate, normalization=False) with open(nnetfile) as nnetf, open(transfile) as trnf: dnn = trn = post = bob.kaldi.nnet_forward(feats, dnn, trn) labels = np.genfromtxt(labfile, dtype="str", skip_header=1) lab = [] for ll in labels: lab.append(ll[0]) return [post, lab]