========== User guide ========== This package has been done with the intent of using it in conjunction with both ``bob.learn.pytorch`` and ``bob.{bio, pad}.face`` to run face verification or presentation attack detection experiments. In particular, the goal here is to extract features from a face image using CNN models trained with PyTorch For this purpose, you can specify your feature extractor in configuration file to be used together with either with the ``verifiy.py`` script from ``bob.bio.base``, of with the ``spoof.py`` script from ``bob.pad.base``. A concrete example ------------------ Imagine that you trained the CASIA-Net model (using ``bob.learn.pytorch``), and you would like to use the penultimate layer as a feature to encode identity. Your extractor should be defined this way in the configuration file: .. code:: python extractor = from bob.ip.pytorch_extractor import CasiaNetExtractor _model = 'path/to/your/model.pth' _num_classes = 10575 extractor = CasiaNetExtractor(_model, _num_classes) Note that the number of classes is irrelevant here, but is required to build the network (before loading it). You can easily implement your own extractor based on your own network too. Just have a look at the code in ``bob/ip/pytorch_extractor``.