Source code for bob.ip.facedetect.detect

import pkg_resources
import math

from .detector import Sampler, Cascade
from ._library import BoundingBox, prune_detections, group_detections, overlapping_detections

import numpy

[docs]def default_cascade(): """Returns the :py:class:`bob.ip.facedetect.Cascade` that is loaded from the pre-trained cascade file provided by this package.""" return Cascade("bob.ip.facedetect", "MCT_cascade.hdf5")))
[docs]def average_detections(detections, predictions, relative_prediction_threshold = 0.25): """average_detections(detections, predictions, [relative_prediction_threshold]) -> bounding_box, prediction Computes the weighted average of the given detections, where the weights are computed based on the prediction values. **Parameters:** ``detections`` : [:py:class:`BoundingBox`] The overlapping bounding boxes. ``predictions`` : [float] The predictions for the ``detections``. ``relative_prediction_threshold`` : float between 0 and 1 Limits the bounding boxes to those that have a prediction value higher then ``relative_prediction_threshold * max(predictions)`` **Returns:** ``bounding_box`` : :py:class:`BoundingBox` The bounding box which has been merged from the detections ``prediction`` : float The prediction value of the bounding box, which is a weighted sum of the predictions with minimum overlap """ # remove the predictions that are too low prediction_threshold = relative_prediction_threshold * max(predictions) detections, predictions = zip(*[[d,p] for d,p in zip(detections, predictions) if p >= prediction_threshold]) # turn remaining predictions into weights s = sum(predictions) weights = [p/s for p in predictions] # compute weighted average of bounding boxes top = sum(w * b.topleft_f[0] for w, b in zip(weights, detections)) left = sum(w * b.topleft_f[1] for w, b in zip(weights, detections)) bottom = sum(w * b.bottomright_f[0] for w, b in zip(weights, detections)) right = sum(w * b.bottomright_f[1] for w, b in zip(weights, detections)) # compute the average prediction value value = sum(w*p for w,p in zip(weights, predictions)) # return the average bounding box return BoundingBox((top, left), (bottom-top, right-left)), value
[docs]def best_detection(detections, predictions, minimum_overlap = 0.2, relative_prediction_threshold = 0.25): """best_detection(detections, predictions, [minimum_overlap], [relative_prediction_threshold]) -> bounding_box, prediction Computes the best detection for the given detections and according predictions. This is achieved by computing a weighted sum of detections that overlap with the best detection (the one with the highest prediction), where the weights are based on the predictions. Only detections with according prediction values > 0 are considered. **Parameters:** ``detections`` : [:py:class:`BoundingBox`] The detected bounding boxes. ``predictions`` : [float] The predictions for the ``detections``. ``minimum_overlap`` : float between 0 and 1 The minimum overlap (in terms of Jaccard :py:meth:`BoundingBox.similarity`) of bounding boxes with the best detection to be considered. ``relative_prediction_threshold`` : float between 0 and 1 Limits the bounding boxes to those that have a prediction value higher then ``relative_prediction_threshold * max(predictions)`` **Returns:** ``bounding_box`` : :py:class:`BoundingBox` The bounding box which has been merged from the detections ``prediction`` : float The prediction value of the bounding box, which is a weighted sum of the predictions with minimum overlap """ # remove all negative predictions since they harm the calculation of the weights detections = [detections[i] for i in range(len(detections)) if predictions[i] > 0] predictions = [predictions[i] for i in range(len(predictions)) if predictions[i] > 0] if not detections: raise ValueError("No detections with a prediction value > 0 have been found") # keep only the bounding boxes with the highest overlap detections, predictions = overlapping_detections(detections, numpy.array(predictions), minimum_overlap) return average_detections(detections, predictions, relative_prediction_threshold)
[docs]def detect_single_face(image, cascade = None, sampler = None, minimum_overlap=0.2, relative_prediction_threshold = 0.25): """detect_single_face(image, [cascade], [sampler], [minimum_overlap], [relative_prediction_threshold]) -> bounding_box, quality Detects a single face in the given image, i.e., the one with the highest prediction value. **Parameters:** ``image`` : array_like (2D aka gray or 3D aka RGB) The image to detect a face in. ``cascade`` : str or :py:class:`Cascade` or ``None`` If given, the cascade file name or the loaded cascade to be used. If not given, the :py:func:`default_cascade` is used. ``sampler`` : :py:class:`Sampler` or ``None`` The sampler that defines the sampling of bounding boxes to search for the face. If not specified, a default Sampler is instantiated, which will perform a tight sampling. ``minimum_overlap`` : float between 0 and 1 Computes the best detection using the given minimum overlap, see :py:func:`best_detection` ``relative_prediction_threshold`` : float between 0 and 1 Limits the bounding boxes to those that have a prediction value higher then ``relative_prediction_threshold * max(predictions)`` **Returns:** ``bounding_box`` : :py:class:`BoundingBox` The bounding box containing the detected face. ``quality`` : float The quality of the detected face, a value greater than 0. """ if cascade is None: cascade = default_cascade() elif isinstance(cascade, str): cascade = Cascade( if sampler is None: sampler = Sampler(patch_size = cascade.extractor.patch_size, distance=2, scale_factor=math.pow(2.,-1./16.), lowest_scale=0.125) if image.ndim == 3: image = bob.ip.color.rgb_to_gray(image) detections = [] predictions = [] # get the detection scores for the image for prediction, bounding_box in sampler.iterate_cascade(cascade, image, None): detections.append(bounding_box) predictions.append(prediction) if not detections: return None # compute average over the best locations bb, quality = best_detection(detections, predictions, minimum_overlap, relative_prediction_threshold) return bb, quality
[docs]def detect_all_faces(image, cascade = None, sampler = None, threshold = 0, overlaps = 1, minimum_overlap = 0.2, relative_prediction_threshold = 0.25): """detect_all_faces(image, [cascade], [sampler], [threshold], [overlaps], [minimum_overlap], [relative_prediction_threshold]) -> bounding_boxes, qualities Detects all faces in the given image, whose prediction values are higher than the given threshold. If the given ``minimum_overlap`` is lower than 1, overlapping bounding boxes are grouped, with the ``minimum_overlap`` being the minimum Jaccard similarity between two boxes to be considered to be overlapping. Afterwards, all groups which have less than ``overlaps`` elements are discarded (this measure is similar to the Viola-Jones face detector). Finally, :py:func:`average_detections` is used to compute the average bounding box for each of the groups, including averaging the detection value (which will, hence, usually decrease in value). **Parameters:** ``image`` : array_like (2D aka gray or 3D aka RGB) The image to detect a face in. ``cascade`` : str or :py:class:`Cascade` or ``None`` If given, the cascade file name or the loaded cascade to be used to classify image patches. If not given, the :py:func:`default_cascade` is used. ``sampler`` : :py:class:`Sampler` or ``None`` The sampler that defines the sampling of bounding boxes to search for the face. If not specified, a default Sampler is instantiated. ``threshold`` : float The threshold of the quality of detected faces. Detections with a quality lower than this value will not be considered. Higher thresholds will not detect all faces, while lower thresholds will generate false detections. ``overlaps`` : int The number of overlapping boxes that must exist for a bounding box to be considered. Higher values will remove a lot of false-positives, but might increase the chance of a face to be missed. The default value ``1`` will not limit the boxes. ``minimum_overlap`` : float between 0 and 1 Groups detections based on the given minimum bounding box overlap, see :py:func:`group_detections`. ``relative_prediction_threshold`` : float between 0 and 1 Limits the bounding boxes to those that have a prediction value higher then ``relative_prediction_threshold * max(predictions)`` **Returns:** ``bounding_boxes`` : [:py:class:`BoundingBox`] The bounding box containing the detected face. ``qualities`` : [float] The qualities of the ``bounding_boxes``, values greater than ``threshold``. """ if cascade is None: cascade = default_cascade() elif isinstance(cascade, str): cascade = Cascade( if sampler is None: sampler = Sampler(patch_size = cascade.extractor.patch_size, distance=2, scale_factor=math.pow(2.,-1./16.), lowest_scale=0.125) if image.ndim == 3: image = bob.ip.color.rgb_to_gray(image) detections = [] predictions = [] # get the detection scores for the image for prediction, bounding_box in sampler.iterate_cascade(cascade, image, threshold): detections.append(bounding_box) predictions.append(prediction) if not detections: # No face detected return None # group overlapping detections if minimum_overlap < 1.: detections, predictions = group_detections(detections, predictions, minimum_overlap, threshold, overlaps) if not detections: return None # average them detections, predictions = zip(*[average_detections(b, q, relative_prediction_threshold) for b,q in zip(detections, predictions)]) return detections, predictions