Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from import Dataset
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import torch
import torchvision.transforms.functional as VF

[docs]def get_file_lists(data_path, glob): """ Recursively retrieves file lists from a given path, matching a given glob This function will use :py:meth:`pathlib.Path.rglob`, together with the provided glob pattern to search for anything the desired filename. """ data_path = Path(data_path) image_file_names = np.array(sorted(list(data_path.rglob(glob)))) return image_file_names
[docs]class ImageFolderInference(Dataset): """ Generic ImageFolder containing images for inference Notice that this implementation, contrary to its sister :py:class:`.ImageFolder`, does not *automatically* convert the input image to RGB, before passing it to the transforms, so it is possible to accomodate a wider range of input types (e.g. 16-bit PNG images). Parameters ---------- path : str full path to root of dataset glob : str glob that can be used to filter-down files to be loaded on the provided path transform : list List of transformations to apply to every input sample """ def __init__(self, path, glob='*', transform = None): self.transform = transform self.path = path self.img_file_list = get_file_lists(path, glob) def __len__(self): """ Returns ------- int size of the dataset """ return len(self.img_file_list) def __getitem__(self,index): """ Parameters ---------- index : int Returns ------- list dataitem [img_name, img] """ img_path = self.img_file_list[index] img_name = img_path.relative_to(self.path).as_posix() img = sample = [img] if self.transform : sample = self.transform(*sample) sample.insert(0,img_name) return sample