STARE dataset for Vessel Segmentation

A subset of the original STARE dataset contains 20 annotated eye fundus images with a resolution of 700 x 605 (width x height). Two sets of ground-truth vessel annotations are available. The first set by Adam Hoover (“ah”) is commonly used for training and testing. The second set by Valentina Kouznetsova (“vk”) is typically used as a “human” baseline.

  • Reference: [STARE-2000]

  • Original resolution (width x height): 700 x 605

  • Split reference: [MANINIS-2016]

  • Protocol ah (default baseline):

    • Training samples: 10 (including labels from annotator “ah”)

    • Test samples: 10 (including labels from annotator “ah”)

  • Protocol vk (normally used as human comparison):

    • Training samples: 10 (including labels from annotator “vk”)

    • Test samples: 10 (including labels from annotator “vk”)

Module Attributes


STARE dataset object = < object>

STARE dataset object