.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. _bob.ip.binseg.datasets: ==================== Supported Datasets ==================== Here is a list of currently support datasets in this package, alongside notable properties. Each dataset name is linked to the current location where raw data can be downloaded. We include the reference of the data split protocols used to generate iterators for training and testing. Retinography ------------ .. list-table:: Supported Retinography Datasets (``*``: provided within this package) * - Dataset - Reference - H x W - Samples - Mask - Vessel - OD - Cup - Split Reference - Train - Test * - DRIVE_ - [DRIVE-2004]_ - 584 x 565 - 40 - ``x`` - ``x`` - - - [DRIVE-2004]_ - 20 - 20 * - STARE_ - [STARE-2000]_ - 605 x 700 - 20 - ``*`` - ``x`` - - - [MANINIS-2016]_ - 10 - 10 * - CHASE-DB1_ - [CHASEDB1-2012]_ - 960 x 999 - 28 - ``*`` - ``x`` - - - [CHASEDB1-2012]_ - 8 - 20 * - HRF_ - [HRF-2013]_ - 2336 x 3504 - 45 - ``x`` - ``x`` - - - [ORLANDO-2017]_ - 15 - 30 * - IOSTAR_ - [IOSTAR-2016]_ - 1024 x 1024 - 30 - ``x`` - ``x`` - ``x`` - - [MEYER-2017]_ - 20 - 10 * - DRIONS-DB_ - [DRIONSDB-2008]_ - 400 x 600 - 110 - - - ``x`` - - [MANINIS-2016]_ - 60 - 50 * - `RIM-ONE r3`_ - [RIMONER3-2015]_ - 1424 x 1072 - 159 - - - ``x`` - ``x`` - [MANINIS-2016]_ - 99 - 60 * - Drishti-GS1_ - [DRISHTIGS1-2014]_ - varying - 101 - - - ``x`` - ``x`` - [DRISHTIGS1-2014]_ - 50 - 51 * - REFUGE_ - [REFUGE-2018]_ - 2056 x 2124 (1634 x 1634) - 1200 - - - ``x`` - ``x`` - [REFUGE-2018]_ - 400 (+400) - 400 * - DRHAGIS_ - [DRHAGIS-2017]_ - Varying - 39 - ``x`` - ``x`` - - - [DRHAGIS-2017]_ - 19 - 20 .. warning:: **REFUGE Dataset Support** The original directory ``Training400/AMD`` in REFUGE is considered to be replaced by an updated version provided by the `AMD Grand-Challenge`_ (with matching names). The changes concerns images ``A0012.jpg``, which was corrupted in REFUGE, and ``A0013.jpg``, which only exists in the AMD Grand-Challenge version. X-Ray ----- .. list-table:: Supported X-Ray Datasets * - Dataset - Reference - H x W - Radiography Type - Samples - Mask - Split Reference - Train - Test * - `Montgomery County`_ - [MC-2014]_ - 4020 x 4892, or 4892 x 4020 - Digital Radiography (DR) - 138 - ``*`` - [GAAL-2020]_ - 96 (+14) - 28 * - JSRT_ - [JSRT-2000]_ - 2048 x 2048 - Digitized Radiography (laser digitizer) - 247 - ``*`` - [GAAL-2020]_ - 172 (+25) - 50 * - Shenzhen_ - [SHENZHEN-2014]_ - Varying - Computed Radiography (CR) - 662 - ``*`` - [GAAL-2020]_ - 396 (+56) - 114 * - CXR8_ - [CXR8-2017]_ - 1024 x 1024 - Digital Radiography - 112120 - ``x`` - [GAAL-2020]_ - 78484 (+11212) - 22424 .. warning:: **SHENZHEN/JSRT/CXR8 Dataset Support** For some datasets (in which the annotations/masks are downloaded separately from the dataset with the original images), both the original images and annotations must be downloaded and placed inside the same directory, to match the dataset reference dictionary's path. * The Shenzhen_ root directory should then contain at least these two subdirectories: - ``CXR_png/`` (directory containing the CXR images) - ``mask/`` (contains masks downloaded from `Shenzhen Annotations`_) * The CXR8_ root directory: - ``images/`` (directory containing the CXR images) - ``segmentations/`` (contains masks downloaded from `CXR8 Annotations`_) * The JSRT_ root directory: - ``All247images/`` (directory containing the CXR images, in raw format) - ``scratch/`` (contains masks downloaded from `JSRT Annotations`_) .. include:: links.rst