.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli: ============================== Command-Line Interface (CLI) ============================== This package provides a single entry point for all of its applications using :ref:`Bob's unified CLI mechanism `. A list of available applications can be retrieved using: .. command-output:: bob binseg --help Setup ----- A CLI application to list and check installed (raw) datasets. .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.dataset: .. command-output:: bob binseg dataset --help List available datasets ======================= Lists supported and configured raw datasets. .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.dataset.list: .. command-output:: bob binseg dataset list --help Check available datasets ======================== Checks if we can load all files listed for a given dataset (all subsets in all protocols). .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.dataset.check: .. command-output:: bob binseg dataset check --help Preset Configuration Resources ------------------------------ A CLI application allows one to list, inspect and copy available configuration resources exported by this package. .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.config: .. command-output:: bob binseg config --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.config.list: Listing Resources ================= .. command-output:: bob binseg config list --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.config.list.all: Available Resources =================== Here is a list of all resources currently exported. .. command-output:: bob binseg config list -v .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.config.describe: Describing a Resource ===================== .. command-output:: bob binseg config describe --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.config.copy: Copying a Resource ================== You may use this command to locally copy a resource file so you can change it. .. command-output:: bob binseg config copy --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.combined: Running and Analyzing Experiments --------------------------------- These applications run a combined set of steps in one go. They work well with our preset :ref:`configuration resources `. .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.experiment: Running a Full Experiment Cycle =============================== This command can run training, prediction, evaluation and comparison from a single, multi-step application. .. command-output:: bob binseg experiment --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.analyze: Running Complete Experiment Analysis ==================================== This command can run prediction, evaluation and comparison from a single, multi-step application. .. command-output:: bob binseg analyze --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.single: Single-Step Applications ------------------------ These applications allow finer control over the experiment cycle. They also work well with our preset :ref:`configuration resources `, but allow finer control on the input datasets. .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.train: Training FCNs ============= Training creates of a new PyTorch_ model. This model can be used for evaluation tests or for inference. .. command-output:: bob binseg train --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.predict: Prediction with FCNs ==================== Inference takes as input a PyTorch_ model and generates output probabilities as HDF5 files. The probability map has the same size as the input and indicates, from 0 to 1 (floating-point number), the probability of a vessel in that pixel, from less probable (0.0) to more probable (1.0). .. command-output:: bob binseg predict --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.evaluate: FCN Performance Evaluation ========================== Evaluation takes inference results and compares it to ground-truth, generating a series of analysis figures which are useful to understand model performance. .. command-output:: bob binseg evaluate --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.compare: Performance Comparison ====================== Performance comparison takes the performance evaluation results and generate combined figures and tables that compare results of multiple systems. .. command-output:: bob binseg compare --help .. _bob.ip.binseg.cli.significance: Performance Difference Significance =================================== Calculates the significance between results obtained through 2 systems on the same dataset. .. command-output:: bob binseg significance --help .. include:: links.rst