Source code for bob.ip.binseg.engine.trainer

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import contextlib
import csv
import datetime
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import time

import numpy
import torch

from tqdm import tqdm

from ...common.utils.resources import (
from ...common.utils.summary import summary

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def torch_evaluation(model): """Context manager to turn ON/OFF model evaluation This context manager will turn evaluation mode ON on entry and turn it OFF when exiting the ``with`` statement block. Parameters ---------- model : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` Network (e.g. driu, hed, unet) Yields ------ model : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` Network (e.g. driu, hed, unet) """ model.eval() yield model model.train()
[docs]def check_gpu(device): """ Check the device type and the availability of GPU. Parameters ---------- device : :py:class:`torch.device` device to use """ if device.type == "cuda": # asserts we do have a GPU assert bool( gpu_constants() ), f"Device set to '{device}', but nvidia-smi is not installed"
[docs]def save_model_summary(output_folder, model): """ Save a little summary of the model in a txt file. Parameters ---------- output_folder : str output path model : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` Network (e.g. driu, hed, unet) Returns ------- r : str The model summary in a text format. n : int The number of parameters of the model. """ summary_path = os.path.join(output_folder, "model_summary.txt")"Saving model summary at {summary_path}...") with open(summary_path, "wt") as f: r, n = summary(model)"Model has {n} parameters...") f.write(r) return r, n
[docs]def static_information_to_csv(static_logfile_name, device, n): """ Save the static information in a csv file. Parameters ---------- static_logfile_name : str The static file name which is a join between the output folder and "constant.csv" """ if os.path.exists(static_logfile_name): backup = static_logfile_name + "~" if os.path.exists(backup): os.unlink(backup) shutil.move(static_logfile_name, backup) with open(static_logfile_name, "w", newline="") as f: logdata = cpu_constants() if device.type == "cuda": logdata += gpu_constants() logdata += (("model_size", n),) logwriter = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=[k[0] for k in logdata]) logwriter.writeheader() logwriter.writerow(dict(k for k in logdata))
[docs]def check_exist_logfile(logfile_name, arguments): """ Check existance of logfile (trainlog.csv), If the logfile exist the and the epochs number are still 0, The logfile will be replaced. Parameters ---------- logfile_name : str The logfile_name which is a join between the output_folder and trainlog.csv arguments : dict start and end epochs """ if arguments["epoch"] == 0 and os.path.exists(logfile_name): backup = logfile_name + "~" if os.path.exists(backup): os.unlink(backup) shutil.move(logfile_name, backup)
[docs]def create_logfile_fields(valid_loader, extra_valid_loaders, device): """ Creation of the logfile fields that will appear in the logfile. Parameters ---------- valid_loader : :py:class:`` To be used to validate the model and enable automatic checkpointing. If set to ``None``, then do not validate it. extra_valid_loaders : :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`` To be used to validate the model, however **does not affect** automatic checkpointing. If set to ``None``, or empty, then does not log anything else. Otherwise, an extra column with the loss of every dataset in this list is kept on the final training log. device : :py:class:`torch.device` device to use Returns ------- logfile_fields: tuple The fields that will appear in trainlog.csv """ logfile_fields = ( "epoch", "total_time", "eta", "loss", "learning_rate", ) if valid_loader is not None: logfile_fields += ("validation_loss",) if extra_valid_loaders: logfile_fields += ("extra_validation_losses",) logfile_fields += tuple( ResourceMonitor.monitored_keys(device.type == "cuda") ) return logfile_fields
[docs]def train_epoch(loader, model, optimizer, device, criterion, batch_chunk_count): """Trains the model for a single epoch (through all batches) Parameters ---------- loader : :py:class:`` To be used to train the model model : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` Network (e.g. driu, hed, unet) optimizer : :py:mod:`torch.optim` device : :py:class:`torch.device` device to use criterion : :py:class:`torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss` batch_chunk_count: int If this number is different than 1, then each batch will be divided in this number of chunks. Gradients will be accumulated to perform each mini-batch. This is particularly interesting when one has limited RAM on the GPU, but would like to keep training with larger batches. One exchanges for longer processing times in this case. To better understand gradient accumulation, read Returns ------- loss : float A floating-point value corresponding the weighted average of this epoch's loss """ losses_in_epoch = [] samples_in_epoch = [] losses_in_batch = [] samples_in_batch = [] # progress bar only on interactive jobs for idx, samples in enumerate( tqdm(loader, desc="train", leave=False, disable=None) ): images = samples[1].to( device=device, non_blocking=torch.cuda.is_available() ) ground_truths = samples[2].to( device=device, non_blocking=torch.cuda.is_available() ) masks = ( torch.ones_like(ground_truths) if len(samples) < 4 else samples[3].to( device=device, non_blocking=torch.cuda.is_available() ) ) # Forward pass on the network outputs = model(images) loss = criterion(outputs, ground_truths, masks) losses_in_batch.append(loss.item()) samples_in_batch.append(len(samples)) # Normalize loss to account for batch accumulation loss = loss / batch_chunk_count # Accumulate gradients - does not update weights just yet... loss.backward() # Weight update on the network if ((idx + 1) % batch_chunk_count == 0) or (idx + 1 == len(loader)): # Advances optimizer to the "next" state and applies weight update # over the whole model optimizer.step() # Zeroes gradients for the next batch optimizer.zero_grad() # Normalize loss for current batch batch_loss = numpy.average( losses_in_batch, weights=samples_in_batch ) losses_in_epoch.append(batch_loss.item()) samples_in_epoch.append(len(samples)) losses_in_batch.clear() samples_in_batch.clear() logger.debug(f"batch loss: {batch_loss.item()}") return numpy.average(losses_in_epoch, weights=samples_in_epoch)
[docs]def validate_epoch(loader, model, device, criterion, pbar_desc): """ Processes input samples and returns loss (scalar) Parameters ---------- loader : :py:class:`` To be used to validate the model model : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` Network (e.g. driu, hed, unet) optimizer : :py:mod:`torch.optim` device : :py:class:`torch.device` device to use criterion : :py:class:`torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss` loss function pbar_desc : str A string for the progress bar descriptor Returns ------- loss : float A floating-point value corresponding the weighted average of this epoch's loss """ batch_losses = [] samples_in_batch = [] with torch.no_grad(), torch_evaluation(model): for samples in tqdm(loader, desc=pbar_desc, leave=False, disable=None): images = samples[1].to( device=device, non_blocking=torch.cuda.is_available(), ) ground_truths = samples[2].to( device=device, non_blocking=torch.cuda.is_available(), ) masks = ( torch.ones_like(ground_truths) if len(samples) < 4 else samples[3].to( device=device, non_blocking=torch.cuda.is_available(), ) ) # data forwarding on the existing network outputs = model(images) loss = criterion(outputs, ground_truths, masks) batch_losses.append(loss.item()) samples_in_batch.append(len(samples)) return numpy.average(batch_losses, weights=samples_in_batch)
[docs]def checkpointer_process( checkpointer, checkpoint_period, valid_loss, lowest_validation_loss, arguments, epoch, max_epoch, ): """ Process the checkpointer, save the final model and keep track of the best model. Parameters ---------- checkpointer : :py:class:`bob.ip.common.utils.checkpointer.Checkpointer` checkpointer implementation checkpoint_period : int save a checkpoint every ``n`` epochs. If set to ``0`` (zero), then do not save intermediary checkpoints valid_loss : float Current epoch validation loss lowest_validation_loss : float Keeps track of the best (lowest) validation loss arguments : dict start and end epochs max_epoch : int end_potch Returns ------- lowest_validation_loss : float The lowest validation loss currently observed """ if checkpoint_period and (epoch % checkpoint_period == 0):"model_periodic_save", **arguments) if valid_loss is not None and valid_loss < lowest_validation_loss: lowest_validation_loss = valid_loss f"Found new low on validation set:" f" {lowest_validation_loss:.6f}" )"model_lowest_valid_loss", **arguments) if epoch >= max_epoch:"model_final_epoch", **arguments) return lowest_validation_loss
[docs]def write_log_info( epoch, current_time, eta_seconds, loss, valid_loss, extra_valid_losses, optimizer, logwriter, logfile, resource_data, ): """ Write log info in trainlog.csv Parameters ---------- epoch : int Current epoch current_time : float Current training time eta_seconds : float estimated time-of-arrival taking into consideration previous epoch performance loss : float Current epoch's training loss valid_loss : :py:class:`float`, None Current epoch's validation loss extra_valid_losses : :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`float` Validation losses from other validation datasets being currently tracked optimizer : :py:mod:`torch.optim` logwriter : csv.DictWriter Dictionary writer that give the ability to write on the trainlog.csv logfile : io.TextIOWrapper resource_data : tuple Monitored resources at the machine (CPU and GPU) """ logdata = ( ("epoch", f"{epoch}"), ( "total_time", f"{datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(current_time))}", ), ("eta", f"{datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(eta_seconds))}"), ("loss", f"{loss:.6f}"), ("learning_rate", f"{optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']:.6f}"), ) if valid_loss is not None: logdata += (("validation_loss", f"{valid_loss:.6f}"),) if extra_valid_losses: entry = numpy.array_str( numpy.array(extra_valid_losses), max_line_width=sys.maxsize, precision=6, ) logdata += (("extra_validation_losses", entry),) logdata += resource_data logwriter.writerow(dict(k for k in logdata)) logfile.flush() tqdm.write("|".join([f"{k}: {v}" for (k, v) in logdata[:4]]))
[docs]def run( model, data_loader, valid_loader, extra_valid_loaders, optimizer, criterion, scheduler, checkpointer, checkpoint_period, device, arguments, output_folder, monitoring_interval, batch_chunk_count, ): """ Fits an FCN model using supervised learning and save it to disk. This method supports periodic checkpointing and the output of a CSV-formatted log with the evolution of some figures during training. Parameters ---------- model : :py:class:`torch.nn.Module` Network (e.g. driu, hed, unet) data_loader : :py:class:`` To be used to train the model valid_loaders : :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`` To be used to validate the model and enable automatic checkpointing. If ``None``, then do not validate it. extra_valid_loaders : :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`` To be used to validate the model, however **does not affect** automatic checkpointing. If empty, then does not log anything else. Otherwise, an extra column with the loss of every dataset in this list is kept on the final training log. optimizer : :py:mod:`torch.optim` criterion : :py:class:`torch.nn.modules.loss._Loss` loss function scheduler : :py:mod:`torch.optim` learning rate scheduler checkpointer : :py:class:`bob.ip.common.utils.checkpointer.Checkpointer` checkpointer implementation checkpoint_period : int save a checkpoint every ``n`` epochs. If set to ``0`` (zero), then do not save intermediary checkpoints device : :py:class:`torch.device` device to use arguments : dict start and end epochs output_folder : str output path monitoring_interval : int, float interval, in seconds (or fractions), through which we should monitor resources during training. batch_chunk_count: int If this number is different than 1, then each batch will be divided in this number of chunks. Gradients will be accumulated to perform each mini-batch. This is particularly interesting when one has limited RAM on the GPU, but would like to keep training with larger batches. One exchanges for longer processing times in this case. """ start_epoch = arguments["epoch"] max_epoch = arguments["max_epoch"] check_gpu(device) os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True) # Save model summary r, n = save_model_summary(output_folder, model) # write static information to a CSV file static_logfile_name = os.path.join(output_folder, "constants.csv") static_information_to_csv(static_logfile_name, device, n) # Log continous information to (another) file logfile_name = os.path.join(output_folder, "trainlog.csv") check_exist_logfile(logfile_name, arguments) logfile_fields = create_logfile_fields( valid_loader, extra_valid_loaders, device ) # the lowest validation loss obtained so far - this value is updated only # if a validation set is available lowest_validation_loss = sys.float_info.max with open(logfile_name, "a+", newline="") as logfile: logwriter = csv.DictWriter(logfile, fieldnames=logfile_fields) if arguments["epoch"] == 0: logwriter.writeheader() model.train() # set training mode # set/cast parameters to device for state in optimizer.state.values(): for k, v in state.items(): if isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): state[k] = # Total training timer start_training_time = time.time() for epoch in tqdm( range(start_epoch, max_epoch), desc="epoch", leave=False, disable=None, ): with ResourceMonitor( interval=monitoring_interval, has_gpu=(device.type == "cuda"), main_pid=os.getpid(), logging_level=logging.ERROR, ) as resource_monitor: epoch = epoch + 1 arguments["epoch"] = epoch # Epoch time start_epoch_time = time.time() train_loss = train_epoch( data_loader, model, optimizer, device, criterion, batch_chunk_count, ) scheduler.step() valid_loss = ( validate_epoch( valid_loader, model, device, criterion, "valid" ) if valid_loader is not None else None ) extra_valid_losses = [] for pos, extra_valid_loader in enumerate(extra_valid_loaders): loss = validate_epoch( extra_valid_loader, model, device, criterion, f"xval@{pos+1}", ) extra_valid_losses.append(loss) lowest_validation_loss = checkpointer_process( checkpointer, checkpoint_period, valid_loss, lowest_validation_loss, arguments, epoch, max_epoch, ) # computes ETA (estimated time-of-arrival; end of training) taking # into consideration previous epoch performance epoch_time = time.time() - start_epoch_time eta_seconds = epoch_time * (max_epoch - epoch) current_time = time.time() - start_training_time write_log_info( epoch, current_time, eta_seconds, train_loss, valid_loss, extra_valid_losses, optimizer, logwriter, logfile,, ) total_training_time = time.time() - start_training_time f"Total training time: {datetime.timedelta(seconds=total_training_time)} ({(total_training_time/max_epoch):.4f}s in average per epoch)" )