.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ================= Annotator Guide ================= This guide explains how to annotate keypoints in images using the built-in annotation app. We will use an example image from Lenna_ for this tutorial. The annotator app is agnostic to images and can load anything that is supported by :py:mod:`bob.io.image`. Image annotation ---------------- The application is launched via command-line, which means you need a command prompt, pre-configured with the conda_ environment containing this package. Open such prompt (e.g. via a *Terminal* application) and pass the root path containing the images you would like to annotate: .. code-block:: sh $ conda activate myenv (myenv) $ bob annotate -vv /path/to/images /path/to/annotations Once started, you should see a window that looks like the image in :numref:`annotate-main`. .. _annotate-main: .. figure:: img/annotate-main.* :alt: Main annotation window Main annotation window The application scans the input folder (``/path/to/images`` in the example above), looking for files ending in ``.png``. It loads them one by one as you push the directional buttons on the top left of the window, under the heading *Images*. The total number of images and the current image being edited are shown on the window title and under this part of the application. The other sections of the left pane show *Objects*, *Filters*, *Pointer [x,y]* and, finally *Help*. The *Objects* section show how many objects have been annotated on the image. You may annotate any number of objects in each image. Each annotation is just a set of points clicked on the screen. The sequence in which the points are clicked is preserved. By pressing the ``ALT`` key on your keyboard (any of the two normally available), the application *temporarily* draws on the screen either a line or polygon connecting such dots so you can better visualize annotated objects. The choice between drawing a line or polygon on connecting annotated objects can be selected using the button that says *mode* on the left pane. You may optionally press the keyboard shortcut ``m`` to switch modes. Notice that lines and polygons drawn at the screen are drawn only for informational purposes - such information is not recorded to the output files, which only preserve points and the order in which points were annotated. .. tip:: By using the check-button "Decorations" on the left pane, you may switch ON or OFF the drawing of line/polygon connectors on the screen. The keyboard shortcuts ``t`` and ``T`` can be used to switch ON or OFF this functionality as well. To annotate the image, click on the image using a mouse or trackpad. If using a mouse, use its left button to append a key point to the current object being annotated. Alternatively, use the ``a`` keyboard key to append a new keypoint, under the pointer cursor, to the active annotation set. When you append a new keypoint, it becomes automatically the last keypoint on the set. Appending a keypoint adds it to the **end** of the current keypoint trail. You may also *insert* a new keypoint between other existing keypoints (notice order is an important factor here). If you wish to insert a new keypoint **before** an existing one, in the middle of a sequence, move the cursor so it highlights the closest keypoint that will come before or after the keypoint you wish to insert. Once you have it highlit, press ``i`` or, alternatively use the ``SHIFT`` key combined with a left-mouse button or trackpad click. .. tip:: To better visualize the order of keypoints, enable drawing of *Decorations* by either click the check-button on the left pane or pushing the keyboard key ``t``. You may switch between the objects annotated using the keyboard shortcuts ``o`` (next) or ``O`` (previous), or use the pane on the left. If you'd like to annotate a new object on the current image, click on ``create`` or use the keyboard shortcut ``c``. To delete an object use the keyboard shortcut ``D`` or click on the ``del`` button. .. warning:: The application has no undo functionality currently implemented. In case you make a mistake, but previously saved the annotations, exit pusing the ``ESC`` button on your keyboard. This will cause the application **not** to save any of the current image annotations. :numref:`annotate-objects` shows an example in which the user annotated two objects: the top of Lenna_'s hat and her face. The number of keypoints annotated per object is variable. The current set of points being annotated is highlit in yellow, while the sets not being updated are drawn in white. You cannot change a set unless it is highlit. To highlight an annotation set for edition, use ``o`` or ``O`` as indicated before, or click on the buttons on the the left pane. Once an annotation set is highlit (in yellow), a single keypoint will be indicated in red - that is the *active* keypoint. Keyboard commands apply only to the active keypoint. To delete a single keypoint, use the ``d`` keyboard shortcut, or the right-button of your mouse. To do so, first select the keypoint by simply approaching it with your pointer cursor, *without* clicking. Once you get close enough, the point of interest becomes red. Once the point is red, you may delete it using the ``d`` keyboard shortcut. You may also move the point using the arrow keys on your keyboard. The point from the current active set closest to the cursor is always the active one. .. _annotate-objects: .. figure:: img/annotate-objects.* :alt: Annotating objects Annotating objects When you change images pushing either ``n`` or ``p``, annotations for the current image are first saved before switching images. You do not need to push a save button of any sort using this application. The output path, marked on the above example with ``/path/to/annotations`` is the directory where annotated points will be written to. This path is created if it does not exist. If it does exist, annotations are preloaded for each image inside ``/path/to/images`` if they exist and annotation is resumed from the point it was stopped. You may use this technique to continue your previous work, if you quit the application. Annotations are saved to the output directory copying the *same folder structure* found on the input path. For example, if the images were lying like this on the input path: .. code-block:: text /path/to/images/subfolder1/image.png /path/to/images/subfolder2/image.png /path/to/images/subfolder3/subfolder/image.png Then, the output path will contain the following files, after the user annotated all images: .. code-block:: text /path/to/annotations/subfolder1/image.json /path/to/annotations/subfolder2/image.json /path/to/annotations/subfolder3/subfolder/image.json Annotation format ----------------- Annotations are saved in JSON_ format, which is easily readable and loadable in a variety of programming environments. The specific format used by the annotator application may change, but it essentially just lists annotated points, in the order objects are created. It is a list of lists, in which each sublist contains coordinates in ``(y, x)`` format (height, width). Here is an example of the JSON file produced for 3 objects annotated on Lenna_'s (resolution is 512 by 512): left, right eyes and nose tip, respectively: .. code-block:: json [ [ [ 273, 248 ], [ 264, 271 ], [ 279, 285 ], [ 280, 264 ] ], [ [ 278, 322 ], [ 264, 341 ], [ 273, 357 ], [ 282, 343 ] ], [ [ 333, 317 ] ] ] Zoom ---- You may alternatively control the size of the image being annotated by passing a *zoom* parameter (floating point number within the range ``]0,+inf[``). A zoom of ``1.0`` (the default), displays images as they are. A zoom larger than ``1.0`` upscales the input image making it look bigger than they originally are. A zoom factor smaller than ``1.0`` does the inverse, scaling down the input image. Annotations recorded on the image are *independent* of the zoom factor and compensated upon saving operations. To change the zoom factor, use the ``--zoom`` parameter of the annotator app, while starting the application. For example, to start the application with a zoom factor of ``2.0`` do: .. code-block:: sh (myenv) $ bob annotate -vv --zoom=2.0 /path/to/images /path/to/annotations .. tip:: You should try to use a zoom factor which is the largest possible given your screen resolution. The image should fit comfortably on the screen without resizing the drawing window. The higher the zoom factor, the more precise will be your annotation. Conversely, the lower, the less precise. The application supports automatic resizing of the canvas to fill all the available application area, without distorting the image or the annotations. Use this feature to select the largest possible annotation area (typically by fully maximizing the annotation window), which will give you the best possible precision. Filtering --------- The application provides a simple filtering option for images being displayed. If you click on the CLAHE_ option, the application will apply Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization using :py:func:`skimage.exposure.equalize_adapthist`. You may control the kernel size and clipping parameters using the text boxes under the filter heading. If the filter is already on, and you wish to change its parameters, then click it off and then on back again. Once the filter is active, it will remain active for the next images as well. Alternatively use the keyboard shortcuts ``f`` to toggle the filter ON or ``F`` to toggle it off. Further help ------------ Use the flag ``--help`` to list all options and examples from the annotation app: .. code-block:: sh (myenv) $ bob annotate --help Read the annotator application help message, by clicking on the keyboard shortcut ``?`` or the button on the left pane. The help message lists all known keyboard and pointer/mouse bindings. Familiarise yourself with these shortcuts as that improves annotation performance, reducing the time you spend annotating images. You can check the contents of the help dialog through this documentation, looking at the docstring of the :py:mod:`bob.ip.annotator.gui` module. .. tip:: The annotation application also has built-in tooltips. As you hover buttons (after a 1 second delay), or specific widgets a temporary help message will display more information. .. include:: links.rst