Source code for

import numpy as np

def rotate_data(data, angle):
    """Rotate the `data` array by `angle`, where `angle` is a multiple of a square angle.

    `data` must at least have 2 dimension. If it has more, the rotation operates on the last dimensions.

    data : :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
        Array to rotate.
    angle : int
        Angle by which to rotate `data`.

        Rotated array.

        If `angle` is not a supported multiple of a square angle.
    if angle not in (-90, 0, 90, 180, 270):
        raise ValueError("angle must be a multiple of a square angle. Accepted values: -90, 0, 90, 180, 270.")
    if angle == 0:
    elif angle == 90:
        data = data.swapaxes(-2, -1)[..., ::-1]
    elif angle == 180:
        data = data[..., ::-1]
    elif angle in (-90, 270):
        data = data.swapaxes(-2, -1)[..., ::-1, :]
    return data

def get_index_list(index, size):
    """From an indexing value of type int, slice, list or None, generates the equivalent list of indices in a 1d array.

    index : int or slice or list or None
        Indexing value in an array. Eg: 2 for array[2], slice(None, None, 2) for array[::2], ...
        Only 1d index are supported.
    size : int
        Size of the array that is indexed.

    list of int
        Equivalent list of indices to `index`.

        If `index` is not of a supported type.
    # None index is equivalent to [:] i.e. slice(None, None, None)
    if index is None:
        index = slice(None, None, None)
    # frame index transform to list
    if isinstance(index, int):
        indices = [index]
    # slice transform to list
    elif isinstance(index, slice):
        # start value: handle None and negative
        if index.start is not None:
            if index.start < 0:
                start = size + index.start
                start = index.start
            # boundary case
            if start >= size:
                start = size - 1
            start = 0
        # stop value: handle None and negative
        if index.stop is not None:
            if index.stop < 0:
                stop = size + index.stop
                stop = index.stop
            # boundary case
            if stop >= size:
                stop = size - 1
            stop = size
        # step value: handle None
        if index.step is not None:
            step = index.step
            step = 1
        # generate list
        indices = list(range(start, stop, step))
    # pass lists thru
    elif isinstance(index, list):
        indices = index
        raise ValueError("index can only be None, int, slice or list, but got " + str(type(index)))
    return indices

def get_axis_size(shape, axis, indices=None):
    """Given the `shape` of an array, returns the dimension along `axis` of that array after `indices` are taken into 
    the array along `axis`.

    shape : tuple of int
        Shape of an array.
    axis : int
        Axis on which `indices` operate.
    indices : int or slice or None
        The indices taken in an array with shape `shape`, on axis `axis`, by default None

        Size of an array along `axis` after `indices` are taken.

        If `indices` does not have a supported type.

    This function is used to know the size of an array after slicing into it, which is usefull when the actual slicing 
    operation is delayed as sometimes in the `` class.

    >>> a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
    >>> a[...,1:].shape[1]
    >>> get_axis_size(a.shape, 1, slice(1, None, None))
    if indices is None:
        return shape[axis]
        if isinstance(indices, int):
            return 1
        elif isinstance(indices, slice):
            return len(range(*indices.indices(shape[axis])))
            raise ValueError("`indices` can only be None, int or slice, but got " + str(type(indices)))

[docs]class StreamArray: """Class to associate data to a :class:``, for instance bounding boxes to a video stream. This class allows to set the value of the data array (eg the bounding box at some or each frame of a stream) without having to care about the shape of the stream. If the data is not initialized, it will return None. """ def __init__(self, stream): """Set link to stream to access its shape. Parameters ---------- stream : :obj:`` The stream to which this array of data is associated. """ self.__stream = stream self.__data = None def __getitem__(self, index): # no value is array not initialised if self.__data is None: return None else: return self.__data[index] def __setitem__(self, index, data): # initialise array if needed if self.__data is None: self.__data = [None for i in range(self.__stream.shape[0])] assert len(self.__data) == self.__stream.shape[0] self.__data[index] = data