Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Andre Anjos <>
# Thu Feb  7 09:58:22 2013
# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Idiap Research Institute, Martigny, Switzerland

"""Re-usable decorators and utilities for bob test code

import os
import functools
import nose.plugins.skip
from distutils.version import StrictVersion as SV

[docs]def datafile(f, module=None, path='data'): """Returns the test file on the "data" subdirectory of the current module. Keyword attributes f: str This is the filename of the file you want to retrieve. Something like ``'movie.avi'``. module: string, optional This is the python-style package name of the module you want to retrieve the data from. This should be something like ````, but you normally refer it using the ``__name__`` property of the module you want to find the path relative to. path: str, optional This is the subdirectory where the datafile will be taken from inside the module. Normally (the default) ``data``. It can be set to ``None`` if it should be taken from the module path root (where the ```` file sits). Returns the full path of the file. """ resource = __name__ if module is None else module final_path = f if path is None else os.path.join(path, f) return __import__('pkg_resources').resource_filename(resource, final_path)
[docs]def temporary_filename(prefix='bobtest_', suffix='.hdf5'): """Generates a temporary filename to be used in tests""" (fd, name) = __import__('tempfile').mkstemp(suffix, prefix) os.close(fd) os.unlink(name) return name
[docs]def extension_available(extension): '''Decorator to check if a extension is available before enabling a test''' def test_wrapper(test): @functools.wraps(test) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): from . import extensions if extension in extensions(): return test(*args, **kwargs) else: raise nose.plugins.skip.SkipTest('Extension to handle "%s" files was not available at compile time' % extension) return wrapper return test_wrapper