Python API

This section includes information for using the Python API of bob.fusion.base.



bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Algorithm([…]) A class to be used in score fusion
bob.fusion.base.algorithm.AlgorithmBob([…]) A class to be used in score fusion using bob machines.
bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Weighted_Sum([weights]) weighted sum (default: mean)
bob.fusion.base.algorithm.MLP([n_systems, …]) This MLP is implemented using the bob tools.
bob.fusion.base.algorithm.LLR([trainer]) LLR Score fusion using Bob
bob.fusion.base.algorithm.GMM([…]) GMM Score fusion


bob.fusion.base.preprocessor.Tanh([copy]) A tanh feature scaler:
bob.fusion.base.preprocessor.ZNorm([copy]) ZNorm feature scaler This scaler works just like sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler but only takes the zero effort impostors into account when estimating the mean and standard deviation.

Fusion Algorithms

class bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Algorithm(preprocessors=None, classifier=None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A class to be used in score fusion


A dictionary that its content will printed in the __str__ method.

__init__(preprocessors=None, classifier=None, **kwargs)[source]
scores: numpy.ndarray
A numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).


fused_score: numpy.ndarray
The fused scores in shape of (n_samples,).

Load the algorithm the same way it was saved. A new instance will be returned.


loaded_algorithm: Algorithm
A new instance of the loaded algorithm.

scores: numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems). returns the transformed scores.


Save the instance of the algorithm.

model_file: str
A path to save the file. Please note that file objects are not accepted. The filename MUST end with “.pkl”. Also, an algorithm may save itself in multiple files with different extensions such as model_file and model_file[:-3]+’hdf5’.
train(train_neg, train_pos, devel_neg=None, devel_pos=None)[source]

If you use development data for training you need to override this method.

train_neg: numpy.ndarray
Negatives training data should be numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).
train_pos: numpy.ndarray
Positives training data should be numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).
devel_neg, devel_pos: numpy.ndarray
Same as train but used for development (validation).
train_preprocessors(X, y=None)[source]

Train preprocessors in order. X: numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).

class bob.fusion.base.algorithm.AlgorithmBob(preprocessors=None, classifier=None, **kwargs)

Bases: bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Algorithm

A class to be used in score fusion using bob machines.


Load the algorithm the same way it was saved. A new instance will be returned.


loaded_algorithm: Algorithm
A new instance of the loaded algorithm.
class bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Empty(**kwargs)

Bases: bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Algorithm

Empty algorithm This algorithm does not change scores by itself and only applies the preprocessors.

fit(X, y)[source]
class bob.fusion.base.algorithm.GMM(number_of_gaussians=None, kmeans_training_iterations=25, gmm_training_iterations=25, training_threshold=0.0005, variance_threshold=0.0005, update_weights=True, update_means=True, update_variances=True, responsibility_threshold=0, init_seed=5489, **kwargs)

Bases: bob.fusion.base.algorithm.AlgorithmBob

GMM Score fusion

__init__(number_of_gaussians=None, kmeans_training_iterations=25, gmm_training_iterations=25, training_threshold=0.0005, variance_threshold=0.0005, update_weights=True, update_means=True, update_variances=True, responsibility_threshold=0, init_seed=5489, **kwargs)[source]
train(train_neg, train_pos, devel_neg=None, devel_pos=None)[source]

If you use development data for training you need to override this method.

train_neg: numpy.ndarray
Negatives training data should be numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).
train_pos: numpy.ndarray
Positives training data should be numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).
devel_neg, devel_pos: numpy.ndarray
Same as train but used for development (validation).
class bob.fusion.base.algorithm.LLR(trainer=None, **kwargs)

Bases: bob.fusion.base.algorithm.AlgorithmBob

LLR Score fusion using Bob

__init__(trainer=None, **kwargs)[source]
train(train_neg, train_pos, devel_neg=None, devel_pos=None)[source]

If you use development data for training you need to override this method.

train_neg: numpy.ndarray
Negatives training data should be numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).
train_pos: numpy.ndarray
Positives training data should be numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).
devel_neg, devel_pos: numpy.ndarray
Same as train but used for development (validation).
class bob.fusion.base.algorithm.MLP(n_systems=2, hidden_layers=(5, ), seed=None, machine=None, trainer=None, batch_size=1, epoch=1, max_iter=1000, no_improvements=0, valley_condition=1, **kwargs)

Bases: bob.fusion.base.algorithm.AlgorithmBob

This MLP is implemented using the bob tools. The preprocessors used with this class should be pickleable.

__init__(n_systems=2, hidden_layers=(5, ), seed=None, machine=None, trainer=None, batch_size=1, epoch=1, max_iter=1000, no_improvements=0, valley_condition=1, **kwargs)[source]
prepare_train(train, devel)[source]
train(train_neg, train_pos, devel_neg=None, devel_pos=None)[source]

If you use development data for training you need to override this method.

train_neg: numpy.ndarray
Negatives training data should be numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).
train_pos: numpy.ndarray
Positives training data should be numpy.ndarray with the shape of (n_samples, n_systems).
devel_neg, devel_pos: numpy.ndarray
Same as train but used for development (validation).
class bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Weighted_Sum(weights=None, **kwargs)

Bases: bob.fusion.base.algorithm.Algorithm

weighted sum (default: mean)

__init__(weights=None, **kwargs)[source]
fit(X, y)[source]

Fusion Preprocessors

class bob.fusion.base.preprocessor.Tanh(copy=True, **kwargs)

Bases: sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler

A tanh feature scaler:

\[0.5 \left( \tanh\left( 0.01 \cdot \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}\right) + 1 \right)\]

This scaler is both efficient and is robust to outliers.

The original implementation in Hampel, Frank R., et al. "Robust statistics: the approach based on influence functions." (1986). uses an influence function but this is not used here.

__init__(copy=True, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

fit(X, y=None)[source]

Estimates the mean and standard deviation of samples. Only positive samples are used in estimation.

inverse_transform(X, copy=None)[source]

Perform inverse scaling.

transform(X, copy=None)[source]

Perform scaling.

class bob.fusion.base.preprocessor.ZNorm(copy=True, **kwargs)

Bases: sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler

ZNorm feature scaler This scaler works just like sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler but only takes the zero effort impostors into account when estimating the mean and standard deviation. You should not use this scaler when PAD scores are present.

__init__(copy=True, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

fit(X, y=None)[source]

Estimates the mean and standard deviation of samples. Only positive samples are used in estimation.

Fusion Scripts

bob.fusion.base.script.routine_fusion(algorithm, model_file, scores_train_lines, scores_train, train_neg, train_pos, fused_train_file, scores_dev_lines=None, scores_dev=None, dev_neg=None, dev_pos=None, fused_dev_file=None, scores_eval_lines=None, scores_eval=None, fused_eval_file=None, force=False, min_file_size=1000, do_training=True)[source]