Developing existing Bob packages

This guide will explain how to develop existing Bob packages from their source checkout. The sources of packages are hosted on Idiap’s gitlab and they are managed by git. First we will explain how to setup a local environment, later we will talk about how to checkout and build one or several packages from their git source.


Suppose you want to develop two packages, bob.extension and bob.blitz, locally:

$ conda config --set show_channel_urls True
$ conda config --add channels defaults
$ conda config --add channels
  • Create an isolated environment for the task.

$ conda create --copy -n awesome-project \
  python=3 bob-devel bob-extras
# bob-devel has all of our dependencies but no bob packages themselves and
# bob-extras has all of our bob packages.
$ source activate awesome-project
  • Create a folder with the following buildout configuration file.

$ mkdir awesome-project
$ cd awesome-project
$ vi buildout.cfg
parts = scripts

extensions = bob.buildout

newest = false
verbose = true
debug = false

auto-checkout = *

develop = src/bob.extension

eggs = bob.extension

recipe = bob.buildout:scripts
dependent-scripts = true

bob.extension = git
bob.blitz = git
; or
; bob.extension = git
; bob.blitz = git
  • Run buildout and check if your desired package is being imported from the awesome-project/src folder.

$ buildout
$ ./bin/python  # you should use this python to run things from now on
>>> import bob.blitz
>>> bob.blitz # should print from '.../awesome-project/src/bob.blitz/...'
<module 'bob.blitz' from 'awesome-project/src/bob.blitz/bob/blitz/'>
>>> print(bob.blitz.get_config())
bob.blitz: 2.0.15b0 [api=0x0202] (awesome-project/src/bob.blitz)
* C/C++ dependencies:
  - Blitz++: 0.10
  - Boost: 1.61.0
  - Compiler: {'version': '4.8.5', 'name': 'gcc'}
  - NumPy: {'abi': '0x01000009', 'api': '0x0000000A'}
  - Python: 2.7.13
* Python dependencies:
  - bob.extension: 2.4.6b0 (awesome-project/src/bob.extension)
  - numpy: 1.12.1 (miniconda/envs/bob3py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages)
  - setuptools: 36.4.0 (miniconda/envs/bob3py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages)


  • run nosetests (e.g. of bob.extension):

$ ./bin/nosetests -sv bob.extension
  • build the docs (e.g. of bob.extension):

# or with private docs also available at Idiap. Ask for its path from colleagues.
$ export BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER="|http://path/to/private/docs/bob/%(name)s/master/"
$ cd src/bob.extension
$ ../../bin/sphinx-build -aEn doc sphinx  # make sure it finishes without warnings.
$ firefox sphinx/index.html  # view the docs.

Local development environment

The first thing that you want to do is setup your local development environment so you can start developing. Thanks to conda this is quite easy. Here are the instructions:

$ conda config --set show_channel_urls True
$ conda config --add channels defaults
$ conda config --add channels


Make sure you are using only our channel (with the highest priority) and defaults (with the second highest priority). If you use any other channel like conda-forge, you may end-up with broken environments. To see which channels you are using run:

$ conda config --get channels
  • Create a new environment that you will use for development.


We recommend creating a new conda environment for every project or task that you work on. This way you can have several isolated development environments which can be very different form each other.

$ conda create --copy -n awesome-project \
  python=3 bob-devel
$ source activate awesome-project


The --copy option in the conda create command copies all files from conda’s cache folder into your environment. If you don’t provide it, it will try to create hard links to save up disk space but you will risk modifying the files in all your environments without knowing. This can easily happen if you use pip for example to manage your environment.

That’s it. Now you have an isolated conda environment for your awesome project! bob-devel is a conda meta package that pulls a set of common software into your environment. To see what is installed, run:

$ conda list

You can use conda and zc.buildout (which we will talk about later) to install some other libraries that you may require into your environment.


Installing bob-devel will not install any Bob package. Use conda to install the Bob packages that you require. For example to get all the core Bob packages installed, run:

$ conda install bob

One important advantage of using conda and zc.buildout is that it does not require administrator privileges for setting up any of the above. Furthermore, you will be able to create distributable environments for each project you have. This is a great way to release code for laboratory exercises or for a particular publication that depends on Bob.

Building packages locally

To be able to develop a package, we first need to build and install it locally. While developing a package, you need to install your package in development mode so that you do not have to re-install your package after every change that you do in the source. zc.buildout allows you to exactly do that.


zc.buildout will create another local environment from your conda environment but unlike conda environments this environment is not isolated rather it inherits from your conda environment. This means you can still use the libraries that are installed in your conda environment. zc.buildout also allows you to install PyPI packages into your environment. You can use it to install some Python library if it is not available using conda. Keep in mind that to install a library you should always prefer conda but to install your package from source in development mode, you should use zc.buildout.

zc.buildout provides a buildout command. buildout takes as input a “recipe” that explains how to build a local working environment. The recipe, by default, is stored in a file called buildout.cfg. Let’s create an example one in your project folder that will allow you to develop bob.extension from source:

$ mkdir awesome-project
$ cd awesome-project
# checkout bob.extension from source and put it in a folder called `src`
$ git clone src/bob.extension

Create a file named buildout.cfg in the awesome-project folder with the following contents:

parts = scripts
extensions = bob.buildout
newest = false
verbose = true
debug = false

develop = src/bob.extension
eggs = bob.extension

recipe = bob.buildout:scripts
dependent-scripts = true

Then, invoke buildout:

$ buildout


Buildout by default looks for buildout.cfg in your current folder and uses that configuration file. You can specify a different config file with the -c option:

$ buildout -c develop.cfg

The buildout command with the configuration file above will install bob.extension in development mode in your local buildout environment.


Once buildout runs, it creates several executable scripts in a local bin folder. Each executable is programmed to use Python from the conda environment, but also to consider (prioritarily) your package checkout. This means that you need to use the scripts from the bin folder instead of using its equivalence from your conda environment. For example, use ./bin/python instead of python.

buildout will examine the file of packages using setuptools and will ensure all build and run-time dependencies of packages are available either through the conda installation or it will install them locally without changing your conda environment.

The configuration file is organized in several sections, which are indicated by [], where the default section [buildout] is always required. Some of the entries need attention.

  • The first entry are the eggs. In there, you can list all python packages that should be installed. These packages will then be available to be used in your environment. Dependencies for those packages will be automatically managed, as long as you keep bob.buildout in your list of extensions. At least, the current package needs to be in the eggs list.

  • The extensions list includes all extensions that are required in the buildout process. By default, only bob.buildout is required, but more extensions can be added (more on that later).

  • The next entry is the develop list. These packages will be installed development mode from the specified folder.

The remaining options define how the (dependent) packages are built. For example, the debug flag defined, how the C++ code in all the (dependent) packages is built. The verbose options handles the verbosity of the build. When the newest flag is set to true, buildout will install all packages in the latest versions, even if an older version is already available.


We normally set newest = False to avoid downloading already installed dependencies. Also, it installs by default the latest stable version of the package, unless prefer-final = False, in which case the latest available on PyPI, including betas, will be installed.


Compiling packages in debug mode (debug = true) will make them very slow. You should only use this option when you are developing and not for running experiments or production.

When the buildout command is invoked it will perform the following steps:

  1. It goes through the list of eggs, searched for according packages and installed them locally.

  2. It populates the ./bin directory with all the console_scripts that you have specified in the


One thing to note in package development is that when you change the entry points in of a package, you need to run buildout again.

Using mr.developer

One extension that may be useful is mr.developer. It allows to develop several packages at the same time. This extension will allow buildout to automatically check out packages from git repositories, and places them into the ./src directory. It can be simply set up by adding mr.developer to the extensions section.

In this case, the develop section should be augmented with the packages you would like to develop. There, you can list directories that contain Python packages, which will be build in exactly the order that you specified. With this option, you can tell buildout particularly, in which directories it should look for some packages.

parts = scripts

extensions = bob.buildout

newest = false
verbose = true
debug = false

auto-checkout = *

develop = src/bob.extension

eggs = bob.extension

recipe = bob.buildout:scripts
dependent-scripts = true

bob.extension = git
bob.blitz = git

A new section called [sources] appears, where the package information for mr.developer is initialized. For more details, please read its documentation. mr.developer does not automatically place the packages into the develop list (and neither in the eggs), so you have to do that yourself.

With this augmented buildout.cfg, the buildout command will perform the following steps:

  1. It checks out the packages that you specified using mr.developer.

  2. It develops all packages in the develop section (it links the source of the packages to your local environment).

  3. It will go through the list of eggs and search for according packages in the following order:

    1. In one of the already developed directories.

    2. In the python environment, e.g., packages installed with pip.

    3. Online, i.e. on PyPI.

  4. It will populate the ./bin directory with all the console_scripts that you have specified in the In our example, this is ./bin/

The order of packages that you list in eggs and develop are important and dependencies should be listed first. Especially, when you want to use a private package and which not available through pypi. If you do not specify them in order, you might face with some errors like this:

Could not find index page for 'a.bob.package' (maybe misspelled?)

If you see such errors, you may need to add the missing package to eggs and develop and sources (of course, respecting the order of dependencies).

Your local environment

After buildout has finished, you should now be able to execute ./bin/python. When using the newly generated ./bin/python script, you can access all packages that you have developed, including your own package:

$ ./bin/python
>>> import bob.blitz
>>> bob.blitz # should print from '.../awesome-project/src/bob.blitz/...'
<module 'bob.blitz' from 'awesome-project/src/bob.blitz/bob/blitz/'>
>>> print(bob.blitz.get_config())
bob.blitz: 2.0.15b0 [api=0x0202] (awesome-project/src/bob.blitz)
* C/C++ dependencies:
  - Blitz++: 0.10
  - Boost: 1.61.0
  - Compiler: {'version': '4.8.5', 'name': 'gcc'}
  - NumPy: {'abi': '0x01000009', 'api': '0x0000000A'}
  - Python: 2.7.13
* Python dependencies:
  - bob.extension: 2.4.6b0 (awesome-project/src/bob.extension)
  - numpy: 1.12.1 (miniconda/envs/bob3py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages)
  - setuptools: 36.4.0 (miniconda/envs/bob3py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages)

Everything is now setup for you to continue the development of the packages. Moreover, you can learn more about Bob packages and learn to create new ones in Python package development.