Source code for bob.extension.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Andre Anjos <>
# Fri 21 Mar 2014 10:37:40 CET

'''General utilities for building extensions'''

import os
import re
import sys
import glob
import platform
import pkg_resources


def find_file(name, subpaths=None, prefixes=None):
  """Finds a generic file on the file system. Returns all candidates.

  This method will find all occurrences of a given name on the file system and
  will return them to the user.

  If the environment variable ``BOB_PREFIX_PATH`` is set, then it is
  considered a unix path list that is prepended to the list of prefixes to
  search for. The environment variable has the highest priority on the search
  order. The order on the variable for each path is respected.


  name, str
    The name of the file to be found, including extension

  subpaths, str list
    A list of subpaths to be appended to each prefix for the search. For
    example, if you specificy ``['foo', 'bar']`` for this parameter, then
    search on ``os.path.join(prefixes[0], 'foo')``, ``os.path.join(prefixes[0],
    'bar')``, and so on. Globs are accepted in this list and resolved using
    the function :py:func:`glob.glob`.

  prefixes, str list
    A list of prefixes that will be searched prioritarily to the
    ``DEFAULT_PREFIXES`` defined in this module.

  Returns a list of filenames that exist on the filesystem, matching your

  search = []

  # Priority 1: the environment
  if 'BOB_PREFIX_PATH' in os.environ:
    search += os.environ['BOB_PREFIX_PATH'].split(os.pathsep)

  # Priority 2: user passed paths
  if prefixes:
    search += prefixes

  # Priority 3: the current system executable

  # Priority 4: the default search prefixes

  # Make unique to avoid searching twice
  search = uniq_paths(search)

  # Exhaustive combination of paths and subpaths
  if subpaths:
    subsearch = []
    for s in search:
      for p in subpaths:
        subsearch.append(os.path.join(s, p))
    search = subsearch

  # Before we do a filesystem check, filter out the unexisting paths
  tmp = []
  for k in search: tmp += glob.glob(k)
  search = tmp

  retval = []
  candidates = []
  for path in search:
    candidate = os.path.join(path, name)
    if os.path.exists(candidate): retval.append(candidate)

  return retval

def find_header(name, subpaths=None, prefixes=None):
  """Finds a header file on the file system. Returns all candidates.

  This method will find all occurrences of a given name on the file system and
  will return them to the user.

  If the environment variable ``BOB_PREFIX_PATH`` is set, then it is
  considered a unix path list that is prepended to the list of prefixes to
  search for. The environment variable has the highest priority on the search
  order. The order on the variable for each path is respected.


  name, str
    The name of the file to be found, including extension

  subpaths, str list
    A list of subpaths to be appended to each prefix for the search. For
    example, if you specificy ``['foo', 'bar']`` for this parameter, then
    search on ``os.path.join(prefixes[0], 'foo')``, ``os.path.join(prefixes[0],
    'bar')``, and so on.

  prefixes, str list
    A list of prefixes that will be searched prioritarily to the
    ``DEFAULT_PREFIXES`` defined in this module.

  Returns a list of filenames that exist on the filesystem, matching your

  headerpaths = []

  # arm-based system (e.g. raspberry pi 32 or 64-bit)
  if platform.machine().startswith('arm'):
    headerpaths += [os.path.join('include', 'arm-linux-gnueabihf')]

  # else, consider it intel compatible
  elif platform.architecture()[0] == '32bit':
    headerpaths += [os.path.join('include', 'i386-linux-gnu')]
    headerpaths += [os.path.join('include', 'x86_64-linux-gnu')]

  # Raspberry PI search directory (arch independent) + normal include
  headerpaths += ['include']

  # Exhaustive combination of paths and subpaths
  if subpaths:
    my_subpaths = []
    for hp in headerpaths:
      my_subpaths += [os.path.join(hp, k) for k in subpaths]
    my_subpaths = headerpaths

  return find_file(name, my_subpaths, prefixes)

[docs]def find_library(name, version=None, subpaths=None, prefixes=None, only_static=False): """Finds a library file on the file system. Returns all candidates. This method will find all occurrences of a given name on the file system and will return them to the user. If the environment variable ``BOB_PREFIX_PATH`` is set, then it is considered a unix path list that is prepended to the list of prefixes to search for. The environment variable has the highest priority on the search order. The order on the variable for each path is respected. Parameters: name, str The name of the module to be found. If you'd like to find, for example, specify ``"z"``. For, specify ``"math"``. version, str The version of the library we are searching for. If not specified, then look only for the default names, such as ```` and the such. subpaths, str list A list of subpaths to be appended to each prefix for the search. For example, if you specificy ``['foo', 'bar']`` for this parameter, then search on ``os.path.join(prefixes[0], 'foo')``, ``os.path.join(prefixes[0], 'bar')``, and so on. prefixes, str list A list of prefixes that will be searched prioritarily to the ``DEFAULT_PREFIXES`` defined in this module. static (bool) A boolean, indicating if we should try only to search for static versions of the libraries. If not set, any would do. Returns a list of filenames that exist on the filesystem, matching your description. """ libpaths = [] # arm-based system (e.g. raspberry pi 32 or 64-bit) if platform.machine().startswith('arm'): libpaths += [os.path.join('lib', 'arm-linux-gnueabihf')] # else, consider it intel compatible elif platform.architecture()[0] == '32bit': libpaths += [ os.path.join('lib', 'i386-linux-gnu'), os.path.join('lib32'), ] else: libpaths += [ os.path.join('lib', 'x86_64-linux-gnu'), os.path.join('lib64'), ] libpaths += ['lib'] # Exhaustive combination of paths and subpaths if subpaths: my_subpaths = [] for lp in libpaths: my_subpaths += [os.path.join(lp, k) for k in subpaths] else: my_subpaths = libpaths # Extensions to consider if only_static: extensions = ['.a'] else: if sys.platform == 'darwin': extensions = ['.dylib', '.a'] elif sys.platform == 'win32': extensions = ['.dll', '.a'] else: # linux like extensions = ['.so', '.a'] # The module names can be set with or without version number retval = [] if version: for ext in extensions: if sys.platform == 'darwin': # version in the middle libname = 'lib' + name + '.' + version + ext else: # version at the end libname = 'lib' + name + ext + '.' + version retval += find_file(libname, my_subpaths, prefixes) for ext in extensions: libname = 'lib' + name + ext retval += find_file(libname, my_subpaths, prefixes) return retval
[docs]def find_executable(name, subpaths=None, prefixes=None): """Finds an executable on the file system. Returns all candidates. This method will find all occurrences of a given name on the file system and will return them to the user. If the environment variable ``BOB_PREFIX_PATH`` is set, then it is considered a unix path list that is prepended to the list of prefixes to search for. The environment variable has the highest priority on the search order. The order on the variable for each path is respected. Parameters: name, str The name of the executable to be found. subpaths, str list A list of subpaths to be appended to each prefix for the search. For example, if you specificy ``['foo', 'bar']`` for this parameter, then search on ``os.path.join(prefixes[0], 'foo')``, ``os.path.join(prefixes[0], 'bar')``, and so on. prefixes, str list A list of prefixes that will be searched prioritarily to the ``DEFAULT_PREFIXES`` defined in this module. Returns a list of filenames that exist on the filesystem, matching your description. """ binpaths = [] # arm-based system (e.g. raspberry pi 32 or 64-bit) if platform.machine().startswith('arm'): binpaths += [os.path.join('bin', 'arm-linux-gnueabihf')] # else, consider it intel compatible elif platform.architecture()[0] == '32bit': binpaths += [ os.path.join('bin', 'i386-linux-gnu'), os.path.join('bin32'), ] else: binpaths += [ os.path.join('bin', 'x86_64-linux-gnu'), os.path.join('bin64'), ] binpaths += ['bin'] # Exhaustive combination of paths and subpaths if subpaths: my_subpaths = [] for lp in binpaths: my_subpaths += [os.path.join(lp, k) for k in subpaths] else: my_subpaths = binpaths # The module names can be set with or without version number return find_file(name, my_subpaths, prefixes)
[docs]def uniq(seq, idfun=None): """Very fast, order preserving uniq function""" # order preserving if idfun is None: def idfun(x): return x seen = {} result = [] for item in seq: marker = idfun(item) # in old Python versions: # if seen.has_key(marker) # but in new ones: if marker in seen: continue seen[marker] = 1 result.append(item) return result
[docs]def uniq_paths(seq): """Uniq'fy a list of paths taking into consideration their real paths""" return uniq([os.path.realpath(k) for k in seq if os.path.exists(k)])
def egrep(filename, expression): """Runs grep for a given expression on each line of the file Parameters: filename, str The name of the file to grep for the expression expression A regular expression, that will be initialized using :py:func:`re.compile`. Returns a list of re matches. """ retval = [] with open(filename, 'rt') as f: rexp = re.compile(expression) for line in f: p = rexp.match(line) if p: retval.append(p) return retval def load_requirements(f=None): """Loads the contents of requirements.txt on the given path. Defaults to "./requirements.txt" """ def readlines(f): retval = [str(k.strip()) for k in f] return [k for k in retval if k and k[0] not in ('#', '-')] # if f is None, use the default ('requirements.txt') if f is None: f = 'requirements.txt' if isinstance(f, str): f = open(f, 'rt') # read the contents return readlines(f) def find_packages(directories=['bob']): """This function replaces the ``find_packages`` command from ``setuptools`` to search for packages only in the given directories. Using this function will increase the building speed, especially when you have (links to) deep non-code-related directory structures inside your package directory. The given ``directories`` should be a list of top-level sub-directories of your package, where package code can be found. By default, it uses ``'bob'`` as the only directory to search. """ from setuptools import find_packages as _original if isinstance(directories, str): directories = [directories] packages = [] for d in directories: packages += [d] packages += ["%s.%s" % (d, p) for p in _original(d)] return packages def link_documentation(additional_packages = ['python', 'numpy'], requirements_file = "../requirements.txt", server = None): """Generates a list of documented packages on for the packages read from the "requirements.txt" file and the given list of additional packages. Parameters: additional_packages : [str] A list of additional bob packages for which the documentation urls are added. By default, 'numpy' is added requirements_file : str or file-like The file (relative to the documentation directory), where to read the requirements from. If ``None``, it will be skipped. server : str or None The url to the server which provides the documentation. If ``None`` (the default), the ``BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER`` environment variable is taken if existent. If neither ``server`` is specified, nor a ``BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER`` environment variable is set, the default ``""`` is used. """ def smaller_than(v1, v2): """Compares scipy/numpy version numbers""" c1 = v1.split('.') c2 = v2.split('.')[:len(c1)] #clip to the compared version for i in range(len(c2)): n1 = c1[i] n2 = c2[i] try: n1 = int(n1) n2 = int(n2) except ValueError: n1 = str(n1) n2 = str(n2) if n1 < n2: return True if n1 > n2: return False return False if sys.version_info[0] <= 2: import urllib2 as urllib from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError else: import urllib.request as urllib import urllib.error as error HTTPError = error.HTTPError URLError = error.URLError # collect packages are automatically included in the list of indexes packages = [] version_re = re.compile(r'\s*[\<\>=]+\s*') if requirements_file is not None: if not isinstance(requirements_file, str) or \ os.path.exists(requirements_file): requirements = load_requirements(requirements_file) packages += [version_re.split(k)[0] for k in requirements] packages += additional_packages def _add_index(name, addr, packages=packages): """Helper to add a new doc index to the intersphinx catalog Parameters: name (str): Name of the package that will be added to the catalog addr (str): The URL (except the ``objects.inv`` file), that will be added """ if name in packages: print ("Adding intersphinx source for `%s': %s" % (name, addr)) mapping[name] = (addr, None) packages = [k for k in packages if k != name] def _add_numpy_index(): """Helper to add the numpy manual""" try: import numpy ver = numpy.version.version if smaller_than(ver, '1.5.z'): ver = '.'.join(ver.split('.')[:-1]) + '.x' else: ver = '.'.join(ver.split('.')[:-1]) + '.0' _add_index('numpy', '' % ver) except ImportError: _add_index('numpy', '') def _add_scipy_index(): """Helper to add the scipy manual""" try: import scipy ver = scipy.version.version if smaller_than(ver, '0.9.0'): ver = '.'.join(ver.split('.')[:-1]) + '.x' else: ver = '.'.join(ver.split('.')[:-1]) + '.0' _add_index('scipy', '' % ver) except ImportError: _add_index('scipy', '') mapping = {} # add indexes for common packages used in Bob _add_index('python', '' % sys.version_info[:2]) _add_numpy_index() _add_scipy_index() _add_index('matplotlib', '') _add_index('setuptools', '') _add_index('six', '') _add_index('sqlalchemy', '') _add_index('docopt', '') _add_index('scikit-image', '') _add_index('pillow', '') # get the server for the other packages if server is None: if "BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER" in os.environ: server = os.environ["BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER"] else: server = "" # array support for BOB_DOCUMENTATION_SERVER # transforms "(file:///path/to/dir| http://bla )" # into ["file:///path/to/dir", "", "http://bla"] # so, trim eventual parenthesis/white-spaces and splits by white space or | if server.strip(): server = re.split(r'[|\s]+', server.strip('() ')) else: server = [] # check if the packages have documentation on the server for p in packages: if p in mapping: continue #do not add twice... for s in server: # generate URL package_name = p.split()[0] if s.count('%s') == 1: #old style url = s % package_name else: #use new style, with mapping, try to link against specific version try: version = pkg_resources.require(package_name)[0].version except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: version = 'stable' #package is not a runtime dep, only referenced url = s % {'name': package_name, 'version': version} try: # otherwise, urlopen will fail if url.startswith('file://'): f = urllib.urlopen(urllib.Request(url + 'objects.inv')) url = url[7:] #intersphinx does not like file:// else: f = urllib.urlopen(urllib.Request(url)) # request url print("Found documentation for %s on %s; adding intersphinx source" % (p, url)) mapping[p] = (url, None) break #inner loop, for server, as we found a candidate! except HTTPError as exc: if exc.code != 404: # url request failed with a something else than 404 Error print("Requesting URL %s returned error: %s" % (url, exc)) # notice mapping is not updated here, as the URL does not exist except URLError as exc: print("Requesting URL %s did not succeed (maybe offline?). " \ "The error was: %s" % (url, exc)) except IOError as exc: print ("Path %s does not exist. The error was: %s" % (url, exc)) return mapping