Local development of packages

Very often, developers are confronted with the need to clone package repositories locally and develop installation/build and runtime code. It is recommended to create isolated environments to develop new projects using conda and zc.buildout. Tools implemented in bob.devtools helps automate this process for Bob packages. In the following we talk about how to checkout and build one or several packages from their git source and build proper isolated environments to develop them. Then we will describe how to create a new bob package from scratch and develop existing bob packages along side it.


Suppose you want to checkout the package bob.blitz from source and start developing it locally. We will use the tools implemented in bob.devtools to create a proper developing environment to build and develop bob.blitz. We assume you have bob.devtools installed on a conda environment named bdt (Refer to Installation for detailed information.)

  • Checkout the source of the package from git:

$ git clone https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.blitz
  • Create a proper conda environment:

$ cd bob.blitz
$ conda activate bdt
$ bdt create -vv dev
$ conda deactivate
$ conda activate dev
  • Build the package using buildout:

$ buildout
$ ./bin/python  # you should use this python to run things from now on

for example:

>>> import bob.blitz
>>> bob.blitz # should print from '.../bob.blitz/bob/blitz/...'
<module 'bob.blitz' from '.../bob.blitz/bob/blitz/__init__.py'>
>>> print(bob.blitz.get_config())
bob.blitz: 2.0.20b0 [api=0x0202] (.../bob.blitz)
* C/C++ dependencies:
  - Blitz++: 0.10
  - Boost: 1.67.0
  - Compiler: {'name': 'gcc', 'version': '7.3.0'}
  - NumPy: {'abi': '0x01000009', 'api': '0x0000000D'}
  - Python: 3.6.9
* Python dependencies:
  - bob.extension: 3.2.1b0 (.../envs/dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages)
  - click: 7.0 (.../envs/dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages)
  - click-plugins: 1.1.1 (.../envs/dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages)
  - numpy: 1.16.4 (.../envs/dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages)
  - setuptools: 41.0.1 (.../envs/dev/lib/python3.6/site-packages)
  • You can optionally run the test suit to check your installation:

$ ./bin/nosetests -sv


Sometimes when you are calling a function not interactively it is not acting normally. In that case import pkg_resources before importing your package. It is a known issue and we are working on it.

$ ./bin/python -c "import pkg_resources; import bob.blitz; print(bob.blitz)"

Local development of existing packages

To develop existing Bob packages you need to checkout their source code and create a proper development environment using buildout.

Checking out package sources

Bob packages are developed through gitlab. Various packages exist in Bob’s gitlab instance. In the following we assume you want to install and build locally the bob.blitz package. In order to checkout a package, just use git:

$ git clone https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.blitz

Create an isolated conda environment

Now that we have the package checked out we need an isolated environment with proper configuration to develop the package. bob.devtools provides a tool that automatically creates such environment. Before proceeding, you need to make sure that you already have a conda environment with bob.devtools installed in it (Refer to Installation for more information). let’s assume that you have a conda environment named bdt with installed bob.devtools.

$ cd bob.blitz
$ conda activate bdt
$ bdt create -vv dev
$ conda deactivate
$ conda activate dev

Now you have an isolated conda environment named dev with proper channels set. For more information about conda channels refer to conda channel documentation.

The bdt create command assumes a directory named conda, exists on the current directory. The conda directory contains a file named meta.yaml, that is the recipe required to create a development environment for the package you want to develop.


When developing and testing new features, one often wishes to work against the very latest, bleeding edge, available set of changes on dependent packages.

bdt create command adds Bob beta channels to highest priority which creates an environment with the latest dependencies instead of the latest stable versions of each package.

If you want to create your environment using stable channels, you can use this command instead:

$ bdt create --stable -vv dev

To see which channels you are using run:

$ conda config --get channels


We recommend creating a new conda environment for every project or task that you work on. This way you can have several isolated development environments which can be very different form each other.

Running buildout

The last step is to create a hooked-up environment so you can quickly test local changes to your package w/o necessarily creating a conda-package. zc.buildout takes care of it by modifying the load paths of scripts to find the correct version of your package sources from the local checkout. It by default uses a file named buildout.cfg, in the package directory. For our example package it looks like:

; vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
; Mon 08 Aug 2016 14:33:54 CEST

parts = scripts
develop = .
eggs = bob.blitz
extensions = bob.buildout
newest = false
verbose = true

recipe = bob.buildout:scripts

To find our more information about different section of this file, refer to buildout.cfg in more details.

Now you just need to run buildout:

$ cd bob.blitz #if that is not the case
$ conda activate dev #if that is not the case
$ buildout

After running, buildout creates a directory called bin on your local package checkout. Use the applications living there to develop your package. For example, if you need to run the test suite:

$ ./bin/nosetests -sv

or build the documentation:

$./bin/sphinx-build -aEn doc sphinx  # make sure it finishes without warnings.
$ firefox sphinx/index.html  # view the docs.


buildout by default uses the file buildout.cfg but you can specify another file by using -c option. In fact for developing packages especially if they need to be developed along with other packages, another file, namely develop.cfg is used like following:

$ buildout -c develop.cfg

A python interpreter clone can be used to run interactive sessions:

$ ./bin/python

You can see what is installed in your environment:

$ conda list

And you can install new packages using conda:

$ conda install <package>


If you want to debug a package regarding an issues showing on the ci you can use bob.devtools. Make sure the conda environment containing bob.devtools is activated.

$ cd <package>
$ conda activate bdt
$ bdt local build

One important advantage of using conda and zc.buildout is that it does not require administrator privileges for setting up any of the above. Furthermore, you will be able to create distributable environments for each project you have. This is a great way to release code for laboratory exercises or for a particular publication that depends on Bob.

Developing multiple existing packages simultaneously

It so happens that you want to develop several packages against each other for your project. Let’s assume you want to develop bob.blitz and bob.extension simultaneously. bob.blitz is dependent on bob.devtools. First we checkout package bob.blitz and build an isolated conda environment as explained in the previous section. Then edit buildout.cfg file (or develop.cfg) and add bob.extension to it as following:

parts = scripts

develop = src/bob.extension

eggs = bob.blitz

extensions = bob.buildout

auto-checkout = *

; options for bob.buildout extension
debug = true
verbose = true
newest = false

bob.extension = git https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.extension

recipe = bob.buildout:scripts

Now you can run buildout as usual. The bob.extension will be checked out on src folder on the root of your project.


The flag debug = true is usually used when in development mode.

Local development of a new package

In this section we explain how to create a new bob package from scratch and start developing it. Once again bob.devtools is here to help you. You need to activate your conda environment with bob.devtools installed in it.

$ conda activate bdt
$ bdt new -vv bob/bob.project.awesome author_name author_email

This command will create a new bob package named “bob.project.awesome” that includes the correct anatomy of a package. For more information about the functionality of each file check Anatomy of a new package.

In the root of your project there is a file buildout.cfg used by buildout to build your package locally. It should look like:

parts = scripts
develop = .
eggs = bob.project.awesome
extensions = bob.buildout
newest = false
verbose = true

recipe = bob.buildout:scripts
dependent-scripts = true

Now you have all the necessary tools available and you can make a development environment using bdt create command, run buildout in it and start developing your package.

$ cd bob.project.awesome
$ conda activate bdt
$ bdt create --stable -vv awesome-project  #here we used the stable channels to make the conda environment.
$ conda activate awesome-project
$ buildout

Developing existing bob packages along with your new package

Let’s assume you need to develop two packages, bob.extension and bob.blitz, as part of developing your new bob.project.awesome package.

You need to add these packages to the buildout.cfg file in the newly created folder.

parts = scripts

develop = src/bob.extension

eggs = bob.extension

extensions = bob.buildout

auto-checkout = *
newest = false
verbose = true

recipe = bob.buildout:scripts
dependent-scripts = true

bob.extension = git https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.extension
bob.blitz = git https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.blitz
; or
; bob.extension = git git@gitlab.idiap.ch:bob/bob.extension.git
; bob.blitz = git git@gitlab.idiap.ch:bob/bob.blitz.git

When you build your new package the dependent packages (in this example bob.extension and bob.blitz) will be checked out on folder src in the root of your project.

As usual, first create an isolated conda environment using bdt create command. Some of bob packages need dependencies that might not be installed on your environment. You can find these dependencies by checking conda/meta.yaml of each package. Install the required packages and then run buildout as usual. For our example you need to do the following:

$ conda install gcc_linux-64 gxx_linux-64 libblitz
$ buildout


Sometimes you may need some of bob packages available in your local bin directory without necessarily developing them.

If you knew beforehand what are those packages, you can add them to “requirements/host” section of the conda/meta.yaml file and then create a conda environment using bdt create. Like this, those packages will be installed automatically. Otherwise, if you already have your conda environment, install them using conda install command.

When done, add those packages to the eggs section in your buildout.cfg file and then run buildout.