.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. _bob.devtools.ci.macos: ============================ Deploying a macOS-based CI ============================ This document contains instructions to build and deploy a new bare-OS CI for macOS. Instructions for deployment assume a freshly installed machine. .. note:: For sanity, don't use an OS with lower version number than the macOS SDK code that will be installed (currently 10.9). There may be undesired consequences. You may use the latest OS version in case of doubt, but by default we recommend the one before the last stable version, for stability. So, if the current version is 10.14, a good base install would use 10.13. .. warning:: Idiap has throttling rules that are typically applied to all machines in the lab network. To avoid issues for newly installed CI nodes, ensure you request throttling to be disabled for new CI machines. Building the reference setup ---------------------------- 0. Make sure the computer name is correctly set or execute the following on the command-line, as an admin user:: $ sudo scutil --get LocalHostName ... $ sudo scutil --get HostName ... $ sudo scutil --get ComputerName ... # if applicable, run the following commands $ sudo scutil --set LocalHostName "" $ sudo scutil --set HostName "" $ sudo scutil --set ComputerName "" 1. Disable all energy saving features. Go to "System Preferences" then "Energy Saver": - Enable "Prevent computer from sleeping..." - Disable "Put hard disks to sleep when possible" - Leave "Wake for network access" enabled - You may leave the display on sleep to 10 minutes 2. Create a new user (without administrative priviledges) called ``gitlab``. Choose a password to protect access to this user. In "Login Options", select this user to auto-login, type its password to confirm 3. Enable SSH access to the machine by going on ``System Preferences``, ``Sharing`` and then selecting ``Remote Login``. Make sure only users on the ``Administrators`` group can access the machine. 4. Create as many ``Administrator`` users as required to manage the machine 5. Login as administrator of the machine (so, not on the `gitlab` account). As that user, run the ``admin-install.sh`` script (after copying this repo from https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.devtools via a zip file download):: $ cd $ unzip ~/Downloads/bob.devtools-master.zip $ cd bob.devtools-master/doc/macos-ci-install $ sudo ./admin-install.sh 10.9 gitlab Check that script for details on what is installed and the order. You may execute pieces of the script by hand if something fails. In that case, please investigate why it fails and properly fix the scripts so the next install runs more smoothly. 6. Check the maximum number of files that can be opened on a shell session with the command ``launchctl limit maxfiles``. If smaller than 4096, set the maximum number of open files to 4096 by creating the file ``/Library/LaunchDaemons/limit.maxfiles.plist`` with the following contents:: Label limit.maxfiles ProgramArguments launchctl limit maxfiles 4096 unlimited RunAtLoad ServiceIPC At this occasion, verify if the kernel limits are not lower than this value using:: $ sysctl kern.maxfilesperproc 10240 #example output $ sysctl kern.maxfiles 12288 #example output If that is the case (i.e., the values are lower than 4096), set those values so they are slightly higher than that new limit with ``sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=10240`` and ``sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=12288`` respectively, for example. 7. Enter as gitlab user and install/configure the `gitlab runner`_: Configure the runner for `shell executor`_, with local caching. As ``gitlab`` user, execute on the command-line:: $ gitlab-runner stop $ vi .gitlab-runner/config.toml $ gitlab-runner start Once that is set, your runner configuration should look like this (remove comments if gitlab does not like them):: concurrent = 8 # set this to the number of cores available check_interval = 10 # do **not** leave this to zero [[runners]] name = "" # use a suggestive name output_limit = 102400 # this value is in kb, so we mean 100 mb url = "https://gitlab.idiap.ch" # this is our gitlab service token = "abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef" # this is specific to the conn. executor = "shell" # select this builds_dir = "/Users/gitlab/builds" # set this or bugs occur cache_dir = "/Users/gitlab/caches" # this is optional, but desirable shell = "bash" 8. While at the gitlab user, install `Docker for Mac`_. Ensure to set it up to start at login. In "Preferences > Filesystem Sharing", ensure that `/var/folders` is included in the list (that is the default location for temporary files in macOS). 9. Reboot the machine. At this point, the gitlab user should be auto-logged and the runner process should be executing. Congratulations, you're done! Running regular updates ----------------------- We recommend that the CI machine to have homebrew and installed pip packages updated regularly (once a week). To do so, setup a cronjob like the following: .. code-block:: text MAILTO=you@example.com SHELL=/bin/bash 00 12 * * 0 bash <(curl -s https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob.devtools/raw/master/doc/macos-ci-install/update-ci.sh) .. include:: links.rst