Source code for bob.devtools.deploy

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''Deployment utilities for conda packages and documentation via webDAV'''

import os

from .constants import WEBDAV_PATHS, SERVER
from .log import get_logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)

def _setup_webdav_client(server, root, username, password):
  '''Configures and checks the webdav client'''

  # setup webdav connection
  webdav_options = dict(webdav_hostname=server, webdav_root=root,
      webdav_login=username, webdav_password=password)

  from .webdav3 import client as webdav

  retval = webdav.Client(webdav_options)
  assert retval.valid()

  return retval

[docs]def deploy_conda_package(package, arch, stable, public, username, password, overwrite, dry_run): '''Deploys a single conda package on the appropriate path Args: package (str): Path leading to the conda package to be deployed arch (str): The conda architecture to deploy to (``linux-64``, ``osx-64``, ``noarch``, or ``None`` - in which case the architecture is going to be guessed from the directory where the package sits) stable (bool): Indicates if the package should be deployed on a stable (``True``) or beta (``False``) channel public (bool): Indicates if the package is supposed to be distributed publicly or privatly (within Idiap network) username (str): The name of the user on the webDAV server to use for uploading the package password (str): The password of the user on the webDAV server to use for uploading the package overwrite (bool): If we should overwrite a package with equal name existing on the destination directory. Otherwise, an exception is raised. dry_run (bool): If we're supposed to really do the actions, or just log messages. ''' server_info = WEBDAV_PATHS[stable][public] davclient = _setup_webdav_client(SERVER, server_info['root'], username, password) basename = os.path.basename(package) arch = arch or os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(package)) remote_path = '%s/%s/%s' % (server_info['conda'], arch, basename) if davclient.check(remote_path): if not overwrite: raise RuntimeError('The file %s/%s already exists on the server ' \ '- this can be due to more than one build with deployment ' \ 'running at the same time. Re-running the broken builds ' \ 'normally fixes it' % (SERVER, remote_path)) else:'[dav] rm -f %s%s%s', SERVER, server_info['root'], remote_path) if not dry_run: davclient.clean(remote_path)'[dav] %s -> %s%s%s', package, SERVER, server_info['root'], remote_path) if not dry_run: davclient.upload(local_path=package, remote_path=remote_path)
[docs]def deploy_documentation(path, package, stable, latest, public, branch, tag, username, password, dry_run): '''Deploys sphinx documentation to the appropriate webdav locations Args: path (str): Path leading to the root of the documentation to be deployed package (str): Full name (with namespace) of the package being treated stable (bool): Indicates if the documentation corresponds to the latest stable build latest (bool): Indicates if the documentation being deployed correspond to the latest stable for the package or not. In case the documentation comes from a patch release which is not on the master branch, please set this flag to ``False``, which will make us avoid deployment of the documentation to ``master`` and ``stable`` sub-directories. public (bool): Indicates if the documentation is supposed to be distributed publicly or privatly (within Idiap network) branch (str): The name of the branch for the current build tag (str): The name of the tag currently built (may be ``None``) username (str): The name of the user on the webDAV server to use for uploading the package password (str): The password of the user on the webDAV server to use for uploading the package dry_run (bool): If we're supposed to really do the actions, or just log messages. ''' # uploads documentation artifacts if not os.path.exists(path): raise RuntimeError('Documentation is not available at %s - ' \ 'ensure documentation is being produced for your project!' % path) server_info = WEBDAV_PATHS[stable][public] davclient = _setup_webdav_client(SERVER, server_info['root'], username, password) remote_path_prefix = '%s/%s' % (server_info['docs'], package) # finds out the correct mixture of sub-directories we should deploy to. # 1. if ref-name is a tag, don't forget to publish to 'master' as well - # all tags are checked to come from that branch # 2. if ref-name is a branch name, deploy to it # 3. in case a tag is being published, make sure to deploy to the special # "stable" subdir as well deploy_docs_to = set([branch]) if stable: if tag is not None: deploy_docs_to.add(tag) if latest: deploy_docs_to.add('master') deploy_docs_to.add('stable') # creates package directory, and then uploads directory there for k in deploy_docs_to: if not davclient.check(remote_path_prefix): #base package directory'[dav] mkdir %s', remote_path_prefix) if not dry_run: davclient.mkdir(remote_path_prefix) remote_path = '%s/%s' % (remote_path_prefix, k)'[dav] %s -> %s%s%s', path, SERVER, server_info['root'], remote_path) if not dry_run: davclient.upload_directory(local_path=path, remote_path=remote_path)