Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

'''Tools to help CI-based builds and artifact deployment'''

import git
import distutils.version

from .log import get_logger
logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]def is_master(refname, tag, repodir): '''Tells if we're on the master branch via ref_name or tag This function checks if the name of the branch being built is "master". If a tag is set, then it checks if the tag is on the master branch. If so, then also returns ``True``, otherwise, ``False``. Args: refname: The value of the environment variable ``CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME`` tag: The value of the environment variable ``CI_COMMIT_TAG`` - (may be ``None``) Returns: a boolean, indicating we're building the master branch **or** that the tag being built was issued on the master branch. ''' if tag is not None: repo = git.Repo(repodir) _tag = repo.tag('refs/tags/%s' % tag) return _tag.commit in repo.iter_commits(rev='master') return refname == 'master'
[docs]def is_stable(package, refname, tag, repodir): '''Determines if the package being published is stable This is done by checking if a tag was set for the package. If that is the case, we still cross-check the tag is on the "master" branch. If everything checks out, we return ``True``. Else, ``False``. Args: package: Package name in the format "group/name" refname: The current value of the environment ``CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME`` tag: The current value of the enviroment ``CI_COMMIT_TAG`` (may be ``None``) repodir: The directory that contains the clone of the git repository Returns: a boolean, indicating if the current build is for a stable release ''' if tag is not None:'Project %s tag is "%s"', package, tag) parsed_tag = distutils.version.LooseVersion(tag[1:]).version #remove 'v' is_prerelease = any([isinstance(k, str) for k in parsed_tag]) if is_prerelease: logger.warn('Pre-release detected - not publishing to stable channels') return False if is_master(refname, tag, repodir): return True else: logger.warn('Tag %s in non-master branch will be ignored', tag) return False'No tag information available at build')'Considering this to be a pre-release build') return False