Source code for bob.db.uvad.query

from . import UVAD_FRAME_SHAPE
from bob.extension import rc
from import reader
from bob.pad.base.database import FileListPadDatabase
from bob.pad.face.database import VideoPadFile
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import numpy

class File(VideoPadFile):
    """The file objects of the OULU-NPU dataset."""

    def frames(self):
        """Yields the frames of the biofile one by one.

            A frame of the video. The size is (3, 1920, 1080).
        vfilename = self.make_path(directory=self.original_directory)
        for frame in reader(vfilename):
            # crop frames to 720 x 1024
            h, w = numpy.shape(frame)[-2:]
            dh, dw = (h - 720) // 2, (w - 1024) // 2
            if dh != 0:
                frame = frame[:, dh:-dh, :]
            if dw != 0:
                frame = frame[:, :, dw:-dw]
            assert frame.shape == self.frame_shape, frame.shape
            yield frame

    def number_of_frames(self):
        """Returns the number of frames in a video file.

            The number of frames.
        vfilename = self.make_path(directory=self.original_directory)
        return reader(vfilename).number_of_frames

    def frame_shape(self):
        """Returns the size of each frame in this database.

        (int, int, int)
            The (#Channels, Height, Width) which is :any:`UVAD_FRAME_SHAPE`.
        return UVAD_FRAME_SHAPE

    def annotations(self):
        path = self.make_path(
            directory=self.original_directory, extension=None)
        # the annotations are in the uvad/release_1/face-locations-v3 folder
        path = path.replace('release_1', 'release_1/face-locations-v3')
        path = path[:-3] + 'face'
        annotations = {}
        with open(path) as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line:
                num_frame, x_eye_left, y_eye_left, x_eye_right, y_eye_right = \
                annotations[num_frame] = {
                    'reye': (int(y_eye_right), int(x_eye_right)),
                    'leye': (int(y_eye_left), int(x_eye_left)),
        return annotations

class Database(FileListPadDatabase):
    """The database interface for the OULU-NPU dataset."""

    def __init__(self, original_directory=rc[''],
                 name='uvad', pad_file_class=None,
                 original_extension=None, **kwargs):
        if pad_file_class is None:
            pad_file_class = File
        filelists_directory = resource_filename(__name__, 'lists')
        super(Database, self).__init__(
            filelists_directory=filelists_directory, name=name,

[docs] def objects(self, groups=None, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, classes=None, **kwargs): files = super(Database, self).objects( groups=groups, protocol=protocol, purposes=purposes, model_ids=model_ids, classes=classes, **kwargs) for f in files: f.original_directory = self.original_directory return files
[docs] def frames(self, padfile): return padfile.frames
[docs] def number_of_frames(self, padfile): return padfile.number_of_frames
@property def frame_shape(self): return UVAD_FRAME_SHAPE
[docs] def annotations(self, padfile): """Reads the annotations for the given padfile. Parameters ---------- padfile : :any:`File` The file object for which the annotations should be read. Returns ------- dict The annotations as a dictionary, e.g.: ``{'0': {'reye':(re_y,re_x), 'leye':(le_y,le_x)}, ...}`` """ return padfile.annotations