.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. _bob.db.uvad: ================================= UVAD Database Access in Bob ================================= This package provides an interface to the Unicamp Video-Attack Database (`UVAD`_) database. The original data files need to be downloaded separately. After you have downloaded the dataset, you need to configure bob.db.uvad to find the dataset:: $ bob config set bob.db.uvad.directory /path/to/downloaded/dataset If you use this database, please cite the following publication:: @ARTICLE{7017526, author={Pinto, A. and Robson Schwartz, W. and Pedrini, H. and De Rezende Rocha, A.}, journal={Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Using Visual Rhythms for Detecting Video-Based Facial Spoof Attacks}, year={2015}, month={May}, volume={10}, number={5}, pages={1025-1038}, keywords={Authentication;Biometrics (access control);Databases;Face;Feature extraction;Histograms;Noise;Unicamp Video-Attack Database;Video-based Face Spoofing;Video-based face spoofing;Visual Rhythm, Video-based Attacks;impersonation detection in facial biometric systems;unicamp video-attack database;video-based attacks;visual rhythm}, doi={10.1109/TIFS.2015.2395139}, ISSN={1556-6013},} Package Documentation --------------------- .. automodule:: bob.db.uvad .. _uvad: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7017526/