Source code for bob.db.rimoner3.query

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

from PIL import Image
import json
from pathlib import Path
import pkg_resources
import itertools
from .models import Sample, FundusImage, GroundTruth

[docs]class FileList: """ FileList object that loads the protocol as defined in a json file. Provides a ``__getitem__`` interface. """ def __init__(self, db_json): with open(db_json,'r') as in_file: self._filelist = json.load(in_file) def __getitem__(self, key): # if no valid split is passed, return all paths of train and test return self._filelist.get(key, (self._filelist['train']+self._filelist['test']))
[docs]class Database: """ A low level database interface to be used with PyTorch or other deep learning frameworks. Attributes ---------- protocol : str protocol defining the train-test split. """ def __init__(self, protocol = 'default_od'): self.protocol = protocol root = Path(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '')) db_json = root.joinpath('rimoner3_db_'+self.protocol+'.json') # initialize filelist self._filelist = FileList(db_json) @property def paths(self): """ Returns ------- paths : list list of all paths of all samples """ return list(itertools.chain(*(self._filelist[None]) )) def _make_sample(self, img_path,gt_path): """ Make a single sample object Parameters ---------- img_path : str relative path to image gt_path : str relative path to ground truth Returns ------- sample : Sample """ img = FundusImage(img_path) gt = GroundTruth(gt_path) return Sample(img, gt)
[docs] def samples(self, split=None): """ Given a split, returns a list of Sample objects. Parameters ---------- split : str 'train', 'test' or None (returns all samples) Returns ------- samples : list list of Sample objects """ samples = [] for s in self._filelist[split]: sample_obj = self._make_sample(s[0], s[1]) samples.append(sample_obj) return samples