Source code for bob.db.rimoner3.models

from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image
import bob.extension
import PIL

[docs]def crop(img, j, i, w, h): """ Crop the given PIL Image ground_truth at the given coordinates. Attributes ---------- img : :py:class:`PIL.Image.Image` Image to be cropped. i : int Upper pixel coordinate. j : int Left pixel coordinate. h : int Height of the cropped image. w : int Width of the cropped image. """ img = img.crop((j, i, j + w, i + h)) return img
[docs]class FundusImage: """ Generic fundus image object. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path @property def basename(self): """ Returns the file name Returns ------- name : str """ return Path(self.path).name @property def size(self): """ Returns ------- size : tuple the fundus image resolution in (W, H). """ return self.pil_image().size
[docs] def pil_image(self, datadir=bob.extension.rc['bob.db.rimoner3.datadir']): """ Returns ------- img : :py:class:`PIL.Image.Image` """ img = img = crop(img, 0, 0, 1072, 1424) return img
[docs]class GroundTruth: """ Generic ground truth object. - Allows for thresholding in case there are multiple ground truth annotations in one bitmap - Allows for "on-the-fly" drawing of ground truth annotations with a specified size Parameters ---------- path : str relative path to the file on disk threshold : float in range [0,1] used to threshold ground-truth image data with multiple classes e.g. optic disc and cup drawsize : tuple size tuple in pillow (W, H) format. Used for cases where drawing of gt is required """ def __init__(self, path, threshold=None, drawsize=None): self.path = path self.threshold = threshold self.drawsize = drawsize @property def basename(self): """ Returns the file name Returns ------- name : str """ return Path(self.path).name @property def size(self): """ Retirms the ground truth image resolution in (W, H). Returns ------- size : tuple """ return self.pil_image().size
[docs] def pil_image(self, datadir=bob.extension.rc['bob.db.rimoner3.datadir']): """ Returns ------- gt : :py:class:`PIL.Image.Image` mode = '1' """ gt = gt = crop(gt, 0, 0, 1072, 1424) gt = gt.convert(mode='1', dither=None) return gt
[docs]class Sample: """ Generic Sample object High level sample class that combines the objects 'FundusImage' and 'GroundTruth' Allows for access of the subclass, e.g. : .. testsetup:: * from bob.db.rimoner3.models import * .. doctest:: >>> img = FundusImage('path/to/some_img.file') >>> gt = GroundTruth('path/to/some_gt.file') >>> mysample = Sample(img, gt) >>> mysample.img.basename 'some_img.file' >>> 'some_gt.file' >>> Parameters ---------- img : FundusImage gt : GroundTruth """ def __init__(self, img, gt): self.img = img = gt @property def paths(self): """ Returns -------- paths : list paths of image, ground truth """ return self.img.path,