Source code for bob.db.replaymobile.models

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

"""Table models and functionality for the Replay Mobile DB.

import os
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey
from bob.db.base.sqlalchemy_migration import Enum, relationship
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
import numpy
import bob.core
from bob.db.base.annotations import read_annotation_file
from bob.db.base import File as BaseFile
from import reader

logger = bob.core.log.setup('bob.db.replaymobile')

Base = declarative_base()

flip_file_list = ['client008_session02_authenticate_tablet_adverse', 'client008_session02_authenticate_tablet_controlled']
flip_client_list = [8]

def replaymobile_annotations(lowlevelfile, original_directory):
  # numpy array containing the face bounding box data for each video
  # frame, returned data format described in the f.bbx() method of the
  # low level interface
  annots = lowlevelfile.bbx(directory=original_directory)

  annotations = {}  # dictionary to return

  for fn, frame_annots in enumerate(annots):

    topleft = (frame_annots[1], frame_annots[0])
    bottomright = (frame_annots[1] + frame_annots[3],
                   frame_annots[0] + frame_annots[2])

    annotations[str(fn)] = {
        'topleft': topleft,
        'bottomright': bottomright

  return annotations

def replaymobile_frames(lowlevelfile, original_directory):
  vfilename = lowlevelfile.make_path(
  should_flip = not lowlevelfile.is_tablet()
  if not should_flip:
    if in flip_client_list:
      for mfn in flip_file_list:
        if mfn in lowlevelfile.path:
          should_flip = True
  for frame in reader(vfilename):
    frame = numpy.rollaxis(frame, 2, 1)
    if should_flip:
      frame = frame[:, ::-1, :]
    yield frame

[docs]class Client(Base): """Database clients, marked by an integer identifier and the set they belong to""" __tablename__ = 'client' set_choices = ('train', 'devel', 'test') """Possible groups to which clients may belong to""" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """Key identifier for clients""" set = Column(Enum(*set_choices)) """Set to which this client belongs to""" def __init__(self, id, set): = id self.set = set def __repr__(self): return "Client('%s', '%s')" % (, self.set)
[docs]class File(Base, BaseFile): """Generic file container""" __tablename__ = 'file' light_choices = ('lighton', 'lightoff', 'controlled', 'adverse', 'direct', 'lateral', 'diffuse') """List of illumination conditions for data taking""" device_choices = ('mobile', 'tablet') """List of devices""" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """Key identifier for files""" client_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # for SQL """The client identifier to which this file is bound to""" path = Column(String(100), unique=True) """The (unique) path to this file inside the database""" light = Column(Enum(*light_choices)) """The illumination condition in which the data for this file was taken""" device = Column(Enum(*device_choices)) """The device""" # for Python client = relationship(Client, backref=backref('files', order_by=id)) """A direct link to the client object that this file belongs to""" def __init__(self, client, path, light, device): self.client = client self.path = path self.light = light self.device = device def __repr__(self): return "File('%s')" % self.path
[docs] def videofile(self, directory=None): """Returns the path to the database video file for this object Keyword parameters: directory An optional directory name that will be prefixed to the returned result. Returns a string containing the video file path. """ return self.make_path(directory, '.mov')
[docs] def facefile(self, directory=None): """Returns the path to the companion face bounding-box file Keyword parameters: directory An optional directory name that will be prefixed to the returned result. Returns a string containing the face file path. """ if not directory: directory = '' # directory = os.path.join(directory, 'face-locations') directory = os.path.join(directory, 'faceloc/rect/') return self.make_path(directory, '.face')
[docs] def bbx(self, directory=None): """Reads the file containing the face locations for the frames in the current video Keyword parameters: directory A directory name that will be prepended to the final filepaths where the face bounding boxes are located, if not on the current directory. Returns: A :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` containing information about the located faces in the videos. Each row of the :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` corresponds for one frame. The five columns of the :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` are (all integers): * Frame number (int) * Bounding box top-left X coordinate (int) * Bounding box top-left Y coordinate (int) * Bounding box width (int) * Bounding box height (int) Note that **not** all the frames may contain detected faces. """ bbx = numpy.loadtxt(self.facefile(directory), dtype=int) if in flip_client_list: if self.is_tablet(): logger.debug(self.path) for mfn in flip_file_list: if mfn in self.path: logger.debug('flipping bbx') for i in range(bbx.shape[0]): bbx[i][1] = 1280 - (bbx[i][1] + bbx[i][3]) # correct the y-coord. of the top-left corner of bbx in this frame. return bbx
[docs] def is_real(self): """Returns True if this file belongs to a real access, False otherwise""" return bool(self.realaccess)
[docs] def is_mobile(self): """True if the video file is originally recorded with mobile device, False otherwise """ value = False if self.device == 'mobile': value = True return value
[docs] def is_tablet(self): """True if the video file is originally recorded rotated by 270 degrees, False otherwise """ value = False if self.device == 'tablet': value = True return value
[docs] def get_realaccess(self): """Returns the real-access object equivalent to this file or raise""" if len(self.realaccess) == 0: raise RuntimeError("%s is not a real-access" % self) return self.realaccess[0]
[docs] def get_attack(self): """Returns the attack object equivalent to this file or raise""" if len(self.attack) == 0: raise RuntimeError("%s is not an attack" % self) return self.attack[0]
[docs] def load(self, directory=None, extension='.mov'): """Loads the data at the specified location and using the given extension. Keyword parameters: data The data blob to be saved (normally a :py:class:`numpy.ndarray`). directory [optional] If not empty or None, this directory is prefixed to the final file destination extension [optional] The extension of the filename - this will control the type of output and the codec for saving the input blob. """ logger.debug('video file extension: {}'.format(extension)) directory = directory or self.original_directory extension = extension or self.original_extension if extension == '.mov' or extension == '.mp4': vfilename = self.make_path(directory, extension) video = vin = video.load() else: vin =, extension)) vin = numpy.rollaxis(vin, 3, 2) if not self.is_tablet(): logger.debug('flipping mobile video') vin = vin[:, :, ::-1, :] else: if in flip_client_list: for mfn in flip_file_list: if mfn in self.path: logger.debug('flipping tablet video') vin = vin[:, :, ::-1, :] return vin
@property def annotations(self): if hasattr(self, 'annotation_directory') and \ self.annotation_directory is not None: # return the external annotations annotations = read_annotation_file( os.path.join(self.annotation_directory, self.path + self.annotation_extension), self.annotation_type) return annotations # return original annotations return replaymobile_annotations(self, self.original_directory) @property def frames(self): return replaymobile_frames(self, self.original_directory) @property def number_of_frames(self): vfilename = self.make_path( directory=self.original_directory, extension='.mov') return reader(vfilename).number_of_frames @property def frame_shape(self): return REPLAYMOBILE_FRAME_SHAPE
# Intermediate mapping from RealAccess's to Protocol's realaccesses_protocols = Table('realaccesses_protocols', Base.metadata, Column('realaccess_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), Column('protocol_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), ) # Intermediate mapping from Attack's to Protocol's attacks_protocols = Table('attacks_protocols', Base.metadata, Column('attack_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), Column('protocol_id', Integer, ForeignKey('')), )
[docs]class Protocol(Base): """Replay mobile protocol""" __tablename__ = 'protocol' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """Unique identifier for the protocol (integer)""" name = Column(String(20), unique=True) """Protocol name""" def __init__(self, name): = name def __repr__(self): return "Protocol('%s')" % (,)
[docs]class RealAccess(Base): """Defines Real-Accesses (licit attempts to authenticate)""" __tablename__ = 'realaccess' purpose_choices = ('authenticate', 'enroll') """Types of purpose for this video""" type_device = ('mobile', 'tablet') """List of devices""" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """Unique identifier for this real-access object""" file_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # for SQL """The file identifier the current real-access is bound to""" purpose = Column(Enum(*purpose_choices)) """The purpose of this video""" device = Column(Enum(*type_device)) """The devices""" # take = Column(Integer) """Take number""" # for Python file = relationship(File, backref=backref('realaccess', order_by=id)) """A direct link to the :py:class:`.File` object this real-access belongs to""" protocols = relationship("Protocol", secondary=realaccesses_protocols, backref='realaccesses') """A direct link to the protocols this file is linked to""" # def __init__(self, file, purpose, take,device): def __init__(self, file, purpose, device): self.file = file self.purpose = purpose # self.take = take self.device = device def __repr__(self): return "RealAccess('%s')" % (self.file.path)
[docs]class Attack(Base): """Defines Spoofing Attacks (illicit attempts to authenticate)""" __tablename__ = 'attack' attack_support_choices = ('fixed', 'hand') """Types of attack support""" attack_device_choices = ('print', 'mattescreen') """Types of devices used for spoofing""" sample_type_choices = ('video', 'photo') """Original sample type""" type_device = ('mobile', 'tablet') """List of devices""" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) """Unique identifier for this attack""" file_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) # for SQL """The file identifier this attack is linked to""" attack_support = Column(Enum(*attack_support_choices)) """The attack support""" attack_device = Column(Enum(*attack_device_choices)) """The attack device""" sample_type = Column(Enum(*sample_type_choices)) """The attack sample type""" sample_device = Column(Enum(*type_device)) """The attack sample device""" # for Python file = relationship(File, backref=backref('attack', order_by=id)) """A direct link to the :py:class:`.File` object bound to this attack""" protocols = relationship("Protocol", secondary=attacks_protocols, backref='attacks') """A direct link to the protocols this file is linked to""" def __init__(self, file, attack_support, attack_device, sample_type, sample_device): self.file = file self.attack_support = attack_support self.attack_device = attack_device self.sample_type = sample_type self.sample_device = sample_device def __repr__(self): return "<Attack('%s')>" % (self.file.path)