.. vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : .. _bob.db.oulunpu: ================================= OULU-NPU Database Access in Bob ================================= This package provides an interface to the `OULU-NPU`_ - a mobile face presentation attack database with real-world variations database. The original data files need to be downloaded separately.After you have downloaded the dataset, you need to configure bob.db.oulunpu to find the dataset:: $ bob config set bob.db.oulunpu.directory /path/to/downloaded/dataset Please see Bob's :ref:`bob.extension.rc` for more information about the ``bob config`` command. If you use this database, please cite the following publication:: @INPROCEEDINGS{OULU_NPU_2017, author = {Boulkenafet, Z. and Komulainen, J. and Li, Lei. and Feng, X. and Hadid, A.}, keywords = {biometrics, face recognition, anti-spoofing, presentation attack, generalization, colour texture}, month = May, title = {{OULU-NPU}: A mobile face presentation attack database with real-world variations}, journal = {IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition}, year = {2017}, } Package Documentation --------------------- .. automodule:: bob.db.oulunpu .. _oulu-npu: https://sites.google.com/site/oulunpudatabase/