Source code for bob.db.livdet2013

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# David Yambay <>
# Fri March 14 14:57:28 CET 2014

import os
import six
from .models import *

[docs]def get_config(): """Returns a string containing the configuration information. """ import bob.extension return bob.extension.get_config(__name__)
[docs]class Database(object): protocols = ('Biometrika','CrossMatch','Italdata','Swipe') groups = ('train', 'test') classes = ('live', 'spoof') def __init__(self): from .driver import Interface from pkg_resources import resource_filename = Interface() self.location = resource_filename(__name__, '')
[docs] def objects(self, protocols=None, groups=None, classes=None): """Returns a list of unique :py:class:`.File` objects for the specific query by the user. Keyword Parameters: protocols The ' groups One of the protocolar subgroups of data as specified in the tuple groups, or a tuple with several of them. If you set this parameter to an empty string or the value None, we use reset it to the default which is to get all. classes Either "spoof", "live" or any combination of those (in a tuple). Defines the class of data to be retrieved. If you set this parameter to an empty string or the value None, we use reset it to the default, ("live", "spoof"). Returns: A list of :py:class:`.File` objects. """ def check_validity(l, obj, valid, default): """Checks validity of user input data against a set of valid values""" if not l: return default elif isinstance(l, six.string_types): return check_validity((l,), obj, valid, default) for k in l: if k not in valid: raise RuntimeError('Invalid %s "%s". Valid values are %s, or lists/tuples of those' % (obj, k, valid)) return l # check if protocols are valid VALID_PROTOCOLS = Database.protocols protocols = check_validity(protocols, "protocol", VALID_PROTOCOLS, VALID_PROTOCOLS) # check if groups set are valid VALID_GROUPS = Database.groups groups = check_validity(groups, "group", VALID_GROUPS, VALID_GROUPS) # VALID_CLASSES = Database.classes classes = check_validity(classes, "class", VALID_CLASSES, VALID_CLASSES) retval = [] for p in protocols: for g in groups: for c in classes: file_list = os.path.join(self.location,p,g,c+'.txt') retval += [File(k.strip()) for k in open(file_list, 'r').readlines() if k.strip()] return retval
# gets sphinx autodoc done right - don't remove it __all__ = [_ for _ in dir() if not _.startswith('_')]