.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ============= User's Guide ============= Setting up the Dataset ---------------------- Download the `IOSTAR dataset`_, take note of it's root directory and configure the data access using the ``bob`` command-line configuration utility. For example: .. code-block:: sh $ conda activate your-bob-env (your-bob-env) $ bob config set bob.db.iostar.datadir /path/to/root/of/iostar (your-bob-env) $ bob config show #to check You can than check if your local version of the dataset is compatible with this interface and has the standard directory tree: .. code-block:: sh $ conda activate your-bob-env (your-bob-env) $ bob_dbmanage.py iostar checkfiles checkfiles completed sucessfully Protocols --------- This packages provides two default protocols: \ 1. ``default_vessel`` for binary vessel segmentation 2. ``default_od`` for binary optic disc segmentation Each protocol uses the train/test split as proposed by Meyer et al. (2017):: @InProceedings{10.1007/978-3-319-59876-5_56, author="Meyer, Maria Ines and Costa, Pedro and Galdran, Adrian and Mendon{\c{c}}a, Ana Maria and Campilho, Aur{\'e}lio", editor="Karray, Fakhri and Campilho, Aur{\'e}lio and Cheriet, Farida", title="A Deep Neural Network for Vessel Segmentation of Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy Images", booktitle="Image Analysis and Recognition", year="2017", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="507--515", isbn="978-3-319-59876-5" } The first 20 images are used for training and the remaining 10 for testing. .. _iostar dataset: http://www.retinacheck.org/download-iostar-retinal-vessel-segmentation-dataset