Source code for bob.db.ijbc.query

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Manuel Gunther <>
# @date:   Mon Oct 16 18:35:14 MDT 2017

"""This module provides the Database interface allowing the user to query the JANUS database.

from .reader import *
import bob.db.base

class Database(bob.db.base.Database):
    """The database class opens and maintains a connection opened to the Database.

    It provides many different ways to probe for the characteristics of the data
    and for the data itself inside the database.

    def __init__(self,
        # call base class constructor
        super(Database, self).__init__(original_directory=original_directory, original_extension=None)

        self.protocol = Protocol()

[docs] def provides_file_set_for_protocol(self, protocol): """Returns ``True`` for 1:1 and 1:N-... protocols, otherwise ``False`` Keyword Parameters: protocol The protocol to evaluate. """ return protocol.startswith("1:")
[docs] def groups(self, protocol=None): return ("dev",)
[docs] def client_ids(self, groups='dev', protocol=None): """Returns a list of client ids (aka. subject_id) for the specific query by the user. Keyword Parameters: groups Ignored; `'dev'` is asssumed. protocol One of the protocols of the dataset; identical for all protocols starting with ``1:`` Returns: A list containing all the client ids which have the desired properties. """ # retrieve enroll templates templates = self.protocol.get_templates(protocol, purpose="enroll") client_ids = set(template.client_id for template in templates.values()) return sorted(client_ids)
[docs] def model_ids(self, groups='dev', protocol="1:1"): """Returns a list of model ids for the specific query by the user. Keyword Parameters: groups Ignored; ``'dev'`` is assumed protocol One of the protocols of the dataset; identical for all protocols starting with ``1:`` Returns: A list containing all the model ids. """ protocol = self.check_parameter_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", self.protocol_names()) # retrieve templates templates = self.protocol.get_templates(protocol, "enroll") # get keys of templates, which are the template ids return sorted(list(templates.keys()))
[docs] def get_client_id_from_model_id(self, protocol, model_id): """Returns the client_id attached to the given model_id Keyword Parameters: protocol One of the protocols of the dataset; identical for all protocols starting with ``1:`` model_id The model id (i.e., the template id of a gallery template) to consider Returns: The client_id attached to the given model_id """ # try to find the client id for the given model id in any previously read file protocol = self.check_parameter_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", self.protocol_names()) return self.protocol.enroll_template(protocol, model_id).client_id
[docs] def get_model_ids_from_client_id(self, protocol, purpose, client_id): """Returns the model ids (templates) for the given client_id Keyword Parameters: client_id The client id Returns: The list of model ids (template ids) of the client """ # try to find the client id for the given model id in any previously read file protocol = self.check_parameter_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", self.protocol_names()) purpose = self.check_parameter_for_validity(purpose, "purpose", ("enroll", "probe")) return self.uniquify( for t in self.protocol.get_templates(protocol, purpose).values() if t.client_id == client_id)
[docs] def objects(self, groups='dev', protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None): """Using the specified restrictions, this function returns a list of :py:class:`File` objects. Keyword Parameters: groups Ignored; ``'dev'`` is assumed protocol : str or ``None`` One or more of the available protocol names, see :py:meth:`protocol_names`. If not specified, all protocols will be assumed. purposes : str or [str] or ``None`` One or several purposes for which files should be retrieved ('enroll', 'probe'). Note: this field is ignored for group 'world'. model_ids : int or [int] or ``None`` If given (as a list of model id's or a single one), only the files belonging to the specified model id is returned. For 'probe' purposes, the probe images belonging to the given model ids are returned. """ # check that every parameter is as expected protocols = self.check_parameters_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", self.protocol_names()) purposes = self.check_parameters_for_validity(purposes, "purpose", ("enroll", "probe")) # assure that the given model ids are in an iterable container if isinstance(model_ids, int): model_ids = (model_ids,) # collect the templates, and filter them by the given criteria templates = set() if 'enroll' in purposes: for protocol in protocols: if model_ids: for model_id in model_ids: templates.add(self.protocol.enroll_template(protocol, model_id)) else: templates.update(self.protocol.get_templates(protocol, "enroll").values()) if 'probe' in purposes: for protocol in protocols: if model_ids: for model_id in model_ids: templates.update(self.protocol.probe_templates(protocol, model_id)) else: templates.update(self.protocol.get_templates(protocol, "probe").values()) # get a unique set of files files = set(file for template in templates for file in template.files) # now, collect all files and return them return files
[docs] def object_sets(self, groups='dev', protocol=None, purposes='probe', model_ids=None): """Using the specified restrictions, this function returns a list of :py:class:`Template` objects. Keyword Parameters: groups : str or [str] Only the 'dev' group is accepted. protocol : str One of the available protocol names, see :py:meth:`protocol_names`. purposes Ignored; ``'probe'`` is assumed. model_ids : int or [int] or ``None`` If given, the probe templates belonging to the given model ids are returned. """ # check that every parameter is as expected protocol = self.check_parameter_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", [p for p in self.protocol_names() if p != "Covariates"]) groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", self.groups(protocol)) # assure that the given model ids are in an iteratable container if isinstance(model_ids, int): model_ids = (model_ids,) # collect the templates, and filter them by the given criteria templates = set() if model_ids: for model_id in model_ids: templates.update(self.protocol.probe_templates(protocol, model_id)) else: templates.update(self.protocol.get_templates(protocol, "probe").values()) # return list of all templates return templates
[docs] def templates(self, groups='dev', protocol=None): """Returns all templates (enrollment and probe) for the given protocol """ templates = {} templates.update(self.protocol.get_templates(protocol, "enroll")) templates.update(self.protocol.get_templates(protocol, "probe")) return templates.values()
[docs] def annotations(self, file): """Returns the annotations for the given :py:class:`File` object as a dictionary, see :py:class:`Annotation` for details.""" return None if file.annotation is None else file.annotation()
[docs] def protocol_names(self): """Returns all registered protocol names, including ``['1:1', 'Covariates', '1:N-Mixed']``""" return self.protocol.protocol_names
[docs] def original_file_name(self, file, check_existence=True): """Returns the original image file name with the correct file name extension. To be able to call this function, the ``original_directory`` must have been specified in the :py:class:`Database` constructor. Keyword parameters: file : :py:class:`File` The ``File`` object to get the original file name from. check_existence : bool If set to True (the default), the existence of the original image file is checked, prior to returning the files name. """ if not self.original_directory: raise ValueError("The original_directory was not specified in the constructor.") # extract file name file_name = file.make_path(self.original_directory, file.extension, add_client_id=False) if not check_existence or os.path.exists(file_name): return file_name raise ValueError("The file '%s' was not found. Please check the original directory '%s'?" % ( file_name, self.original_directory))