Source code for bob.db.ijbc.reader

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# @author: Manuel Gunther <>
# @date:   Mon Oct 16 18:35:14 MDT 2017

This script has some sort of utility functions that parses the original database files

import pkg_resources
import os

import bob.db.base
import csv
import numpy

import logging
import six

logger = logging.getLogger("bob.db.ijbc")

[docs]class Annotation: """ Annotations for a File of the IJB-C dataset """ def __init__(self, annots): # assure that we have all annotations assert len(annots) == 30 # assure that a face bounding box is present assert not numpy.all(numpy.isnan(annots[:4])) self.topleft = (annots[1], annots[0]) self.size = (annots[3], annots[2]) self.bottomright = tuple(self.topleft[i] + self.size[i] for i in range(2)) self.frame = None if numpy.isnan(annots[4]) else annots[4] self.facial_hair = None if numpy.isnan(annots[5]) else annots[5] self.age = None if numpy.isnan(annots[6]) else annots[6] self.indoor = None if numpy.isnan(annots[7]) else annots[7] self.skintone = None if numpy.isnan(annots[8]) else annots[8] self.gender = None if numpy.isnan(annots[9]) else annots[9] self.yaw = None if numpy.isnan(annots[10]) else annots[10] self.roll = None if numpy.isnan(annots[11]) else annots[11] self.occlusion = annots[12:30] self.annotation = dict(topleft=self.topleft, bottomright=self.bottomright, size=self.size) def __call__(self): return self.annotation
class File(bob.db.base.File): """ IJB-C File class Different from its ascendant class, this one as input """
[docs] @staticmethod def make_id(path, subject_id): return "%s-%s" % (path, subject_id)
def __init__(self, subject_id, path, annotation=None): """**Constructor Documentation** Initialize the File object with the minimum required data. Parameters ---------- subject_id : various type The id of the client, this file belongs to, typically the ``subject_id`` of the protocol file. path : str The path of this file, relative to the basic directory. annotation : :py:class:`Annotation` or ``None`` The annotation of the file, if present """ path, self.extension = os.path.splitext(path) super(File, self).__init__(path, self.make_id(path, subject_id)) self.client_id = subject_id self.annotation = annotation
[docs] def make_path(self, directory=None, extension=None, add_client_id=True): """Wraps the current path so that a complete path is formed. By default, the file name will be a unique file name, as there might be several ``File`` objects with the same path. To get the original file name, please set the ``add_client_id`` flag to ``False``. Keyword parameters: directory : str or ``None`` An optional directory name that will be prefixed to the returned result. extension : str or ``None`` An optional extension that will be suffixed to the returned filename. The extension normally includes the leading ``.`` character as in ``.jpg`` or ``.hdf5``. add_client_id : bool By default, the client_id is added to generate a unique path. If set to false, the client_id will not be added. Returns a string containing the newly generated file path, which by default is unique. """ # assure that directory and extension are actually strings if directory is None: directory = '' if extension is None: extension = '' path = "%s%s" % (, extension) if add_client_id else "%s%s" % (self.path, extension) # create the path return os.path.join(directory, path)
class Template: """A ``Template`` contains a list of :py:class:`File` objects belonging to the same subject (there might be several templates per subject). These are listed in the ``self.files`` field. A ``Template`` can serve for training, model enrollment, or for probing. Each template belongs specifically to a certain protocol, as the template_id in the original file lists might differ for different protocols. The protocol purpose can be obtained using ``self.protocol_purpose`` after creation of the database. Note that the ``template_id`` corresponds to the template_id of the file lists, while the ``id`` is only used as a unique key for querying the database. For convenience, the template also contains a ``path``, which is a concatenation of the ``File.media_id`` of the first file, and the ``self.template_id``, making it unique (at least per protocol). """ def __init__(self, template_id, subject_id, files=None): = template_id self.client_id = subject_id self.files = files if files is not None else [] self.path = str(template_id) def __lt__(self, other): """This function defines the order on the Template objects. Template objects are always ordered by their ID, in ascending order.""" return < class Protocol: """The list of protocols and their according files""" def __init__(self): self.base_directory = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "protocol") if not os.path.isdir(self.base_directory): raise IOError( "The protocol directory %s cannot be found? Did you forget to download the protocol files with ' ijbc download'?" % self.base_directory) self._files = {} self._templates = {} self._matches = {} self._covariates = {} self.protocol_names = [ "1:1", "Covariates" ] # TODO: Take care of other protocols #self.protocol_names = [ # "1:1", "Covariates", # "1:N-G1-Image", "1:N-G2-Image", "1:N-Image", # "1:N-G1-Mixed", "1:N-G2-Mixed", "1:N-Mixed", # "1:N-G1-Video", "1:N-G2-Video", "1:N-Video" #] self.purpose_names = ["enroll", "probe"] def _read_metadata(self): """Reads the meta-data file if not yet done""" if not self._files: with open(os.path.join(self.base_directory, "ijbc_metadata.csv")) as p: reader = csv.reader(p) # skip header row for splits in reader: # generate annotations annots = [float(a) for a in splits[3:]] annotation = None if numpy.all(numpy.isnan(annots)) else Annotation(annots) # create file subject_id = None if numpy.isnan(float(splits[0])) else int(splits[0]) file = File(subject_id, splits[1], annotation) if in self._files: #logger.debug("Found duplicate entry for file %s with ID %d", file.path, file.client_id) x = 0 else: self._files[] = file def _read_template_list(self, which, protocol_file): if which not in self._templates: templates = self._templates[which] = {} with open(os.path.join(self.base_directory, protocol_file)) as p: reader = csv.reader(p) # skip header row for splits in reader: # generate file id subject_id = None if numpy.isnan(float(splits[1])) else int(splits[1]) file_id = File.make_id(os.path.splitext(splits[2])[0], subject_id) # make sure we know that file already assert file_id in self._files # add it to the template, or create it if not done yet template_id = int(splits[0]) if template_id not in templates: templates[template_id] = Template(template_id, subject_id) templates[template_id].files.append(self._files[file_id]) # TODO: check that the annotations match return self._templates[which] def _read_match_file(self, protocol, protocol_file): if protocol not in self._matches: # assure that the probe is loaded if protocol == "1:1": self.get_templates(protocol, "probe") # read match files match_file = os.path.join(self.base_directory, protocol_file) matches = self._matches[protocol] = {} with open(match_file) as f: # read the rest of the lines reader = csv.reader(f) for splits in reader: # extract basic information of the file assert len(splits) == 2 model_id = int(splits[0]) probe_id = int(splits[1]) if model_id not in matches: matches[model_id] = [] matches[model_id].append(probe_id) return self._matches[protocol]
[docs] def get_templates(self, protocol, purpose=None): """Returns all :py:class:`Template`'s for the given protocol and purpose.""" assert protocol in self.protocol_names assert purpose in self.purpose_names # read metadata if not done yet self._read_metadata() if protocol == "Covariates": # for the covariates, we do not use the default gallery if not self._covariates: # first, read all templates self._read_template_list("Covariates", "ijbc_11_covariate_probe_reference.csv") # and now split them into model and probe (overlapping) matches = self._read_match_file("Covariates", "ijbc_11_covariate_matches.csv") self._covariates["enroll"] = {x: self._templates["Covariates"][x] for x in matches} self._covariates["probe"] = {x: self._templates["Covariates"][x] for x in set(p for m in matches.keys() for p in matches[m])} return self._covariates[purpose] elif purpose == "enroll": # otherwise, we have the same templates for enrollment, throughout if "S2" not in protocol: self._read_template_list("G1", "ijbc_1N_gallery_G1.csv") if "S1" not in protocol: self._read_template_list("G2", "ijbc_1N_gallery_G2.csv") if "S1" in protocol: return self._templates["G1"] elif "S2" in protocol: return self._templates["G2"] else: if "S1S2" not in self._templates: self._templates["G1G2"] = self._templates["G1"].copy() self._templates["G1G2"].update(self._templates["G2"]) return self._templates["G1G2"] else: # probes for 1:N protocol if "Image" in protocol: return self._read_template_list("Image", "ijbc_1N_probe_img.csv") elif "Video" in protocol: return self._read_template_list("Video", "ijbc_1N_probe_video.csv") else: # This file is used for both the 1:1 protocol (as probes) and the 1:N-Mixed protocols return self._read_template_list("Mixed", "ijbc_1N_probe_mixed.csv")
[docs] def enroll_template(self, protocol, model_id): """Returns the enrollment template for the given model_id""" templates = self.get_templates(protocol=protocol, purpose="enroll") assert model_id in templates, "The given model id '%s' is not a gallery template ID" % model_id return templates[model_id]
[docs] def probe_templates(self, protocol, model_id): """Returns the probe templates for the given model_id""" if protocol == "1:1": matches = self._read_match_file("1:1", "ijbc_11_G1_G2_matches.csv")[model_id] return [self._templates["Mixed"][m] for m in matches] elif protocol == "Covariates": matches = self._read_match_file("Covariates", "ijbc_11_covariate_matches.csv")[model_id] return [self._templates["Covariates"][m] for m in matches] else: # for 1:N protocols, return all probe files return self.get_templates(protocol, "probe").values()