Source code for bob.db.fargo.query

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import os
from bob.db.base import utils
from .models import *

from .driver import Interface
INFO = Interface()
SQLITE_FILE = INFO.files()[0]

import bob.db.base

[docs]class Database(bob.db.base.SQLiteDatabase): """ Class representing the database See parent class `:py:class:bob.db.base.SQLiteDatabase` for more details ... Attributes ---------- original_directory: str Path where the database is stored original_extension: str Extension of files in the database annotation_directory: str Path where the annotations are stored annotation_extension: str Extension of anootation files """ def __init__(self, original_directory=None, original_extension=None, annotation_directory=None, annotation_extension=None, protocol='mc-rgb'): """ Init function Parameters ---------- original_directory: str Path where the database is stored original_extension: str Extension of files in the database annotation_directory: str Path where the annotations are stored annotation_extension: str Extension of anootation files """ super(Database, self).__init__(SQLITE_FILE, File, original_directory, original_extension) self.annotation_directory = annotation_directory self.annotation_extension = annotation_extension self.protocol = protocol @property def modalities(self): return ['rgb', 'nir', 'depth']
[docs] def groups(self, protocol=None): """Returns the names of all registered groups Parameters ---------- protocol: str ignored, since the group are the same across protocols. """ return ProtocolPurpose.group_choices
[docs] def clients(self, protocol=None, groups=None): """Returns a set of clients for the specific query by the user. Parameters ---------- protocol: str Ignored since the clients are identical for all protocols. groups: str or tuple of str The groups to which the clients belong ('world', 'dev', 'eval'). Returns: lst: list containing clients which have the given properties. """ groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", self.groups()) retval = [] if "world" in groups: q = self.query(Client).filter( == 'world') retval += list(q) if 'dev' in groups: q = self.query(Client).filter( == 'dev') retval += list(q) if 'eval' in groups: q = self.query(Client).filter( == 'eval') retval += list(q) return retval
[docs] def models(self, protocol=None, groups=None): """Returns a set of models for the specific query by the user. Parameters ---------- protocol Ignored since the models are identical for all protocols. groups The groups to which the subjects attached to the models belong Returns ------- lst: A list containing all the models which have the given properties. """ return self.clients(protocol, groups)
[docs] def model_ids(self, protocol=None, groups=None): """Returns a set of models ids for the specific query by the user. Parameters ---------- protocol Ignored since the models are identical for all protocols. groups The groups to which the subjects attached to the models belong Returns ------- lst: A list containing all the models ids which have the given properties. """ return [ for model in self.models(protocol, groups)]
[docs] def client(self, id): """Returns the client object of the specified id. Parameters ---------- id: int The client id. Raises ------ Error: if the client does not exist. """ return self.query(Client).filter( == id).one()
[docs] def protocol_names(self): """Returns all registered protocol names """ l = self.protocols() retval = [str( for k in l] return retval
[docs] def protocols(self): """Returns all registered protocols """ return list(self.query(Protocol))
[docs] def purposes(self): """Returns purposes """ return ProtocolPurpose.purpose_choices
[docs] def objects(self, protocol=None, purposes=None, model_ids=None, groups=None, modality=None): """Returns a set of Files for the specific query by the user. Parameters ---------- protocol: str One of the FARGO protocols. purposes: str or tuple of str The purposes required to be retrieved ('enroll', 'probe', 'train') or a tuple with several of them. If 'None' is given (this is the default), it is considered the same as a tuple with all possible values. This field is ignored for the data from the "world" group. model_ids: int or tuple of int Only retrieves the files for the provided list of model ids. If 'None' is given, no filter over the model_ids is performed. groups: str or tuple of str One of the groups ('dev', 'eval', 'world') or a tuple with several of them. If 'None' is given (this is the default), it is considered the same as a tuple with all possible values. modality: str or tuple One of the three modalities 'rgb', 'nir' and 'depth' Returns ------- lst: A list of files which have the given properties. """ from sqlalchemy import and_ protocol = self.check_parameters_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", self.protocol_names()) purposes = self.check_parameters_for_validity(purposes, "purpose", self.purposes()) groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", self.groups()) modality = self.check_parameters_for_validity(modality, "modality", self.modalities) import collections if(model_ids is None): model_ids = () elif(not isinstance(model_ids, collections.Iterable)): model_ids = (model_ids,) # Now query the database retval = [] if 'world' in groups: q = self.query(File).join(Client).join((ProtocolPurpose, File.protocolPurposes)).join(Protocol) q = q.filter( == 'world').filter(and_(, == 'world')) if model_ids: q = q.filter( q = q.order_by(File.client_id) q = q.filter(File.modality.in_(modality)) retval += list(q) if ('dev' in groups or 'eval' in groups): if('enroll' in purposes): q = self.query(File).join(Client).join((ProtocolPurpose, File.protocolPurposes)).join(Protocol).\ filter(and_(,, ProtocolPurpose.purpose == 'enroll')) if model_ids: q = q.filter( q = q.order_by(File.client_id) retval += list(q) # dense probing -> don't filter by model_ids if('probe' in purposes): q = self.query(File).join(Client).join((ProtocolPurpose, File.protocolPurposes)).join(Protocol).\ filter(and_(,, ProtocolPurpose.purpose == 'probe')) q = q.order_by(File.client_id) retval += list(q) # remove duplicates and sort the list rv = list(set(retval)) rv.sort() return rv