Source code for bob.db.batl.query

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import pkg_resources

from .models import VideoFile, Protocol, Client, ProtocolPurpose
from bob.db.base import SQLiteDatabase

class DatabaseError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, value = 'Database error'):
        self.value = value
    def __str__(self):
        return self.value

[docs]class Database(SQLiteDatabase): """ The dataset class opens and maintains a connection opened to the Database. It provides many different ways to probe for the characteristics of the data and for the data itself inside the database. """ def __init__(self, original_directory = None, original_extension = '.png'): # call base class constructor sqlite_file = self.get_raw_files()[0] SQLiteDatabase.__init__(self, sqlite_file, VideoFile, original_directory, original_extension)
[docs] def get_raw_files(self): raw_files = ('db.sql3',) return [pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, k) for k in raw_files]
[docs] def protocol_names(self): """Returns all registered protocol names""" return tuple(name[0] for name in self.query(
[docs] def protocols(self): """Returns all registered protocols""" return list(self.query(Protocol))
[docs] def has_protocol(self, name): """Tells if a certain protocol is available""" return self.query(Protocol).filter( != 0
[docs] def protocol(self, name): """Returns the protocol object in the database given a certain name. Raises an error if that does not exist.""" return self.query(Protocol).filter(
[docs] def purposes(self): """Returns the list of allowed purposes""" return ProtocolPurpose.PURPOSES
[docs] def groups(self): """Returns the list of allowed groups""" return ProtocolPurpose.GROUPS
[docs] def file_sessions(self): """Returns the list of allowed session numbers""" return tuple(i[0] for i in self.query(VideoFile.session_id).distinct() )
[docs] def has_client_id(self, id): """Returns True if in the database is a client with a certain integer identifier. """ return self.query(Client).filter( != 0
[docs] def presenters(self, protocol): """Returns a list of :py:class:`.Client` for the specific query by the user. Clients correspond to the database CLIENT entries """ protocol = self.check_parameters_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", self.protocol_names()) # Now query the database q = self.query(Client)\ .join(VideoFile)\ .join(ProtocolPurpose, VideoFile.protocolPurpose)\ .join(Protocol)\ .filter(\ .filter(Client.is_presenter) return list(q)
[docs] def client(self, id): """Returns the client object in the database given a certain id. Raises an error if that does not exist.""" return self.query(Client).filter(
[docs] def objects(self, protocol=None, groups=None, purposes=None, sessions=None): """Returns a list of :py:class:`.File` for the specific query by the user. """ protocol = self.check_parameters_for_validity(protocol, "protocol", self.protocol_names()) purposes = self.check_parameters_for_validity(purposes, "purpose", self.purposes()) groups = self.check_parameters_for_validity(groups, "group", self.groups()) sessions = self.check_parameters_for_validity(sessions, "session", self.file_sessions()) q = self.query(VideoFile)\ .join((ProtocolPurpose, VideoFile.protocolPurpose))\ .join(Protocol)\ .filter(\ .filter(\ .filter(ProtocolPurpose.purpose.in_(purposes))\ .filter(VideoFile.session_id.in_(sessions)) retval = list(set(q)) # because of the "set" there is no point sorting before: retval.sort() return retval