Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :

import numpy


from import Extractor

[docs]class PrincipalCurvature (Extractor): """MiuraMax feature extractor Based on J.H. Choi, W. Song, T. Kim, S.R. Lee and H.C. Kim, Finger vein extraction using gradient normalization and principal curvature. Proceedings on Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications II, SPIE 7251, (2009) """ def __init__( self, sigma = 2, # Gaussian standard deviation applied threshold = 1.3, # Percentage of maximum used for hard thresholding ): # call base class constructor Extractor.__init__( self, sigma = sigma, threshold = threshold, ) # block parameters self.sigma = sigma self.threshold = threshold
[docs] def principal_curvature(self, image, mask): """Computes and returns the Maximum Curvature features for the given input fingervein image""" finger_mask = numpy.zeros(mask.shape) finger_mask[mask == True] = 1 sigma = numpy.sqrt(self.sigma**2/2) gx = ut_gauss(img,sigma,1,0) gy = ut_gauss(img,sigma,0,1) Gmag = numpy.sqrt(gx**2 + gy**2) # Gradient magnitude # Apply threshold gamma = (self.threshold/100)*max(max(Gmag)) indices = find(Gmag < gamma) gx[indices] = 0 gy[indices] = 0 # Normalize Gmag[find[Gmag==0]] = 1 # Avoid dividing by zero gx = gx/Gmag gy = gy/Gmag hxx = ut_gauss(gx,sigma,1,0) hxy = ut_gauss(gx,sigma,0,1) hyy = ut_gauss(gy,sigma,0,1) lambda1 = 0.5*(hxx + hyy + numpy.sqrt(hxx**2 + hyy**2 - 2*hxx**hyy + 4*hxy**2)) veins = lambda1*finger_mask # Normalise veins = veins - min(veins[:]) veins = veins/max(veins[:]) veins = veins*finger_mask # Binarise the vein image by otsu md = numpy.median(img_veins[img_veins>0]) img_veins_bin = img_veins > md return img_veins_bin.astype(numpy.float64)
def __call__(self, image): """Reads the input image, extract the features based on Principal Curvature of the fingervein image, and writes the resulting template""" finger_image = image[0] #Normalized image with or without histogram equalization finger_mask = image[1] return self.principal_curvature(finger_image, finger_mask)