Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Manuel Guenther <>

import logging

import bob.core
import bob.learn.em

from import Algorithm

from .GMM import GMM

logger = logging.getLogger("")

class JFA(GMM):
    """Tool for computing Unified Background Models and Gaussian Mixture Models of the features and project it via JFA"""

    def __init__(
        # JFA training
        subspace_dimension_of_u,  # U subspace dimension
        subspace_dimension_of_v,  # V subspace dimension
        jfa_training_iterations=10,  # Number of EM iterations for the JFA training
        # JFA enrollment
        jfa_enroll_iterations=1,  # Number of iterations for the enrollment phase
        # parameters of the GMM
        """Initializes the local UBM-GMM tool with the given file selector object"""
        # call base class constructor
        GMM.__init__(self, **kwargs)

        # call tool constructor to overwrite what was set before

        self.subspace_dimension_of_u = subspace_dimension_of_u
        self.subspace_dimension_of_v = subspace_dimension_of_v
        self.jfa_training_iterations = jfa_training_iterations
        self.jfa_enroll_iterations = jfa_enroll_iterations
        self.jfa_trainer = bob.learn.em.JFATrainer()

[docs] def load_projector(self, projector_file): """Reads the UBM model from file""" # Here, we just need to load the UBM from the projector file. self.load_ubm(projector_file)
####################################################### # JFA training #
[docs] def train_enroller(self, train_features, enroller_file): # assert that all training features are GMMStatistics for client_feature in train_features: for feature in client_feature: assert isinstance(feature, bob.learn.em.GMMStats) # create a JFABasemachine with the UBM from the base class self.jfa_base = bob.learn.em.JFABase( self.ubm, self.subspace_dimension_of_u, self.subspace_dimension_of_v ) # train the JFA bob.learn.em.train_jfa( self.jfa_trainer, self.jfa_base, train_features, self.jfa_training_iterations, rng=bob.core.random.mt19937(self.init_seed), ) # Save the JFA base AND the UBM into the same file, "w"))
####################################################### # JFA model enroll #
[docs] def load_enroller(self, enroller_file): """Reads the JFA base from file""" # now, load the JFA base, if it is included in the file self.jfa_base = bob.learn.em.JFABase( # add UBM model from base class self.jfa_base.ubm = self.ubm
# TODO: Why is the rng re-initialized here? # self.rng = bob.core.random.mt19937(self.init_seed)
[docs] def read_feature(self, feature_file): """Reads the projected feature to be enrolled as a model""" return bob.learn.em.GMMStats(
[docs] def enroll(self, enroll_features): """Enrolls a GMM using MAP adaptation""" machine = bob.learn.em.JFAMachine(self.jfa_base) self.jfa_trainer.enroll(machine, enroll_features, self.jfa_enroll_iterations) # return the resulting gmm return machine
###################################################### # Feature comparison #
[docs] def read_model(self, model_file): """Reads the JFA Machine that holds the model""" machine = bob.learn.em.JFAMachine( machine.jfa_base = self.jfa_base return machine
[docs] def score(self, model, probe): """Computes the score for the given model and the given probe""" assert isinstance(model, bob.learn.em.JFAMachine) assert isinstance(probe, bob.learn.em.GMMStats) return model.log_likelihood(probe)
[docs] def score_for_multiple_probes(self, model, probes): """This function computes the score between the given model and several probes.""" # TODO: Check if this is correct # logger.warn("This function needs to be verified!") raise NotImplementedError("Multiple probes is not yet supported")
# scores = numpy.ndarray((len(probes),), 'float64') # model.forward(probes, scores) # return scores[0]