Source code for


from import translate_kwargs

class Base(
    """Base class for all face annotators"""

[docs] def annotations(self, image): """Returns annotations for all faces in the image. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray An RGB image in Bob format. Returns ------- list A list of annotations. Annotations are dictionaries that contain the following possible keys: ``topleft``, ``bottomright``, ``reye``, ``leye`` """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def annotate(self, sample, **kwargs): """Annotates an image and returns annotations in a dictionary. All annotator should return at least the ``topleft`` and ``bottomright`` coordinates. Some currently known annotation points such as ``reye`` and ``leye`` are formalized in :any:``. Parameters ---------- sample : numpy.ndarray The image should be a Bob format (#Channels, Height, Width) RGB image. **kwargs The extra arguments that may be passed. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def transform(self, samples, **kwargs): """Annotates an image and returns annotations in a dictionary. All annotator should add at least the ``topleft`` and ``bottomright`` coordinates. Some currently known annotation points such as ``reye`` and ``leye`` are formalized in :any:``. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample The image int the sample object should be a Bob format (#Channels, Height, Width) RGB image. **kwargs Extra arguments that may be passed. """ kwargs = translate_kwargs(kwargs, len(samples)) return [ self.annotate(sample, **kw) for sample, kw in zip(samples, kwargs) ]