Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# @author: Tiago de Freitas Pereira

Implements some face croppers

import logging

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

logger = logging.getLogger("")

import cv2
import numpy as np

from import bob_to_opencvbgr, opencvbgr_to_bob

class FaceEyesNorm(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator):
    Geometric normalize a face using the eyes positions
    This function extracts the facial image based on the eye locations (or the location of other fixed point, see note below). "
    The geometric normalization is applied such that the eyes are placed to **fixed positions** in the normalized image.
    The image is cropped at the same time, so that no unnecessary operations are executed.

    There are three types of annotations:
        - **eyes-center**: The eyes are located at the center of the face. In this case, `reference_eyes_location` expects
            a dictionary with two keys: `leye` and `reye`.

        - **left-profile**: The eyes are located at the corner of the face. In this case, `reference_eyes_location` expects
            a dictionary with two keys: `leye` and `mouth`.

        - **right-profile**: The eyes are located at the corner of the face. In this case, `reference_eyes_location` expects
            a dictionary with two keys: `reye` and `mouth`.


        reference_eyes_location : dict
            The reference eyes location. It is a dictionary with two keys.

        final_image_size : tuple
            The final size of the image

        allow_upside_down_normalized_faces: bool
            If set to True, the normalized face will be flipped if the eyes are placed upside down.

        annotation_type : str
            The type of annotation. It can be either 'eyes-center' or 'left-profile' or 'right-profile'

        opencv_interpolation : int
            The interpolation method to be used by OpenCV for the function cv2.warpAffine


    def __init__(
        self.annotation_type = annotation_type
        self.reference_eyes_location = reference_eyes_location
        self.opencv_interpolation = opencv_interpolation

        self.allow_upside_down_normalized_faces = (
        ) = self._get_anthropometric_measurements(reference_eyes_location)

        self.final_image_size = final_image_size

    def _check_annotations(self, positions):
        if self.annotation_type == "eyes-center":
            assert "leye" in positions
            assert "reye" in positions
        elif self.annotation_type == "left-profile":
            assert "leye" in positions
            assert "mouth" in positions
        elif self.annotation_type == "right-profile":
            assert "reye" in positions
            assert "mouth" in positions
            raise ValueError(
                "The annotation type must be either 'eyes-center', 'left-profile' or 'right-profile'"

    def _decode_positions(self, positions):
        Return the annotation positions, based on the annotation type
        if self.annotation_type == "eyes-center":
            return np.array(positions["leye"]), np.array(positions["reye"])
        elif self.annotation_type == "left-profile":
            return np.array(positions["leye"]), np.array(positions["mouth"])
        elif self.annotation_type == "right-profile":
            return np.array(positions["reye"]), np.array(positions["mouth"])
            raise ValueError(
                "The annotation type must be either 'eyes-center', 'left-profile' or 'right-profile'"

    def _get_anthropometric_measurements(self, positions):
        Given the eyes coordinates, it computes the
         - The angle between the eyes coordinates
         - The distance between the eyes coordinates
         - The center of the eyes coordinates


        # double dy = leftEye[0] - rightEye[0], dx = leftEye[1] - rightEye[1];
        # double angle = std::atan2(dy, dx);
        coordinate_a, coordinate_b = self._decode_positions(positions)
        delta = coordinate_a - coordinate_b
        eyes_angle = np.arctan2(delta[0], delta[1]) * 180 / np.pi  # to degrees

        # Or scaling factor
        # m_eyesDistance / sqrt(_sqr(leftEye[0]-rightEye[0]) + _sqr(leftEye[1]-rightEye[1]))
        eyes_distance = np.linalg.norm(delta)

        eyes_center = 1 / 2 * (coordinate_a + coordinate_b)

        return eyes_distance, eyes_center, eyes_angle

    def _more_tags(self):
        return {"requires_fit": False}

[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): return self
def _check_upsidedown(self, annotations): coordinate_a, coordinate_b = self._decode_positions(annotations) reference_coordinate_a, reference_coordinate_b = self._decode_positions( self.reference_eyes_location ) reye_desired_width = reference_coordinate_a[1] leye_desired_width = reference_coordinate_b[1] right_eye = coordinate_a left_eye = coordinate_b if ( reye_desired_width > leye_desired_width and right_eye[1] < left_eye[1] ) or ( reye_desired_width < leye_desired_width and right_eye[1] > left_eye[1] ): raise ValueError( "Looks like 'leye' and 'reye' in annotations: {annot} are swapped. " "This will make the normalized face upside down (compared to the original " "image). Most probably your annotations are wrong. Otherwise, you can set " "the ``allow_upside_down_normalized_faces`` parameter to " "True.".format(annot=annotations) ) def _rotate_image_center(self, image, angle, reference_point): """ Rotate the image around the center by the given angle. """ rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(reference_point[::-1], angle, 1.0) return cv2.warpAffine( image, rot_mat, image.shape[1::-1], flags=self.opencv_interpolation ) def _translate_image(self, image, x, y): t_mat = np.float32([[1, 0, x], [0, 1, y]]) return cv2.warpAffine( image, t_mat, image.shape[1::-1], flags=self.opencv_interpolation )
[docs] def transform(self, X, annotations=None): """ Geometric normalize a face using the eyes positions Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray The image to be normalized annotations : dict The annotations of the image. It needs to contain ''reye'' and ''leye'' positions Returns ------- cropped_image : numpy.ndarray The normalized image """ self._check_annotations(annotations) if not self.allow_upside_down_normalized_faces: self._check_upsidedown(annotations) ( source_eyes_distance, source_eyes_center, source_eyes_angle, ) = self._get_anthropometric_measurements(annotations) # m_geomNorm->setRotationAngle(angle * 180. / M_PI - m_eyesAngle); # Computing the rotation angle with respect to the target eyes angle in degrees rotational_angle = source_eyes_angle - self.target_eyes_angle # source_target_ratio = source_eyes_distance / self.target_eyes_distance target_source_ratio = self.target_eyes_distance / source_eyes_distance # # ROTATION WITH OPEN CV cropped_image = bob_to_opencvbgr(X) if X.ndim > 2 else X original_height = cropped_image.shape[0] original_width = cropped_image.shape[1] cropped_image = self._rotate_image_center( cropped_image, rotational_angle, source_eyes_center ) # Cropping target_eyes_center_rescaled = np.floor( self.target_eyes_center / target_source_ratio ).astype("int") top = int(source_eyes_center[0] - target_eyes_center_rescaled[0]) left = int(source_eyes_center[1] - target_eyes_center_rescaled[1]) bottom = max(0, top) + ( int(self.final_image_size[0] / target_source_ratio) ) right = max(0, left) + ( int(self.final_image_size[1] / target_source_ratio) ) cropped_image = cropped_image[ max(0, top) : bottom, max(0, left) : right, ... ] # Checking if we need to pad the cropped image # This happens when the cropped image extrapolate the original image dimensions expanded_image = cropped_image if original_height < bottom or original_width < right: pad_height = ( cropped_image.shape[0] + (bottom - original_height) if original_height < bottom else cropped_image.shape[0] ) pad_width = ( cropped_image.shape[1] + (right - original_width) if original_width < right else cropped_image.shape[1] ) expanded_image = ( np.zeros( (pad_height, pad_width, 3), dtype=cropped_image.dtype, ) if cropped_image.ndim > 2 else np.zeros( (pad_height, pad_width), dtype=cropped_image.dtype ) ) expanded_image[ 0 : cropped_image.shape[0], 0 : cropped_image.shape[1], ... ] = cropped_image # Checking if we need to translate the image. # This happens when the top, left coordinates on the source images is negative if top < 0 or left < 0: expanded_image = self._translate_image( expanded_image, -1 * min(0, left), -1 * min(0, top) ) # Scaling expanded_image = cv2.resize( expanded_image, self.final_image_size[::-1], interpolation=self.opencv_interpolation, ) expanded_image = ( opencvbgr_to_bob(expanded_image) if X.ndim > 2 else expanded_image ) return expanded_image
class FaceCropBoundingBox(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """ Crop the face based on Bounding box positions Parameters ---------- final_image_size : tuple The final size of the image after cropping in case resize=True margin : float The margin to be added to the bounding box """ def __init__( self, final_image_size, margin=0.5, opencv_interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, ): self.margin = margin self.final_image_size = final_image_size self.opencv_interpolation = opencv_interpolation
[docs] def transform(self, X, annotations, resize=True): """ Crop the face based on Bounding box positions Parameters ---------- X : numpy.ndarray The image to be normalized annotations : dict The annotations of the image. It needs to contain ''topleft'' and ''bottomright'' positions resize: bool If True, the image will be resized to the final size In this case, margin is not used """ assert "topleft" in annotations assert "bottomright" in annotations # If it's grayscaled, expand dims if X.ndim == 2: logger.warning( "Gray-scaled image. Expanding the channels before detection" ) X = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(X, 0), 3, axis=0) top = int(annotations["topleft"][0]) left = int(annotations["topleft"][1]) bottom = int(annotations["bottomright"][0]) right = int(annotations["bottomright"][1]) width = right - left height = bottom - top if resize: # If resizing, don't use the expanded borders face_crop = X[ :, top:bottom, left:right, ] face_crop = ( bob_to_opencvbgr(face_crop) if face_crop.ndim > 2 else face_crop ) face_crop = cv2.resize( face_crop, self.final_image_size[::-1], interpolation=self.opencv_interpolation, ) face_crop = opencvbgr_to_bob(np.array(face_crop)) else: # Expanding the borders top_expanded = int(np.maximum(top - self.margin * height, 0)) left_expanded = int(np.maximum(left - self.margin * width, 0)) bottom_expanded = int( np.minimum(bottom + self.margin * height, X.shape[1]) ) right_expanded = int( np.minimum(right + self.margin * width, X.shape[2]) ) face_crop = X[ :, top_expanded:bottom_expanded, left_expanded:right_expanded, ] return face_crop
def _more_tags(self): return {"requires_fit": False}
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): return self