Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
# Tiago de Freitas Pereira <>
# Sat 20 Aug 15:43:10 CEST 2016

import copy
import logging
import os

from functools import partial

import numpy as np

from clapper.rc import UserDefaults


from import download_file, md5_hash
from import Database
from bob.pipelines import DelayedSample, SampleSet

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
rc = UserDefaults("bobrc.toml")

class LFWDatabase(Database):  # TODO Make this a CSVDatabase?
    This package contains the access API and descriptions for the `Labeled Faced in the Wild <>`_ (LFW) database.
    It only contains the Bob_ accessor methods to use the DB directly from python, with our certified protocols.
    The actual raw data for the database should be downloaded from the original URL (though we were not able to contact the corresponding Professor).

    The LFW database provides two different sets (called "views").
    The first one, called ``view1`` is used for optimizing meta-parameters of your algorithm.
    The second one, called ``view2`` is used for benchmarking.
    This interface supports only the ``view2`` protocol.
    Please note that in ``view2`` there is only a ``'dev'`` group, but no ``'eval'``.

    .. warning::

      To use this dataset protocol, you need to have the original files of the LFW datasets.
      Once you have it downloaded, please run the following command to set the path for Bob

        .. code-block:: sh

            bob config set [LFW PATH]
            bob config set [LFW ANNOTATION_PATH] # for the annotations

    .. code-block:: python

        >>> from import LFWDatabase
        >>> lfw = LFWDatabase(protocol="view2")
        >>> # Fetching the gallery
        >>> references = lfw.references()
        >>> # Fetching the probes
        >>> probes = lfw.probes()


      protocol: str
        One of the database protocols. Options are `view2`

      annotation_type: str
        Type of the annotations used for face crop. Default to `eyes-center`

      image_relative_path: str
        LFW provides several types image crops. Some with the full image, some with with specific
        face crop. Use this variable to set which image crop you want. Default to `all_images`, which means
        no crop.

      annotation_directory: str
        LFW annotations path. Default to what is set in the variable ``

      original_directory: str
        LFW phisical path. Default to what is set in the variable ``

      annotation_issuer: str
        Type of the annotations. Default to `funneled`. Possible types `funneled`, `idiap` or `named`


    def __init__(
        extension=rc.get("", ".jpg"),
        import warnings

            "The lfw database is not yet adapted to this version of bob. Please port it or ask for it to be ported (This one actually needs to be converted to a CSVDatabase).",

        if original_directory is None or not os.path.exists(original_directory):
                f"Invalid or non existent `original_directory`: {original_directory}."
                "Please, do `bob config set PATH` to set the LFW data directory."

        if annotation_issuer not in ("funneled", "idiap", "named"):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid annotation issuer: {annotation_issuer}. Possible values are `idiap`, `funneled` or `named`"

        if annotation_directory is None or not os.path.exists(
            # Downloading annotations if not exists
            annotation_urls = LFWDatabase.urls()

                f"`annotation_directory`: {annotation_directory} not set. "
                f"Fetching it from {annotation_urls[0]}"

            annotation_directory = download_file(

            # Removing extension
            annotation_directory = annotation_directory / "lfw_annotations"

            # Attaching the issuer sub-directory
            annotation_directory = os.path.join(
                annotation_directory, annotation_issuer

        self.annotation_issuer = annotation_issuer
        # Hard-coding the extension of the annotations
        # I don't think we need this exposed
        # Please, open an issue if otherwise
        self.annotation_extension = (
            ".jpg.pts" if annotation_issuer == "funneled" else ".pos"


        self.references_dict = {}
        self.probes_dict = {}
        self.pairs = {}
        self.probe_reference_keys = {}  # Inverted pairs

        self.annotations = None
        self.original_directory = original_directory
        self.annotation_directory = annotation_directory
        self.extension = extension
        self.image_relative_path = image_relative_path

        # Some path manipulation lambdas
        self.subject_id_from_filename = lambda x: "_".join(x.split("_")[0:-1])

        self.make_path_from_filename = lambda x: os.path.join(
            self.subject_id_from_filename(x), x

            score_all_vs_all=protocol[0] == "o",


    def _extract_funneled(self, annotation_path):
        """Interprets the annotation string as if it came from the funneled images.
        Inspired by:
        with open(annotation_path) as f:
            splits = np.array(f.readlines()[0].split(" "), "float")

        assert len(splits) == 18
        locations = [
        annotations = dict(
                (locations[i], (float(splits[2 * i + 1]), float(splits[2 * i])))
                for i in range(9)
        # add eye center annotations as the center between the eye corners
        annotations["leye"] = (
            (annotations["leyei"][0] + annotations["leyeo"][0]) / 2.0,
            (annotations["leyei"][1] + annotations["leyeo"][1]) / 2.0,
        annotations["reye"] = (
            (annotations["reyei"][0] + annotations["reyeo"][0]) / 2.0,
            (annotations["reyei"][1] + annotations["reyeo"][1]) / 2.0,

        return annotations

    def _extract_idiap(self, annotation_file):
        """Interprets the annotation string as if it came from the Idiap annotations.
        Inspired by:

        annotations = {}
        splits = {}
        with open(annotation_file) as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line.split(" ")
                if len(line) == 3:
                    # splits.append([float(line[2]), float(line[1])])
                    splits[int(line[0])] = (float(line[1]), float(line[2]))

        if 3 in splits:
            annotations["reye"] = splits[3]

        if 8 in splits:
            annotations["leye"] = splits[8]

        return annotations

    def _extract_named(self, annotation_file):
        """Reads the annotation files as provided in the biometrics resources.
        Download them here:

        annotations = {}
        with open(annotation_file) as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line.split(" ")
                if len(line) == 3:
                    # splits.append([float(line[2]), float(line[1])])
                    annotations[line[0]] = (float(line[2]), float(line[1]))

        assert all(a in annotations for a in ("leye", "reye"))

        return annotations

    def _extract(self, annotation_file):
        return {
            "funneled": self._extract_funneled,
            "idiap": self._extract_idiap,
            "named": self._extract_named,

[docs] def load_pairs(self): if self.protocol == "view2": # view 2 pairs_path = os.path.join( self.original_directory, "view2", "pairs.txt" ) self.pairs = {} def make_filename(name, index): return f"{name}_{index.zfill(4)}" with open(pairs_path) as f: for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()): # Skip the first line if i == 0: continue line = line.split("\t") # Three lines, genuine pairs otherwise impostor if len(line) == 3: # self.subject_id_from_filename() key_filename = make_filename( line[0], line[1].rstrip("\n") ) value_filename = make_filename( line[0], line[2].rstrip("\n") ) else: key_filename = make_filename( line[0], line[1].rstrip("\n") ) value_filename = make_filename( line[2], line[3].rstrip("\n") ) key = self.make_path_from_filename(key_filename) value = self.make_path_from_filename(value_filename) if key not in self.pairs: self.pairs[key] = [] self.pairs[key].append(value) self._create_probe_reference_dict() elif self.protocol[0] == "o": self.pairs = { "enroll": {}, "training-unknown": [], "probe": {}, "o1": [], "o2": [], } # parse directory for open-set protocols for d in os.listdir( os.path.join(self.original_directory, self.image_relative_path) ): dd = os.path.join( self.original_directory, self.image_relative_path, d ) if os.path.isdir(dd): # count the number of images images = sorted( [ os.path.splitext(i)[0] for i in os.listdir(dd) if os.path.splitext(i)[1] == self.extension ] ) if len(images) > 3: # take the first three images for enrollment self.pairs["enroll"][d] = images[:3] # and the remaining images for known probes self.pairs["probe"][d] = images[3:] elif len(images) > 1: # take the first image as known unknown for training (ignored in our case) self.pairs["training-unknown"].append(images[0]) # and the remaining as known unknown probe self.pairs["o1"].extend(images[1:]) else: # one image -> use as unknown unknown probe self.pairs["o2"].append(images[0])
[docs] @staticmethod def protocols(): return ["view2", "o1", "o2", "o3"]
[docs] def background_model_samples(self): """This function returns the training set for the open-set protocols o1, o2 and o3. It returns the :py:meth:`references` and the training samples with known unknowns, which get the subject id "unknown". Returns ------- [bob.pipelines.SampleSet] The training samples, where each sampleset contains all images of one subject. Only the samples of the "unknown" subject are collected from several subjects. """ if self.protocol[0] != "o": return [] # return a list of samplesets for each enrollment image and each known unknown training sample enrollmentset = self.references() data = {} for image in self.pairs["training-unknown"]: # get image path image_path = os.path.join( self.original_directory, self.image_relative_path, self.make_path_from_filename(image) + self.extension, ) # load annotations if self.annotation_directory is not None: annotation_path = os.path.join( self.annotation_directory, self.make_path_from_filename(image) + self.annotation_extension, ) annotations = self._extract(annotation_path) else: annotations = None data[image] = (image_path, annotations) # generate one sampleset from images of the unknown unknowns sset = SampleSet( key="unknown", template_id="unknown", subject_id="unknown", samples=[ DelayedSample( key=image, load=partial(, data[image][0]), annotations=data[image][1], ) for image in data ], ) return enrollmentset + [sset]
def _create_probe_reference_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary whose each key (probe key) holds the list of biometric references where that probe should be compared with. """ if self.protocol[0] == "o": return self.probe_reference_keys = {} for key in self.pairs: for value in self.pairs[key]: if value not in self.probe_reference_keys: self.probe_reference_keys[value] = [] self.probe_reference_keys[value].append(key)
[docs] def probes(self, group="dev"): if self.protocol not in self.probes_dict: self.probes_dict[self.protocol] = [] if self.protocol == "view2": for key in self.probe_reference_keys: image_path = os.path.join( self.original_directory, self.image_relative_path, key + self.extension, ) if self.annotation_directory is not None: annotation_path = os.path.join( self.annotation_directory, key + self.annotation_extension, ) annotations = self._extract(annotation_path) else: annotations = None sset = SampleSet( key=key, template_id=key, subject_id=self.subject_id_from_filename(key), references=copy.deepcopy( self.probe_reference_keys[key] ), # deep copying to avoid bizarre issues with dask samples=[ DelayedSample( key=key, template_id=key, subject_id=self.subject_id_from_filename(key), load=partial(, image_path), annotations=annotations, ) ], ) self.probes_dict[self.protocol].append(sset) elif self.protocol[0] == "o": # add known probes # collect probe samples: probes = [ (image, key) for key in self.pairs["probe"] for image in self.pairs["probe"][key] ] if self.protocol in ("o1", "o3"): probes += [(image, "unknown") for image in self.pairs["o1"]] if self.protocol in ("o2", "o3"): probes += [(image, "unknown") for image in self.pairs["o2"]] for image, key in probes: # get image path image_path = os.path.join( self.original_directory, self.image_relative_path, self.make_path_from_filename(image) + self.extension, ) # load annotations if self.annotation_directory is not None: annotation_path = os.path.join( self.annotation_directory, self.make_path_from_filename(image) + self.annotation_extension, ) annotations = self._extract(annotation_path) else: annotations = None # one probe sample per image sset = SampleSet( key=image, template_id=image, subject_id=key, samples=[ DelayedSample( key=image, template_id=image, load=partial(, image_path), annotations=annotations, ) ], ) self.probes_dict[self.protocol].append(sset) return self.probes_dict[self.protocol]
[docs] def references(self, group="dev"): if self.protocol not in self.references_dict: self.references_dict[self.protocol] = [] if self.protocol == "view2": for key in self.pairs: image_path = os.path.join( self.original_directory, self.image_relative_path, key + self.extension, ) if self.annotation_directory is not None: annotation_path = os.path.join( self.annotation_directory, key + self.annotation_extension, ) annotations = self._extract(annotation_path) else: annotations = None sset = SampleSet( key=key, template_id=key, subject_id=self.subject_id_from_filename(key), samples=[ DelayedSample( key=key, template_id=key, load=partial(, image_path), subject_id=self.subject_id_from_filename(key), annotations=annotations, ) ], ) self.references_dict[self.protocol].append(sset) elif self.protocol[0] == "o": for key in self.pairs["enroll"]: data = {} for image in self.pairs["enroll"][key]: # get image path image_path = os.path.join( self.original_directory, self.image_relative_path, self.make_path_from_filename(image) + self.extension, ) # load annotations if self.annotation_directory is not None: annotation_path = os.path.join( self.annotation_directory, self.make_path_from_filename(image) + self.annotation_extension, ) annotations = self._extract(annotation_path) else: annotations = None data[image] = (image_path, annotations) # generate one sampleset from several (should be 3) images of the same person sset = SampleSet( key=key, template_id=key, subject_id=key, samples=[ DelayedSample( key=image, template_id=key, load=partial(, data[image][0]), annotations=data[image][1], ) for image in data ], ) self.references_dict[self.protocol].append(sset) return self.references_dict[self.protocol]
[docs] def groups(self): return ["dev"]
[docs] def all_samples(self, group="dev"): self._check_group(group) if self.protocol == "view2": return self.references() + self.probes() elif self.protocol[0] == "o": return self.background_model_samples() + self.probes()
def _check_protocol(self, protocol): assert ( protocol in self.protocols() ), "Invalid protocol `{}` not in {}".format(protocol, self.protocols()) def _check_group(self, group): assert group in self.groups(), "Invalid group `{}` not in {}".format( group, self.groups() )
[docs] @staticmethod def urls(): return [ "", "", ]