Source code for

from __future__ import print_function

import sys
import os
import math
from .. import grid
from .command_line import command_line

import bob.core
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("")

[docs]def indices(list_to_split, number_of_parallel_jobs, task_id=None): """This function returns the first and last index for the files for the current job ID. If no job id is set (e.g., because a sub-job is executed locally), it simply returns all indices.""" if number_of_parallel_jobs is None or number_of_parallel_jobs == 1: return None # test if the 'SEG_TASK_ID' environment is set sge_task_id = os.getenv('SGE_TASK_ID') if task_id is None else task_id if sge_task_id is None: # task id is not set, so this function is not called from a grid job # hence, we process the whole list return (0,len(list_to_split)) else: job_id = int(sge_task_id) - 1 # compute number of files to be executed number_of_objects_per_job = int(math.ceil(float(len(list_to_split) / float(number_of_parallel_jobs)))) start = job_id * number_of_objects_per_job end = min((job_id + 1) * number_of_objects_per_job, len(list_to_split)) return (start, end)
[docs]class GridSubmission (object): def __init__(self, args, command_line_parameters, executable = '', first_fake_job_id = 0): # find, where the executable is installed import bob.extension if command_line_parameters is None: command_line_parameters = sys.argv[1:] executables = bob.extension.find_executable(executable, prefixes = [os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'bin']) if not len(executables): raise IOError("Could not find the '%s' executable." % executable) executable = executables[0] assert os.path.isfile(executable) self.executable = executable if args.grid is not None: assert isinstance(args.grid, grid.Grid) self.env = args.env #Fetching the enviroment variable # find, where jman is installed jmans = bob.extension.find_executable('jman', prefixes = ['bin']) if not len(jmans): raise IOError("Could not find the 'jman' executable. Have you installed GridTK?") jman = jmans[0] assert os.path.isfile(jman) self.args = args self.command_line = [p for p in command_line_parameters if not p.startswith('--skip') and p not in ('-q', '--dry-run')] self.fake_job_id = first_fake_job_id import gridtk # setup logger bob.core.log.set_verbosity_level(bob.core.log.setup("gridtk"), min(args.verbose,2)) Manager = gridtk.local.JobManagerLocal if args.grid.is_local() else gridtk.sge.JobManagerSGE self.job_manager = Manager(database = args.gridtk_database_file, wrapper_script=jman) self.submitted_job_ids = []
[docs] def submit(self, command, number_of_parallel_jobs = 1, dependencies=[], name = None, **kwargs): """Submit a grid job with the given command, which is added to the default command line. If the name is not given, it will take the second parameter of the ``command`` as name. """ dependencies = dependencies + self.args.external_dependencies # create the command to be executed cmd = [self.executable] + self.command_line cmd += command.split() # if no job name is specified, create one if name is None: name = command.split()[1] # generate log directory log_dir = os.path.join(self.args.grid_log_directory, name) # generate job array if number_of_parallel_jobs > 1: array = (1,number_of_parallel_jobs,1) else: array = None # submit the job to the job manager if not self.args.dry_run: if(self.env is not None): kwargs['env'] = self.env job_id = self.job_manager.submit( command_line = cmd, name = name, array = array, dependencies = dependencies, log_dir = log_dir, stop_on_failure = self.args.stop_on_failure, **kwargs )"submitted: job '%s' with id '%d' and dependencies '%s'" % (name, job_id, dependencies)) self.submitted_job_ids.append(job_id) return job_id else: self.fake_job_id += 1 print ('would have submitted job', name, 'with id', self.fake_job_id, 'with parameters', kwargs, end='') if array: print (' using', array[1], 'parallel jobs', end='') print (' as:', command_line(cmd), '\nwith dependencies', dependencies) return self.fake_job_id
[docs] def execute_local(self): """Starts the local deamon and waits until it has finished.""""Starting jman deamon to run the jobs on the local machine.") failures = self.job_manager.run_scheduler(job_ids=self.submitted_job_ids, parallel_jobs=self.args.grid.number_of_parallel_processes, sleep_time=self.args.grid.scheduler_sleep_time, die_when_finished=True, nice=self.args.nice) if failures: logger.error("The jobs with the following IDS did not finish successfully: '%s'.", ', '.join([str(f) for f in failures])) = failures[:1], output=False) # delete the jobs that we have added if self.args.delete_jobs_finished_with_status is not None:"Deleting jman jobs that we have added") status = ('success', 'failure') if self.args.delete_jobs_finished_with_status == 'all' else (self.args.delete_jobs_finished_with_status,) self.job_manager.delete(job_ids=self.submitted_job_ids, status=status)