"""Execute biometric recognition algorithms on a certain biometric database.
import argparse
import os
import socket
import sys
import six
import bob.core
import bob.extension
logger = bob.core.log.setup("bob.bio.base")
from .. import utils
from . import FileSelector
[docs]def is_idiap():
return os.path.isdir("/idiap") and "USER" in os.environ
[docs]def command_line_config_group(parser, package_prefix='bob.bio.', exclude_resources_from=[]):
Generic configuration command lines that can be used by different toolchains, e.g., in bob.bio or bob.pad.
:param parser: Parser to which this argument group should be added
:param package_prefix: prefix of a package, in which these arguments should be use, e.g., in bob.bio. or bob.pad.
:param exclude_resources_from: resources that should be excluded from the commandline
:return: new config argument group added to the parser
config_group = parser.add_argument_group(
'\nParameters defining the experiment. Most of these parameters can be a registered '
'resource, a configuration file, or even a string that defines a newly created object')
config_group.add_argument('configuration_file', metavar='PATH', nargs='*',
help='A configuration file containing one or more of "database", "preprocessor", '
'"extractor", "algorithm" and/or "grid"')
config_group.add_argument('-H', '--create-configuration-file', metavar='PATH',
help='If selected, an empty configuration file will be created, and no further process is executed')
config_group.add_argument('-d', '--database', metavar='x', nargs='+',
help='Database and the protocol; registered databases are: %s' % utils.resource_keys(
'database', exclude_resources_from, package_prefix=package_prefix))
config_group.add_argument('-p', '--preprocessor', metavar='x', nargs='+',
help='Data preprocessing; registered preprocessors are: %s' % utils.resource_keys(
'preprocessor', exclude_resources_from, package_prefix=package_prefix))
config_group.add_argument('-e', '--extractor', metavar='x', nargs='+',
help='Feature extraction; registered feature extractors are: %s' % utils.resource_keys(
'extractor', exclude_resources_from, package_prefix=package_prefix))
config_group.add_argument('-a', '--algorithm', metavar='x', nargs='+',
help='Algorithm of the experiment; registered algorithms are: %s' % utils.resource_keys(
'algorithm', exclude_resources_from, package_prefix=package_prefix))
config_group.add_argument('-g', '--grid', metavar='x', nargs='+',
help='Configuration for the grid setup; if not specified, the commands are executed '
'sequentially on the local machine; registered grid resources are %s.' %
utils.resource_keys('grid', exclude_resources_from, package_prefix=package_prefix))
config_group.add_argument('-I', '--imports', metavar='LIB', nargs='+', default=[package_prefix + 'base'],
help='If one of your configuration files is an actual command, please specify the '
'lists of required libraries (imports) to execute this command')
config_group.add_argument('-W', '--preferred-package', metavar='LIB',
help='If resources with identical names are defined in several packages, prefer the '
'one from the given package')
config_group.add_argument('-s', '--sub-directory', metavar='DIR',
help='The sub-directory where the files of the current experiment should be stored. '
'Please specify a directory name with a name describing your experiment')
config_group.add_argument('--groups', metavar='GROUP', nargs='+', default=['dev'],
help="The groups (i.e., 'dev', 'eval') for which the models and scores should be "
"generated; by default, only the 'dev' group is evaluated")
config_group.add_argument('-P', '--protocol', metavar='PROTOCOL',
help='Overwrite the protocol that is stored in the database by the given one '
'(might not by applicable for all databases).')
config_group.add_argument('--package-prefix', default=package_prefix, help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
return config_group
[docs]def command_line_parser(description=__doc__, exclude_resources_from=[]):
"""command_line_parser(description=__doc__, exclude_resources_from=[]) -> parsers
Creates an :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` object that includes the minimum set of command
line options (which is not so few).
The ``description`` can be overwritten, but has a (small) default.
Included in the parser, several groups are defined.
Each group specifies a set of command line options.
For the configurations, registered resources are listed, which can be limited by the
``exclude_resources_from`` list of extensions.
It returns a dictionary, containing the parser object itself (in the ``'main'`` keyword),
and a list of command line groups.
description : str
The documentation of the script.
exclude_resources_from : [str]
A list of extension packages, for which resources should not be listed.
parsers : dict
A dictionary of parser groups, with the main parser under the 'main' key.
Feel free to add more options to any of the parser groups.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
############## options that are required to be specified #######################
config_group = command_line_config_group(parser, package_prefix='bob.bio.',
############## options to modify default directories or file names ####################
# directories differ between idiap and extern
temp = "/idiap/temp/%s/[database-name]/[sub-directory]" % os.environ["USER"] if is_idiap() else "temp"
results = "/idiap/user/%s/[database-name]/[sub-directory]" % os.environ["USER"] if is_idiap() else "results"
database_replacement = "%s/.bob_bio_databases.txt" % os.environ["HOME"]
dir_group = parser.add_argument_group('\nDirectories that can be changed according to your requirements')
dir_group.add_argument('-T', '--temp-directory', metavar='DIR',
help='The directory for temporary files; if --temp-directory is not specified, "%s" is used' % temp)
dir_group.add_argument('-R', '--result-directory', metavar='DIR',
help='The directory for resulting score files; if --result-directory is not specified, "%s" is used' % results)
file_group = parser.add_argument_group('\nName (maybe including a path relative to the --temp-directory, '
'if not specified otherwise) of files that will be generated. '
'Note that not all files will be used by all algorithms')
file_group.add_argument('--extractor-file', metavar='FILE', default='Extractor.hdf5',
help='Name of the file to write the feature extractor into.')
file_group.add_argument('--projector-file', metavar='FILE', default='Projector.hdf5',
help='Name of the file to write the feature projector into.')
file_group.add_argument('--enroller-file', metavar='FILE', default='Enroller.hdf5',
help='Name of the file to write the model enroller into.')
file_group.add_argument('-G', '--gridtk-database-file', metavar='FILE', default='submitted.sql3',
help='The database file in which the submitted jobs will be written; relative to the current directory '
'(only valid with the --grid option).')
file_group.add_argument('--experiment-info-file', metavar='FILE', default='Experiment.info',
help='The file where the configuration of all parts of the experiments are written; '
'relative to te --result-directory.')
file_group.add_argument('-D', '--database-directories-file', metavar='FILE', default=database_replacement,
help='An optional file, where database directories are stored (to avoid changing the database configurations)')
sub_dir_group = parser.add_argument_group('\nSubdirectories of certain parts of the tool chain. '
'You can specify directories in case you want to reuse parts of '
'the experiments (e.g. extracted features) in other experiments. '
'Please note that these directories are relative to the --temp-directory, '
'but you can also specify absolute paths')
sub_dir_group.add_argument('--preprocessed-directory', metavar='DIR', default='preprocessed',
help='Name of the directory of the preprocessed data.')
sub_dir_group.add_argument('--extracted-directory', metavar='DIR', default='extracted',
help='Name of the directory of the extracted features.')
sub_dir_group.add_argument('--projected-directory', metavar='DIR', default='projected',
help='Name of the directory where the projected data should be stored.')
sub_dir_group.add_argument('--model-directories', metavar='DIR', nargs='+', default=['models', 'tmodels'],
help='Name of the directory where the models (and T-Norm models) should be stored')
sub_dir_group.add_argument('--score-directories', metavar='DIR', nargs='+', default=['nonorm', 'ztnorm'],
help='Name of the directory (relative to --result-directory) where to write the results to')
sub_dir_group.add_argument('--zt-directories', metavar='DIR', nargs=5,
default=['zt_norm_A', 'zt_norm_B', 'zt_norm_C', 'zt_norm_D', 'zt_norm_D_sameValue'],
help='Name of the directories (of --temp-directory) where to write the ZT-norm values; '
'only used with --zt-norm')
sub_dir_group.add_argument('--grid-log-directory', metavar='DIR', default='gridtk_logs',
help='Name of the directory (relative to --temp-directory) where to log files are written; '
'only used with --grid')
flag_group = parser.add_argument_group('\nFlags that change the behavior of the experiment')
flag_group.add_argument('-q', '--dry-run', action='store_true',
help='Only report the commands that will be executed, but do not execute them.')
flag_group.add_argument('-F', '--force', action='store_true',
help='Force to erase former data if already exist')
flag_group.add_argument('-U', '--write-five-column-score-files', action='store_true',
help='Writes score files in five-column format (including the model id)')
flag_group.add_argument('-Z', '--write-compressed-score-files', action='store_true',
help='Writes score files which are compressed with tar.bz2.')
flag_group.add_argument('-S', '--stop-on-failure', action='store_true',
help='Try to recursively stop the dependent jobs from the SGE grid queue, when a job failed')
flag_group.add_argument('-X', '--external-dependencies', type=int, default=[], nargs='+',
help='The jobs submitted to the grid have dependencies on the given job ids.')
flag_group.add_argument('-B', '--timer', choices=('real', 'system', 'user'), nargs='*',
help='Measure and report the time required by the execution of the tool chain (only on local machine)')
flag_group.add_argument('-L', '--run-local-scheduler', action='store_true',
help='Starts the local scheduler after submitting the jobs to the local queue (by default, '
'local jobs must be started by hand, e.g., using ./bin/jman --local -vv run-scheduler -x)')
flag_group.add_argument('-N', '--nice', type=int, default=10,
help='Runs the local scheduler with the given nice value')
flag_group.add_argument('-D', '--delete-jobs-finished-with-status', choices=('all', 'failure', 'success'),
help='If selected, local scheduler jobs that finished with the given status are deleted from '
'the --gridtk-database-file; otherwise the jobs remain in the database')
flag_group.add_argument('-C', '--calibrate-scores', action='store_true',
help='Performs score calibration after the scores are computed.')
flag_group.add_argument('-z', '--zt-norm', action='store_true',
help='Enable the computation of ZT norms')
flag_group.add_argument('-A', '--allow-missing-files', action='store_true',
help="If given, missing files will not stop the processing; this is helpful if not all files of the "
"database can be processed; missing scores will be NaN.")
flag_group.add_argument('-r', '--parallel', type=int,
help='This flag is a shortcut for running the commands on the local machine with the given amount of '
'parallel processes; equivalent to --grid bob.bio.base.grid.Grid("local", '
'number_of_parallel_processes=X) --run-local-scheduler --stop-on-failure.')
flag_group.add_argument('-t', '--environment', dest='env', nargs='*', default=[],
help='Passes specific environment variables to the job.')
return {
'main': parser,
'config': config_group,
'dir': dir_group,
'sub-dir': sub_dir_group,
'file': file_group,
'flag': flag_group
[docs]def command_line_skip_group(parsers, command_line_parameters, skips):
# add execute-only flags to command line options
if skips is not None:
################# options for skipping parts of the toolchain #########################
skip_group = parsers['main'].add_argument_group(
'\nFlags that allow to skip certain parts of the experiments. This does only make sense when the '
'generated files are already there (e.g. when reusing parts of other experiments)')
for skip in skips:
skip_group.add_argument('--skip-%s' % skip, action='store_true', help='Skip the %s step.' % skip)
skip_group.add_argument('-o', '--execute-only', nargs='+', choices=skips,
help='If specified, executes only the given parts of the tool chain.')
# parse the arguments
parser = parsers['main']
args = parser.parse_args(command_line_parameters)
return args
[docs]def take_from_config_or_command_line(args, config, keyword, default, required=True, is_resource=True):
if getattr(args, keyword) is not None and getattr(args, keyword) != default:
if is_resource:
setattr(args, keyword, utils.load_resource(' '.join(getattr(args, keyword)), keyword,
imports=args.imports, package_prefix=args.package_prefix,
elif config is not None and hasattr(config, keyword):
val = getattr(config, keyword)
if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and is_resource:
val = utils.load_resource(val, keyword, imports=args.imports, package_prefix=args.package_prefix,
setattr(args, keyword, val)
elif default is not None:
if is_resource:
setattr(args, keyword, utils.load_resource(' '.join(default), keyword,
imports=args.imports, package_prefix=args.package_prefix,
elif required:
raise ValueError("Please specify '%s' either on command line (via '--%s') or in a configuration file" %
(keyword, keyword.replace("_","-")))
if config is not None and hasattr(config, keyword):
setattr(config, keyword, None)
[docs]def check_config_consumed(config):
if config is not None:
import inspect
for keyword in dir(config):
if not keyword.startswith('_') and not keyword.isupper():
attr = getattr(config, keyword)
if attr is not None and not inspect.isclass(attr) and not inspect.ismodule(attr):
logger.warn("The variable '%s' in a configuration file is not known or not supported by this application; use a '_' prefix to the variable name (e.g., '_%s') to suppress this warning", keyword, keyword)
[docs]def parse_config_file(parsers, args, args_dictionary, keywords, skips):
parser = parsers['main']
# check if the "create_configuration_file" function was requested
if args.create_configuration_file is not None:
# update list of options to be written into the config file
# this will exit at the end
create_configuration_file(parsers, args)
# first, read the configuration file and set everything from the config file to the args -- as
# long as not overwritten on command line
config = utils.read_config_file(args.configuration_file) if args.configuration_file else None
for keyword in ("database", "preprocessor", "extractor", "algorithm"):
take_from_config_or_command_line(args, config, keyword,
take_from_config_or_command_line(args, config, "grid",
parser.get_default('grid'), required=False)
take_from_config_or_command_line(args, config, "sub_directory",
parser.get_default("sub_directory"), is_resource=False)
take_from_config_or_command_line(args, config, "env",
parser.get_default("env"), is_resource=False)
skip_keywords = tuple(['skip_' + k.replace('-', '_') for k in skips])
for keyword in keywords + skip_keywords + ('execute_only',):
take_from_config_or_command_line(args, config, keyword,
parser.get_default(keyword), required=False, is_resource=False)
# check that all variables in the config file are consumed by the above options
# evaluate skips
if skips is not None and args.execute_only is not None:
for skip in skips:
if skip not in args.execute_only:
setattr(args, "skip_%s" % skip.replace("-", "_"), True)
return args
[docs]def initialize(parsers, command_line_parameters=None, skips=[]):
"""initialize(parsers, command_line_parameters = None, skips = []) -> args
Parses the command line and arranges the arguments accordingly.
Afterward, it loads the resources for the database, preprocessor, extractor, algorithm and grid (if specified),
and stores the results into the returned args.
This function also initializes the :py:class:`FileSelector` instance by arranging the directories and
files according to the command line parameters.
If the ``skips`` are given, an '--execute-only' parameter is added to the parser, according skips are selected.
parsers : dict
The dictionary of command line parsers, as returned from :py:func:`command_line_parser`.
Additional arguments might have been added.
command_line_parameters : [str] or None
The command line parameters that should be interpreted.
By default, the parameters specified by the user on command line are considered.
skips : [str]
A list of possible ``--skip-...`` options to be added and evaluated automatically.
args : namespace
A namespace of arguments as read from the command line.
.. note:: The database, preprocessor, extractor, algorithm and grid (if specified) are actual instances
of the according classes.
from bob.bio.base.database import BioDatabase
args = command_line_skip_group(parsers, command_line_parameters, skips)
args_dictionary = {'required': ['database', 'preprocessor', 'extractor', 'algorithm', 'sub_directory'],
'common': ['protocol', 'grid', 'parallel', 'verbose', 'groups', 'temp_directory',
'result_directory', 'zt_norm', 'allow_missing_files', 'dry_run', 'force'],
'optional': ['preprocessed_directory', 'extracted_directory', 'projected_directory',
'model_directories', 'extractor_file', 'projector_file', 'enroller_file']
keywords = (
args = parse_config_file(parsers, args, args_dictionary, keywords, skips)
args = set_extra_flags(args)
# protocol command line override
if args.protocol is not None:
args.database.protocol = args.protocol
protocol = 'None' if args.database.protocol is None else args.database.protocol
# result files
args.info_file = os.path.join(args.result_directory, protocol, args.experiment_info_file)
# sub-directories that depend on the database
extractor_sub_dir = protocol if args.database.training_depends_on_protocol and \
args.extractor.requires_training else '.'
projector_sub_dir = protocol if args.database.training_depends_on_protocol and \
args.algorithm.requires_projector_training else extractor_sub_dir
enroller_sub_dir = protocol if args.database.training_depends_on_protocol and \
args.algorithm.requires_enroller_training else projector_sub_dir
model_sub_dir = protocol if args.database.models_depend_on_protocol else enroller_sub_dir
# Database directories, which should be automatically replaced
if isinstance(args.database, BioDatabase):
# initialize the file selector
extractor_file=os.path.join(args.temp_directory, extractor_sub_dir, args.extractor_file),
projector_file=os.path.join(args.temp_directory, projector_sub_dir, args.projector_file),
enroller_file=os.path.join(args.temp_directory, enroller_sub_dir, args.enroller_file),
preprocessed_directory=os.path.join(args.temp_directory, args.preprocessed_directory),
extracted_directory=os.path.join(args.temp_directory, extractor_sub_dir, args.extracted_directory),
projected_directory=os.path.join(args.temp_directory, projector_sub_dir, args.projected_directory),
model_directories=[os.path.join(args.temp_directory, model_sub_dir, m) for m in args.model_directories],
score_directories=[os.path.join(args.result_directory, protocol, z) for z in args.score_directories],
zt_score_directories=[os.path.join(args.temp_directory, protocol, s) for s in args.zt_directories],
compressed_extension='.tar.bz2' if args.write_compressed_score_files else '',
zt_norm = args.zt_norm
return args
[docs]def groups(args):
"""groups(args) -> groups
Returns the groups, for which the files must be preprocessed, and features must be extracted and projected.
This function should be used in order to eliminate the training files (the ``'world'`` group),
when no training is required in this experiment.
args : namespace
The interpreted command line arguments as returned by the :py:func:`initialize` function.
groups : [str]
A list of groups, for which data needs to be treated.
groups = args.groups[:]
if args.extractor.requires_training or args.algorithm.requires_projector_training or \
return groups
[docs]def command_line(cmdline):
"""command_line(cmdline) -> str
Converts the given options to a string that can be executed in a terminal.
Parameters are enclosed into ``'...'`` quotes so that the command line can interpret them (e.g.,
if they contain spaces or special characters).
cmdline : [str]
A list of command line options to be converted into a string.
str : str
The command line string that can be copy-pasted into the terminal.
c = ""
for cmd in cmdline:
if cmd[0] in '/-':
c += "%s " % cmd
c += "'%s' " % cmd
return c
[docs]def write_info(args, command_line_parameters, executable):
"""Writes information about the current experimental setup into a file specified on command line.
args : namespace
The interpreted command line arguments as returned by the :py:func:`initialize` function.
command_line_parameters : [str] or ``None``
The command line parameters that have been interpreted.
If ``None``, the parameters specified by the user on command line are considered.
executable : str
The name of the executable (such as ``'./bin/verify.py'``) that is used to run the experiments.
if command_line_parameters is None:
command_line_parameters = sys.argv[1:]
# write configuration
f = open(args.info_file, 'w')
f.write("Command line:\n")
f.write(command_line([executable] + command_line_parameters) + "\n\n")
f.write("Host: %s\n" % socket.gethostname())
f.write("Database:\n%s\n\n" % args.database)
f.write("Preprocessor:\n%s\n\n" % args.preprocessor)
f.write("Extractor:\n%s\n\n" % args.extractor)
f.write("Algorithm:\n%s\n\n" % args.algorithm)
except IOError:
logger.error("Could not write the experimental setup into file '%s'", args.info_file)
global _required_list, _common_list, _optional_list
_required_list = set()
_common_list = set()
_optional_list = set()
[docs]def set_required_common_optional_arguments(required=[], common=[], optional=[]):
[docs]def create_configuration_file(parsers, args):
"""This function writes an empty configuration file with all possible options."""
logger.info("Writing configuration file %s", args.create_configuration_file)
import datetime
executables = bob.extension.find_executable(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
prefixes=[os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), 'bin'])
if not executables:
executables = [sys.argv[0]]
parser = parsers['main']
required = "# Configuration file automatically generated at %s for %s.\n\n" % (
datetime.date.today(), executables[0])
required += "##################################################\n" \
"############### REQUIRED ARGUMENTS ###############\n" \
required += "# These arguments need to be set.\n\n\n"
common = "##################################################\n" \
"################ COMMON ARGUMENTS ################\n" \
common += "# These arguments are commonly changed.\n\n\n"
optional = "##################################################\n" \
"############### OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS ###############\n" \
optional += "# Files and directories might commonly be specified with absolute paths or " \
"relative to the temp_directory.\n# Change these options, e.g., to reuse parts " \
"of other experiments.\n\n\n"
rare = "##################################################\n" \
"############ RARELY CHANGED ARGUMENTS ############\n" \
with open(args.create_configuration_file, 'w') as f:
for action in parser._actions[3:]:
if action.help == "==SUPPRESS==":
tmp = "# %s\n\n" % action.help
if action.nargs is None and action.type is None and action.default is not None:
tmp += "#%s = '%s'\n\n\n" % (action.dest, action.default)
tmp += "#%s = %s\n\n\n" % (action.dest, action.default)
if action.dest in _required_list:
required += tmp
elif action.dest in _common_list:
common += tmp
elif action.dest in _optional_list:
optional += tmp
rare += tmp
parser.exit(1, "Configuration file '%s' was written; exiting\n" % args.create_configuration_file)