Source code for

from bob.extension.processors import SequentialProcessor, ParallelProcessor
from .Preprocessor import Preprocessor

class SequentialPreprocessor(SequentialProcessor, Preprocessor):
    """A helper class which takes several preprocessors and applies them one by
    one sequentially.

    processors : list
        A list of preprocessors to apply.

    You can use this class to apply a chain of preprocessors on your data. For

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from functools import  partial
    >>> from import SequentialPreprocessor, CallablePreprocessor
    >>> raw_data = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
    >>> seq_preprocessor = SequentialPreprocessor(
    ...     [CallablePreprocessor(f, accepts_annotations=False) for f in
    ...      [np.cast['float64'], lambda x: x / 2, partial(np.mean, axis=1)]])
    >>> np.allclose(seq_preprocessor(raw_data), [ 1.,  1.])
    >>> np.all(seq_preprocessor(raw_data) ==
    ...        np.mean(np.cast['float64'](raw_data) / 2, axis=1))

    def __init__(self, processors, read_original_data=None, **kwargs):
        min_preprocessed_file_size = min(
            (p.min_preprocessed_file_size for p in processors))
        if read_original_data is None:
            read_original_data = processors[0].read_original_data
        super(SequentialPreprocessor, self).__init__(

    def __call__(self, data, annotations=None):
        return super(SequentialPreprocessor, self).__call__(
            data, annotations=annotations)

[docs] def read_data(self, data_file): return self.processors[-1].read_data(data_file)
[docs] def write_data(self, data, data_file): self.processors[-1].write_data(data, data_file)
class ParallelPreprocessor(ParallelProcessor, Preprocessor): """A helper class which takes several preprocessors and applies them on each processor separately and yields their outputs one by one. Attributes ---------- processors : list A list of preprocessors to apply. Examples -------- You can use this class to apply several preprocessors on your data and get all the results back. For example: >>> import numpy as np >>> from functools import partial >>> from import ParallelPreprocessor, CallablePreprocessor >>> raw_data = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]) >>> parallel_preprocessor = ParallelPreprocessor( ... [CallablePreprocessor(f, accepts_annotations=False) for f in ... [np.cast['float64'], lambda x: x / 2.0]]) >>> np.allclose(list(parallel_preprocessor(raw_data)),[[[ 1., 2., 3.],[ 1., 2., 3.]], [[ 0.5, 1. , 1.5],[ 0.5, 1. , 1.5]]]) True The data may be further processed using a :any:`SequentialPreprocessor`: >>> from import SequentialPreprocessor >>> total_preprocessor = SequentialPreprocessor( ... [parallel_preprocessor, CallablePreprocessor(list, False), ... CallablePreprocessor(partial(np.concatenate, axis=1), False)]) >>> np.allclose(total_preprocessor(raw_data),[[ 1. , 2. , 3. , 0.5, 1. , 1.5],[ 1. , 2. , 3. , 0.5, 1. , 1.5]]) True """ def __init__(self, processors, **kwargs): min_preprocessed_file_size = min(p.min_preprocessed_file_size for p in processors) super(ParallelPreprocessor, self).__init__( processors=processors, min_preprocessed_file_size=min_preprocessed_file_size, **kwargs) def __call__(self, data, annotations=None): return super(ParallelPreprocessor, self).__call__( data, annotations=annotations) class CallablePreprocessor(Preprocessor): """A simple preprocessor that takes a callable and applies that callable to the input. Attributes ---------- accepts_annotations : bool If False, annotations are not passed to the callable. callable : object Anything that is callable. It will be used as a preprocessor in read_data : object A callable object with the signature of ``data = read_data(data_file)``. If not provided, the default implementation handles numpy arrays. write_data : object A callable object with the signature of ``write_data(data, data_file)``. If not provided, the default implementation handles numpy arrays. Examples -------- You can take any function like ``numpy.cast['float32']`` to cast your data to float32 for example. This is useful when you want to stack several preprocessors using the :any:`SequentialPreprocessor` and :any:`ParallelPreprocessor` classes. """ def __init__(self, callable, accepts_annotations=True, write_data=None, read_data=None, **kwargs): super(CallablePreprocessor, self).__init__( callable=callable, accepts_annotations=accepts_annotations, **kwargs) self.callable = callable self.accepts_annotations = accepts_annotations if write_data is not None: self.write_data = write_data if read_data is not None: self.read_data = read_data def __call__(self, data, annotations=None): if self.accepts_annotations: return self.callable(data, annotations) else: return self.callable(data)