You may add more filtering criteria by clicking on the buttons. Search filters are applied using a logical-AND operator (the more, the stricter the criteria will be). In order to search using a logical-OR, add search terms to the text boxes separated by a single comma. E.g.: "eigenface,fisherface" (meaning search for eigenface OR fisherface). Click on the buttons to remove a given search criteria. Click on the "Update" button (or hit Enter on your keyboard) to update the result display. If you're logged in, you may also hit on "Save" to save your search filters and re-run this search again on the future.

Updated Name Databases/Protocols
May 8, 2015 siebenkopf/siebenkopf/FaceRec-WithOut-Training/2/XM2VTS-PhaseDiff xm2vts/1@darkened-lp1
May 8, 2015 siebenkopf/siebenkopf/FaceRec-WithOut-Training/2/XM2VTS-ScalarProduct xm2vts/1@darkened-lp1
May 8, 2015 siebenkopf/siebenkopf/FaceRec-WithOut-Training/2/XM2VTS-Canberra xm2vts/1@darkened-lp1
May 8, 2015 siebenkopf/siebenkopf/FaceRec-WithOut-Training/2/Banca_P-ScalarProduct banca/1@P
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