LogRegr-based fusion of ASV (ISV-based with 256 Gaussians) and PAD (spectrogram ratios and LogRegr)

Outputs for block fusion_score_analysis

EER_licit 0.0624943
EER_spoof 0.271497
FAR_dev_licit 0.0625034
FAR_dev_spoof 0.271514
FAR_test_licit 0.0559615
FAR_test_spoof 0.233934
FRR_dev_licit 0.0624852
FRR_dev_spoof 0.271479
FRR_test_licit 0.0830501
FRR_test_spoof 0.3048
HTER_licit 0.0695058
HTER_spoof 0.269367
threshold_licit 1.4839
threshold_spoof 4.11629
number_of_negatives_dev_licit 54925
number_of_negatives_dev_spoof 38580
number_of_negatives_test_licit 70620
number_of_negatives_test_spoof 43320
number_of_positives_dev_licit 4225
number_of_positives_dev_spoof 4225
number_of_positives_test_licit 4708
number_of_positives_test_spoof 4708
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