The AT&T Database of Faces

The AT&T Database of Faces, (formerly 'The ORL Database of Faces'), contains a set of face images taken between April 1992 and April 1994. The database was used in the context of a face recognition project carried out at Cambridge University <>.

There are ten different images of each of 40 distinct subjects. For some subjects, the images were taken at different times, varying the lighting, facial expressions (open / closed eyes, smiling / not smiling) and facial details (glasses / no glasses). All the images were taken against a dark homogeneous background with the subjects in an upright, frontal position (with tolerance for some side movement).

A preview image of the Database of Faces is shown below:

The files are in PGM format. The size of each image is 92x112 pixels, with 256 grey levels per pixel. There are 40 subjects, each subject having 10 different images.

Release Notes

version 2 (03/Sep/2015)

  • Fix idiap_eye_pos protocol that was returning the wrong eye positions and was generating rotated crops instead.
Search experiments


Output name Data format
image: system/array_2d_uint8/1 (Two-dimensional array of 8 unsigned integer values)
file_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
client_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_2d_uint8/1 (Two-dimensional array of 8 unsigned integer values)
file_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
client_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_2d_uint8/1 (Two-dimensional array of 8 unsigned integer values)
client_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
file_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
probe_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)
Search experiments


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
client_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
client_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
probe_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
file_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
client_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
file_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
client_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
template_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)


Output name Data format
image: system/array_3d_uint8/1
probe_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
file_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
client_id: system/uint64/1 (Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value)
eye_centers: system/eye_positions/1 (The position of the eyes of a person in an image)
template_ids: system/array_1d_uint64/1 (Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values)

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