ZMQ Architecture for task handling


The ZMQ architecture implemented in beat.core is based on the Majordomo Protocol as described in the ZeroMQ book.

There are however some subtle differences:

  • We have one client: the scheduler
  • We have unique workers
  • We currently don’t have “system commands”

Due to these differences and their implementation, the protocol has been renamed: “BEAT Computation Protocol” or BCP for short.

The system is based on these three components:

  • The client
  • The broker
  • The worker(s)

In BEAT, the client will be the scheduler which will send the tasks to the broker which will be responsible for forwarding them to the appropriate worker requested by the scheduler.

Once the task has been completed, the worker will send back a message to the scheduler through the broker.

The whole messaging system is asynchronous except when starting an actual task. The worker will send back a confirmation as soon as the runner was properly started.

Why this design ?

The original design was a bit simpler:

  • One scheduler
  • Many workers

The scheduler was responsible for both task scheduling and worker communication handling. One issue that arose from time to time was that with very low volume of network activity, the connection between one or more workers and the scheduler would get cut and nobody would notice. The result was that new tasks would be sent but silently dropped and thus experiment would stay in a running state while not doing anything. And if canceled, the state would stay in canceling as again the command would be silently dropped.

Thus the rational behind choosing this new design was to avoid these connection loss and therefore platform paralysis.

Now, the broker and the workers implement a bidirectional heartbeat. This has a twofold benefit:

  • The heartbeat itself should generate enough network activity to avoid the connection to be cut.
  • If a worker goes missing, it will be detected by the broker that will act as configured to.

BCP Schema

The figure below shows how the system is working.

                             |            |
                             |   client   |
                             |            |
                             |            |
                             |   broker   |
                             |            |
                               |  |  |  |
                               |  |  |  |
       /----------------------/   |  |  \-----------------------\
       |                          |  |                          |
       |                  /-------/  \-------\                  |
       |                  |                  |                  |
---------------    ---------------    ---------------    ---------------
|             |    |             |    |             |    |             |
|   worker1   |    |   worker2   |    |   worker3   |    |   worker4   |
|             |    |             |    |             |    |             |
---------------    ---------------    ---------------    ---------------